Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 11
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


In this chapter Kaikeyi asks King Dasaratha to fulfill the boons given to her in earlier times.

Verse Locator

तं मन्मथशरैर्विद्धं कामवेगवशानुगम् |
उवाच पृथिवीपालं कैकेयी दारुणं वचः || २-११-१

1. kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; uvacha = spoke ; daaruNam = harsh; vachaH = words; tam pR^ithiviipaalam = to that king; viddham = struck; manmadhasharaH = by cupid's arrows; kaamavega vashaanugan = yielded to hasty lust.

Kaikeyi spoke harsh words to that king, who was struck by cupid's arrows and yielded to hasty lust.

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नास्मि विप्रकृता देव केन चिन्नावमानिता |
अभिप्रायस्तु मे कश्चित्तमिच्छामि त्वया कृतम् || २-११-२

2. deva = Oh; King!; naasmi = I am not; viprakR^itaa = insulted; kenachit = by anybody; na avamaanitaa = nor despired; tu = but; me = my; kashchit = certain; abhipraayaH = wish ; ichchhaami = I desire; tam = it; kR^itam = to be accomplished; tvayaa = by you.

"Oh, King! no body has insulted me, nor despised me. But I have a certain, desire that needs to be fulfilled by you."

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प्रतिज्ञां प्रतिजानीष्व यदि त्वं कर्तु मिच्छसि |
अथ तद्व्याहरिष्यामि यदभिप्रार्थितं मया || २-११-३

3. tvam ichchhasiyadi = If you wish; kartum = to do; pratijJNaam pratijaaniishhva = you promise; atha = Thereafter; vyaaharishhyaami = I shall tell; at = that; yat = which; abhipraarthitam = desired.

"If you wish to fulfil my desire, you promise to fulfil it. After your promise I shall inform you that which is desired by me."

Verse Locator

तामुवाच महातेजाः कैकेयीमीषदुत्स्मैतः |
कामी हस्तेन संगृह्य मूर्धजेषु शुचिस्मिताम् || २-११-४

4. mahaatejaH = The most majestic; kaamii = lustful Dasaratha; utsmitaH = out smiled; iishaat = a little; samgR^ihya = seized; hastena = with hand; muuritaneshhu = into hair; taam kaikeyiim = that Kaikeyi; shuchismitaam = having white smile; uvaacha = and spoke

The most majestic and lustful Dasaratha smiled a little and caressingly kept his hand into her hair and spoke these words to Kaikeyi who was having white smile in her face.

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अवलिप्ते न जानासि त्वत्तः प्रियतरो मम |
मनुजो मनुजव्याघ्राद्रामादन्यो न विद्यते || २-११-५

5. avalipte = Oh; proud woman!; najaanaasi = don't you know; avidyate anyaH = there is no other; manujaH = man; priyataraH = more dearer; mama = to me; tvattaH = than you; raamaat = except Rama; manuja vyaagraat = the best among men.

"Oh, proud woman! Don't you know that there is nobody on this earth more dearer to me than you except Rama, the best among men."

Verse Locator

तेनाजय्येन मुख्येन राघवेण महात्मना |
शपे ते जीवनार्हेण ब्रूहि यन्मनसेच्छसि || २-११-६

6. tena raaghaveNa = By that Rama; ajayyena = who cannot be defeated; mukhyena = who is important person|; jeevanaarheNa = who is worthy of being lived upon; mahaatmanaa = who is highsouled; shape = I take oath; bruuhi = Tell; yat = what; ichhasi = is desired.

"Rama cannot be defeated by enemies. He is a very important person in our family. He is the supporter of life and a high souled man. I take oath by him. Tell me what is desired by you".

Verse Locator

यं मुहूर्तमपश्यंस्तु न जीवेयमहं ध्रुवम् |
तेन रामेण कैकेयि शपे ते वचनक्रियाम् || २-११-७

7. kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi!; aham = I; na jiiveyam = cannot live; dhR^ivam = certainly; muhuurtam = a moment; apashyan = with out seeing; yam = Rama; tena raameNa = by that Rama; shape = I take oath; te vachana kriyaam = to fulfill your word.

"Oh, Kaikeyi ! I can't live even for a moment without seeing Rama. This is certain. By that Rama, I am taking my oath and promising to fulfill your word".

