Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 9
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


This chapter describes Manthara's success in turning Kaikeyi's mind away from good towards evil.

Verse Locator

evamuktaa tu kaikeyii kopena jvalitaananaa |
diirghamushhTam viniHshvasya mantharaamidam abraviit || 9-2-1

1. uktaa = having been spoken; evam = thus; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; jvalita aananaa = having a burning face; kopena = with anger; viniHshvasya = sighed; diirgham = lengthily; ushhNam = heatedly; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; mantharaam = to Manthara.

After hearing those words, Kaikeyi with her face burning with anger, had a long and hot sigh and spoke to Manthara as follows:

Verse Locator

adya raamamitaH kshipraM vanaM prasthaapayaamyaham |
yauvaraajye cha bharataM kshipramevaabhishhechaye || 9-2-2

2. adya = now; aham = I; prasthaapayaami raamam = shall make Rama to travel; kshhipram = quickly; vanam = to forest; itaH = from here; abhishhechayaami bharatam cha = I shall also get Bharata anointed; youvaraajye = for princely kingdom; kshhiprameva = even quickly.

"Now itself, I shall send Rama quickly to forest. I shall get Bharata anointed for princely kingdom immediately."

Verse Locator

idaM tvidaaniiM saMpashya kenopaayena manthare |
bharataH praapnuyaadraajyaM na tu raamaH kathaMchana|| 9-2-3

3. manthara = O Manthara! kena upaayena = what is the means by which; bharataH = Bharata; praapuuyaat = will get; raajyam = kingdom; raamaH tu = but Rama; na = (will) not (get); kathamechana = by any method; sampasya = see; idam = this; idaaniim = now.

"O Manthara! What is the means by which Bharata will get the kingdom but Rama will not get it by any method. Think about it now."

Verse Locator

evamuktaa tayaa devyaa mantharaa paapadarshinii |
raamaarthamupahiMsantii kaikeyiimidamabraviit || 9-2-4

4. uktaa = after being spoken; evam = thus; devyaa = by the queen Kaikeyi; mantharaa = Manthara; paapadarshinii = the sinful thinker; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyi; upahimsantii = destroying; ramaartham = Rama's benefit.

After hearing her words, the sinful thinking Manthara, spoke thus to Kaikeyi to destroy Rama's benefit of kingdom.

Verse Locator

hantedaaniiM pravakshyaami kaikeyi shruuyataaM cha me |
yathaa te bharato raajyaM putraH praapsyati kevalam || 9-2-5

5. kaikeyi = O Kaikeyi! hanta = (I am) very glad! pravakshhyaami = I will tell; yathaa = how; te putraH = your son; bharataH = Bharata; kevalam = only; praapsyati = will get; raajyam = kingdom; me shruuyataamcha = let I be listened.

"O Kaikeyi! I am very glad. I shall tell you the means by which your son Bharata only will get the kingdom. Listen to it!"

Verse Locator

kiM na smarasi kaikeyi smarantii vaa niguuhase |
yaduchyamaanamaatmaarthaM mattastvaM shrotumichchhasi || 9-2-6

6. kaikeyi = O Kaikeyi! tvam yat ichchhati = you are desiring; shrotam = to hear; mattaH = from me; uchyamaanam = the thing to be stated; aatmaanam = for your benefit; na smarasi kim = are you not remebering it; smarantii = though remembering; niguuhase vaa = (are you) hiding?

"Oh, Kaikeyi! You desire to hear from me the means for your benefit. Have you forgotten about it or are you hiding, even if you have remembered it?"

Verse Locator

mayochyamaanaM yadi te shrotuM chchhndo vilaasini |
shruuyataamabhidhaasyaami shrutvaa chaitad vidhiiyataam || 9-2-7

7. vilaasini = o lady full of charms! chhandaH yadi = If it is desired; te = by you; shrotum = to hear; uchyamaanam = telling mayaa = by me; abhidhaasyaami = I shall tell you; shruuyataam = let it be heard; shrutvaa = after hearing; vidhiiyataam etad cha = let it be acted upon also.

"O the lady of charms, Kaikeyi! If you desire to hear this from my mouth, I shall tell you. Listen to me. Let it be acted upon after listening to me."

Verse Locator

shrutvaivaM vachanaM tasyaa mantharaayaastu kaikayi |
kiMchidutthaaya shayanaatsvaastiirNaadidamabraviit || 9-2-8

8. shruttvaiva = after hearing; evam = these; vachanam = words; mantharaayaaH = of Manthara; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; utthaaya = rose; kiJNchit = a little; svaastiirNaat shayanaat = from well laid bed; abraviit = and spoke; idam = these words.

After hearing Manthara's words, Kaikeyi slightly rose from the well-laid bed and spoke the following :

Verse Locator

kathaya tvaM mamopaayaM kenopaayena manthare |
bharataH praapnuyaadrajyaM na tu raamaH kathaMchana || 9-2-9

9. manthare = o Manthara! tvam = you; kathaya = tell; mama = me; kena upaayena = by what means; bharataH = Bharata; praapnuyaat = will get; raajyam = kingdom; raamaH tu = but Rama; na = (will) not (get); kathamchana = by any count; upaayam = that trick.

"O Manthara! Tell me the trick by which Bharata will get the kingdom and Rama will not get it under any circumstances."

Verse Locator

evamuktaa tayaa devyaa mantharaa paapadarshinii |
raamaarthamupahiMsantii kubjaa vachanamabraviit || 9-2-10

10. uktaa = after being spoken; evam = thus; tayaa devyaa = by that queen Kaikeyi; kubjaa = the hunch backed; mantharaa = Manthara; paapadarshinii = the sinful thinker; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words; upahimsantiim = to destroy; raamaartham = Rama's benefit.

After hearing Kaikeyi's words, the sinful thinking, hunch backed Manthara, spoke thus, with an intention to destroy Rama's benefit of kingdom.

Verse Locator

tava daivaasure yuddhe saharaajarshhibhiH patiH |
agachchhattvaamupaadaaya devaraajasya saahyakR^it || 9-2-11
dishamaasthaaya vai devi dakshiNaaM daNDakaan prati |
vaijayantamiti kyaataM puraM yatra timidhvajaH || 9-2-12

11;12. devi = O queen! yuddhe = in a battle; devaasure = between celestials and demons tava patiH = your husband; upaadaaya = taking; tvaam = you; raajarshhibhiH saha = along with holy kings; agachchhat = went; saahyakR^iti = to help; devaraajasya = king Devendra; puram = to the city; khyaatam = famously; vaijayantamiti = called Vaijayanta; yatra = where; timidhvajaH = Timidhvaja (resided); aasthaaya = getting into; dakshhiNaam disham = southern direction; daNdakaan prati = towards forest of Dandaka.

"O Queen! Once upon a time, when there was a battle between celestials and demons, your husband Dasaratha went along with you and other holy kings to help Indra in battle, to a famous city called Vaijayata in which the demon Timidhvaja lived in a southern direction in the forest of Dandaka."

Verse Locator

sa shambara iti khyaataH shatamaayo mahaasuraH |
dadau shakrasya saMgraamaM devasaN^ighairanirjitaH || 9-2-13

13. saH mahaasuraH = That great demon; khyaataH = famous; shambaraH = as shambara; shatamaayaH = who had several magic effects; anarjitaH = not being defeated; devasanghaiH = by celestrial groups; dadau = gave; sangraamam = battle; shakrasya = to Devendra.

"That great demon famously called shambara, who had several magic effects, defeated all the celestials and conferred battle upon Devendra."

Verse Locator

tasmin mahati saMgraame purushhaan kshatavikshataan |
raatrau prasuptaan ghnanti sma tarasaasaadya raakshasaaH || 9-2-14

14. tasmin mahati sangraame = in that great battle; raakshhasaaH = demons; aasaadya = approached; tarasaa = by force; ghnantisma = and killed; purushaan = men; kshhatavikshhataan = who were beaten by arrows; prasuptaan = and those sleeping; raatrau = in the night.

"In that great battle, demons approached and forcefully killed men who were injured by arrows and also those who were sleeping at night."

Comment : It is not a virtuous practice according to scriptures, to kill injured people and defenceless people sleeping at night. Demons do not follow such scriptures.

Verse Locator

tatraakaronmahaayuddhaM raajaa dasharatha stadaa |
asuraishcha mahaabaahuH shastraishcha shakaliikR^itaH || 9-2-15

15. tadaa = then; dasharathaH raajaa = king Dasaratha; akarot = created; mahaayuddham = great battle; tatra = there; mahaabaahuH = the long armed Dasaratha; shakaliiR^itaH cha = was made into pieces; shastraiaH = with weapons; asuraiH cha = by demons.