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आत्मना वात्मजैश्चान्यैर्वृणे यं मनुजर्षभम् |
तेन रामेण कैकेयि शपे ते वचनक्रियाम् || २-११-८

8. kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi ! vR^iNe = I desire; yam = which; manujarshhabham = best of men; anyaiH = by other; aatmajaishcha = sons; tena raameNa = by that Rama ; manasa = by your mind

"I desire the well being of Rama, the best of men, even at the cost of my life or the lives of my other sons. I take oath by that Rama and tell you that I shall fulfil your word."

Verse Locator

भद्रे हृदयमप्येतदन्नुमृश्योद्धरस्व मे |
एतत्समीक्ष्य कैकेयि ब्रूहि यत्साधु मन्यसे || २-११-९

9. bhadre = Oh; auspicious woman! uddharasva = Raise; tat = this; me = my; hR^idayam = heart; anum R^ishya = by touching; kaikeyi = Oh;Kaikeyi! samiikshhya = observe; etat = this; bruuhi = tell; yat = which; manyase = you think; saadhu = as good.

"Oh, auspicious lady! My heart is sinking. You raise it by your touch. Oh, Kaikeyi! you observe all this and tell me that which you think as good."

Verse Locator

बलमात्मनि जानन्ती न मां शङ्कितुमर्हसि |
करिष्यामि तव प्रीतिं सुकृतेनापि ते शपे || २-११-१०

10. na arhasi shaNk^itum = to doubt; maam = me; jaanantii = you know; balam = your strength; aatmaani = over me; shape = I take oath; te = to you; sukR^itenaapi = by auspiciousness also; karishhye = I shall do; tava = your; priitim = desire.

"You need not doubt me as you know your authority over me. I am taking oath on my auspiciousness. I shall do whatever is desired by you."

Verse Locator

सा तदर्थमना देवी तमभिप्रायमागतम् |
निर्माध्यस्थ्याच्च हर्षाच्च बभाषे दुर्वचं वचः || २-११-११

11. devi = Kaikeyi; tadarthamanaaH = keeping in mind her wish for coronation of Bharata and for Rama's exile; avedayanthi = informing; tam abhipraayam = that wish; aagatam = coming to her mind; babhaashhe = spoke; durvacham = unspeakable; vachaH = words; nirmaadhyasthuaat = with bias; harshhaatcha = and with delight.

That Kaikeyi, who has utmost desire for coronation of Bharata and for sending Rama to exile, revealing that wish from her mind, uttered unspeakable wordswith bias and delight.

Verse Locator

तेन वाक्येन संहृष्टा तमभिप्रायमागतम् |
व्याजहार महाघोरमभ्यागतमिवान्तकम् || २-११-१२

12. sahR^ishhTaa = Kaikeyi having delighted; tena vaakyena = by those words; vyaajahaara = spoke; tam abhipraayam = that wish; aagatam = coming to her mind; mahaaghoram = which is very terrific; antakamiva = like death; abhyaagatam = coming suddenly.

Kaikeyi, having been delighted with Dasaratha's words, conveyed him of the very horrible wish in her mind as conveying the news of a suddenly befallen death.

Verse Locator

यथा क्रमेण शपसि वरं मम ददासि च |
तच्छृण्वन्तु त्रयस्त्रींशद्देवाः साग्निपुरोगमाः || २-११-१३

13. saagnipurogamaH = with the god of Fire in the forefront; sriNvantu trayastrimshaddevaaH = thirty three celestials hear; tat = that; dadaasicha = offering of; varam = boon; mama = to me; thaa = as; krameNa = with series of; sapasi = your oaths.

"Let thirty three celestials with the god of Fire in the forefront hear your words giving boons to me, preceded by series of your oaths"

Verse Locator

चन्द्रादित्यौ नभशैव ग्रहा रात्र्यहनी दिशः |
जगच्च पृथिवी चेयं सगन्धर्वा सराक्षसा || २-११-१४
निशाचराणि भूतानि गृहेषु गृहदेवताः |
यानि चान्यानि भूतानि जानीयुर्भाषितं तव || २-११-१५

14;15. jaaniiyuH tava bhaashitam = Let your words be known to; chandraadityau = moon and sun; nabhaH evacha = sky; grahaaH = planets; raatrayahaani = nights and days; dishaH = directions; jagachcha = universe ; sagandharvaa = together with celestial musicians; saraakshhasaa = with demons; iyam = this; pRi^thivii = earth; bhuutaani = spirits; nishaacharaaNi = wandering in nights; gR^ihadevataaH = house gods; gR^iheshhu = in houses; yaani = which; anyaani = other; bhuutaani = spirits.