"Then, king Dasaratha fought a great battle there. With their weapons, demons made into pieces the long armed Dasaratha."

Verse Locator

apavaahya tvayaa devi saMgraamaannashhTachetanaH |
tatrapi vikshataH shasraiH patiste rakshitastvayaa || 9-2-16

16. devi = O queen! nashhTa chetanaH = Dasaratha; who became unconscious; rakshhitaH = was saved; tvayaa = by you; apavaahya = by taking him away; sangraamaat = from battle field; tatraapi = there also; te patiH = your husband; vikshhataH = who was beaten; shastraiH = by weapons; rakshhitaH = was saved; tvayaa = by you.

"O Queen! You saved the life of your unconscious husband by taking him away from the battle field. There also, you again saved him, when beaten by demons with their weapons."

Verse Locator

tushhTena tena dattau te dvau varau shubhadarshane |
satvayoktaH patirdevi yadechchheyaM tadaa varau || 9-2-17
gR^ihNiiyaamiti tattana tadhetyuktaM mahaatmanaa |

17. shubhadarshane = O Kaikeyi with auspicious appearance! tushhTena = after getting delighted; tena = by him; dattau = were given; te = to you; dvou = two; varau = boons; saH patiH = that husband; uktaH = was told; tvayaa = by you; gR^ihNiiyaam iti = that I shall take; varau = boons; yadaa tadaa = as and when; ichchheyam = desired by me; uktam = said; tena mahaatmanaa = by that great souled Dasaratha; tathaa iti = let it be; tat = that.

"O Kaikeyi with auspicious appearance! Getting delighted, he gave two boons to you. Then, you said, " I shall ask you whenever I require them". He then agreed to it."

Verse Locator

anabhijJNaa hyahaM devi tvayaiva kathitaa puraa || 9-2-18
kathaishhaa tava tu snehaanmanasaa dhaaryate mayaa |
raamaabhishhekasaMbhaaraannigR^ihya vinivartaya || 9-2-19

18;19. devi = o queen! aham = I; anabhiNJyaahi = do not know anything about this matter; puraa = previously; eshhaa kathaa = this story; kathitaa = was told; tvayaiva = by you only; dhaaryate = being kept; mayaa = by me; manasaa = in mind; snehaat tu = due to friendship; vinivartaya = stop; raamaabhishheka sambhaaraan = arragnments of Rama's anointment; nigR^ihya = by force.

"O Queen! I do not know what had happened there. You yourself told this story previously to me. I am keeping this in my mind because of my friendship with you. Hence, you have to stop, by force, the arrangements being made for Rama's coronation."

Verse Locator

tau varau yaacha bhartaaraM bharatasyaabhishhechanam |
pravraajanaM tu raamasya tvaM varshhaaNi chaturdasha || 9-2-20

20. tvam = you; yaacha = ask; bhartaaram = your husband; tau = those (two); varau = boons; bharatasya = Bharata's abhishhechanam = anointment (and); raamasya = Rama's; pravraajanam = sending to exile; chaturdasha varshhaaNi = for fourteen years.

"You ask your husband as two boons, anointing Bharata for princely kingdom and sending Rama to exile for fourteen years."

Verse Locator

chaturdasha hi varshhaaNiraame pravraajite vanam |
prajaabhaavagatasnehaH sthiraH putro bhavishhyati || 9-2-21

21. pravraajite = if you send; raame = Rama; chaturdashavarshhaaNi = for fourseen years; vanam = to forest; putraH = your son; prajaabhaavagatasnehaH = will get intimate association in the people's hearts; sthiraH bhavishhyati = and will become stable.

If you send Rama to forest for fourteen years, your son Bharata will get intimate association in the hearts of the people and will get stabilised in kingdom.

Verse Locator

krodhaagaaraM pravishyaadya kR^idddhevaashvapateH sute |
sheshhvaanantarhitaayaaM tvaM bhuumau malinavaasinii || 9-2-22

22.asvapetH sute = oh; Kaikeyi the daughter of Asvapati! adya = now; pravishya = enter; krodhaagaaram = the room of wrath; dR^iddheva = as if angry; sheshhva = and lie down; bhuumau = on floor; anantarhitaayaam = without any spread; malinavaasinii = and wearing soiled clothes.

Oh, kaikeyi! Now, enter the room of wrath as if angry with him and lie down on floor without any spread underneath and wearing soiled clothes.