"Let your words be heard by sun, moon, sky, planets, day, night, the directions, universe, earth, celestial musicians, demons, spirits wandering in nights , house-gods and other spirits."

Verse Locator

सत्य्सन्धो महातेजाधर्मज्ञः सुसमाहितः |
वरं मम ददात्येष तन्मे शृण्वन्तु देवताअः || २-११-१६

16. eshhaH = This king Dasaratha; satyasandhaH = who has true promise; mahaatejaH = who has great valour; dharmagyaH = who knows righteousness; susamaahitaH = who has good equanimity ; dadaati = is giving; varam = boon; mama = to me; sR^iNvantu devataaH = let celestials hear; tat = it; me = for my sake.

"King Dasaratha, who has true promise, who has great valour, who knows righteousness and who has good equanimity of mind, is giving boon to me. Let the celestials hear it for my sake."

Verse Locator

इति देवी महेष्वासं परिगृह्यभिशस्य च |
ततः परमुवाचेदं वरदं काममोहितम् || २-११-१७

17. devii = Kaikeyi; parigR^ihya = overpowered; maheshhvaasam = Dasaratha; who has great bow ; abhishasyacha = promised too much and; tataHaparam = thereafter; uvachaa = spoke; idam = these words; shatruH = the enemy; aachya avayat = removed; tava jiivitam antaraa = almost everything except your life.

Kaikeyi made Dasaratha to hear these words, praised him too much and thereafter spoke these words to him who was ready to give boons as he was infatuated by lust.

Verse Locator

स्मर राज्न् पुरा वृत्तं तस्मिन् दैवासुरे रणे |
तत्र चाच्यावयच्छत्रुस्तव जीवतमन्तरा || २-११-१८

18. raajan = Oh;King! smara = remember; vR^itam = the occasion of; tasmin = that; daivaasure = between celestials and demons; puraa = in the past; tatra = in the battle;varan = boons; me = to my self.

"Oh, King! Remember what happened in the battle between celestials and demons in the olden times. There the enemy destroyed almost every thing except your life".

Verse Locator

तत्र चापि मया देव यत्त्वं समभिरक्षितः |
जाग्रत्या यतमानायास्ततो मे प्राददा वरौ || २-११-१९

19. deva = Oh; King! tatracha = There; yat = by which reason; tvam = you; samabhirakshitaH = were saved; mayaa = by me; tataH = by that reason praadadaaH = you give; kaama mohitam = infatuated by lust; varadam = who was ready to confer boons.

"Oh, King! There, I saved you. Hence you gave boon to myself who was attentive in trying to save you."

Verse Locator

तौ तु दत्तौ वरौ देव निक्षेपौ मृगयाम्यहम् |
तथैव पृथिवीपाल सकाशे सत्यसंगर || २-११-२०

20. deva = Oh;King! PR^ithiviipaala = The protector of the Earth; satyasangara = the one who has true promise; aham = I; mR^igayaami = am hunting; tou varautu = for those boons; dattau = given; nikshhepau = kept for safe custody; tava sakaashe eva = at your vicinity only.

"Oh, King! The protection of the Earth, the one who has true promise! I am hunting for those boons, which were given by you and kept with you for safe custody."

Verse Locator

तत्प्रतिश्रुत्य धर्मेण न चेद्दास्यसि मे वरम् |
अद्यैव हि प्रहास्यामि जीवितं त्वद्विमानिता || २-११-२१

21. tat = for that reason; pratishrutya = after promising; me = my; varam = boon; na daashyasi = if you do not give it; dharmeNa = as per right; tvadvimaanitaa = I being despised by you; prahaashyaami hi = shall abandon; jiivitam = life; adyaiva = now itself.

"You have to give that boon, as per right, to me as promised by you. If you despise me by not giving it, I should abandon my life now itself".

Verse Locator

वाङ्मात्रेण तदा राजा कैकेय्या स्ववशे कृतः |
प्रच्स्कन्द विनाशाय पाशं वृग इवात्मनः || २-११-२२

22. tadaa = Then; raajaH = Dasaratha; kR^itaH = who was made; svavashe = into her submission; vaaN^maatreNa = in full measure of words; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; prachaskanda = fell into; paasham = trap; mR^igaHiva = as a deer; aatmanaH = for his self; vinaashaaya = destruction.

Dasaratha, after having thus yielded in full measure to kaikeyi's words, fell into her trap as a deer, for his self destruction.

Verse Locator

ततः परमुवाचेदं वरदं काममोहितम् |
वरौ यौ मे त्वया देव तदा दत्तौ महीपते || २-११-२३
तौ तावदहंद्यैव वक्ष्यामि शृणु मे वचः |

23. tataHparam = There afterwards; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these words; varadam = to Dasaratha who is ready to give boons; kaama mohitam = and who was infatuated by lust; deva = Oh; King! mahiipate = the lord of the Earth! adyaivataavat = Now only; vakshhyaami = Iam asking; tau = those; varau = boons; yau = which were; datton = given; tvayaa = by you; me = to me; tadaa = then; shR^iNu = Listen to; me vachaH = my words.

There-afterwards, Kaikeyi spoke these words to Dasaratha who was ready to give boons and who was infatuated by lust: "Oh, King! the lord of Earth, now only I am asking for those boons which were given by you then. Listen to my words".

Verse Locator

अभिषेकसमारम्भओ राघवस्योपकल्पितः || २-११-२४
अनेनैवाभिषे केण भरतो मेऽभिषिच्यताम् |

24. upakalpitaH = Arrangements have been made; raaghavasya abhishheka samaarambhaH = to undertake Rama's coronation; me bharataH abhi- shhichyataam = Let my Bharata coronated; anena = in this; abhishhekeNaiva = anointment ceremony itself.

"All arrangements have been made to undertake Rama's coronation. Let my Bharata instead be coronated on this occasion itself".

Verse Locator

यो द्वितीयो वरो देव दत्तः प्रीतेन मे त्वया || २-११-२५
तदा दैवासुरे युद्धे तस्य कालोऽय मागतः |

25. tasya = for it; ayam = this; kaalaH = time; aagataH = has come; yaH = for which; dvitiiya varaH = second boon; dattaH = is given; me = to me; priitenaa = affectionately; tvayaa = by you; taada = then; daivaasurayuddhe = in the battle between celestials and demons.

"Now, the time has arrived for the second boon given by you affectionately then in the battle between celestials and demons."

Verse Locator

नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि दण्डकारण्यमाश्रितः || २-११-२६
चीराजिनजटाधारी रामो भवतु तापसः |

26. raamaH = Rama; aashritaH = has to take refuge; daNdakaaranyam = in the forest of Dandaka; nava paJNcha cha varshhaNi = for fourteen years; bhavatu taapasaH = let him become ascetic; chiiraajiina jataadhaarii = wearing rags; deer skin and matted hair.

"Rama has to take refuge in the forest of Dandaka for fourteen years and let him become an ascetic wearing rags, deer skin and matted hair".

Verse Locator

भरतो भजतामद्य यौवराज्यमकण्टकम् || २-११-२७
एष मे परमः कामो दत्तमेव वरं वृणे |
अद्यचैव हि पश्येयं प्रयान्तं राघवं वन्म् || २-११-२८

27;28. adya = Now; bharataH = Bharata bhajataam = should get; yauvaraajyam = rights of succession to kingdom; ; akaNTakam = which is free of enemies.; eshhaH = This is; me = my ; paramaH = greatest; kaamaH = desire; vR^iNe = I am asking; dattam parameva = for boon given earlier; adyamaiva = Now itself; pashyeyam = let me see; raaghavam = Rama; prayaantam = going; vanam = to forest .

"Now itself, Bharata has to get rights of succession to kingdom, which is free of enemies. This is my greatest desire. Now I am asking for the boon given by you in earlier. "

Verse Locator

स राजराजो भव स्त्यसंगरः |
कुलं च शीलं च हि रक्ष जन्म च |
परत्र वासे हि वद्न्त्यनुत्तमं |
तपोधनाः सत्यवचो हितं नृणाम् || २-११-२९

29. saH = you as that; raajaraajaH = king of kings; bhava = become; satya sangaraH = true to your promise; rakshhahi = protect; kulamcha = caste; shiilamcha = character; janmacha = and birth; tapodhanaaH = Ascetics; vadantihi = even told that; nR^ipaaNaam = for human beings; satyavachaH = speaking only truth; anuttamam hitam = is greatly benificial; vaase = while dwelling; paratra = in another world.

"Oh King of the Kings, Dasaratha ! Be true to your promise and protect your caste, character and birth. Are not the ascetics tell that for human beings to get happiness in another world, they have to speak only the truth."

- - -

|| इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये अयोध्य काण्डे ११थ् सर्गः ||

Thus completes eleventh sarga of Ayodhya Kanda in Srimad Ramayana .

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 11

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