Verse Locator

maasmainaM pratyudiikshethaa maachaina mabhibhaashhathaaH |
rudantii chaapi taM dR^ishhTvaa jagatyaaM shokalaalasaa || 9-2-23

23. dR^ishhTvaa = after seeing; tam = that Dasaratha; shokalaalasaa = be sorrowful; rudantii = and by weaping; maasma pratyudiikshhethaaH = do not look face to face; enam = at him; maachaiva abhibhaashhataaH = nor talk; face to face; enam = to him.

As soon as you see Dasaratha, be sorrowful and keep on weeping, without looking at him and without talking to him face to face.

Verse Locator

dayitaa tvaM sadaa bharturatra me naasti saMshayaH |
tvatkR^ite sa mahaaraajo vishedapi hutaashanam || 9-2-24

24. tvam = you; sadaa = always; dayitaa = dear one; bhartuH = to husband; naasti = no; samsayaH = doubt; me = to me; atra = about this; saH mahaaraajaH = that king; vishedapi = will even enter; hutaashanam = fire; tvatkR^ite = for your sake.

You are always dear to your husband. I have no doubt about it. King Dasaratha will even jump into a fire for your sake.

Verse Locator

na tvaaM krodhayituM shaktona kruddhaaM pratyudiikshitum|
tava priyaarthaM raajaa hi praaNaanapi parityajet || 9-2-25

25. raajaa = the king na shaktaH = is not capable; tvaam krodhayitum = of making you angry; na = not able; diikshhitum = to see; kruddhaam = you with anger; parityajet hi = he will give up; praaNaanapi = even life; tava priyaartham = for your love.

The king is not capable of making you angry. He is not even able to see you with anger. He will give up his life for your love.

Verse Locator

na hyatikramituM shaktastava vaakyaM mahiipatiH |
mandasvabhaave buddhyasva saubhaagyabalamaatmanaH || 9-2-26

26. manda svabhaave = oh; foolish one! mahiipatiH = king; nashaktaH hi = will not transgress; tava = your; vaakyam = words; buddhyastva = you know; aatmanaH = your; saubhaagya balam = abundant strength.

Oh, foolish one! The king will not be able to transgress your word. You realise your abundant strength.

Verse Locator

maNimuktaM suvarNaani ratnaani vividhaani cha |
dadyaaddhasharatho raajaa maa sma teshhu manaH kR^ithaaH || 9-2-27

27.dasharathaH raajaa = king Dasaratha; dadyaat = may give; maNi muktam = diamonds; pearls; suvarNaami = gold; vividhaani = various; ratnaanicha = precious stones; maakRithaaH = do not keep; manaH = mind; teshhu = in them.

King Dasaratha may offer you diamonds, pearls, gold and various other precious stones. Do not care for them.

Verse Locator

yau tau daivaasure yuddhe varau dsharatho.adadaat |
tau smaaraya mahaabhaage so.artho maatvaamatikramet || 9-2-28

28. mahaabhaage = oh Kaikeyi; the great fortunate one! smaaraya - remind; dasarathaH = Dasaratha; daivaasurayuddhe = in battle between celestials; and demons; you - which; tau = those famous; varau = boons; adadaat = were given; tau = those boons; arthaH - benefit; maatikramet = not to cross. tvaa; = you.

Oh, Kaikeyi, the great fortunate! you remind Dasaratha of those boons given by him to you in that battle between celestials and demons. See that your benefit does not get thwarted.

Verse Locator

yadaa tu te varaM dadyaatsvayamutthaapya raaghavaH |
vyavasthaapya mahaaraajaM tamimaM vR^iNuyaa varam || 9-2-29

29. yadaa = when; raaghavaH = Dasaratha; svayam = himself; utthaapya = will raise you from the floor; dadyaat = and give; te = you; varam = the boon; mahaarajam vyavasthaapya = after making the king steady; vriNuyaaH = ask; imam varam = this boon.

Dasaratha himself will raise you from the floor and offer you the boon. Thus , after making him steady, you ask for this boon.

Verse Locator

raamaM pravraajayaaraNye nava varshhaaNi paJNcha cha |
bharataH kriyataaM raajaa pR^ithivyaaH paarthivarshhabha || 9-2-30

30. paarthivarshhabha = oh; king! pravraajaya = send to exile; raamam = Rama; aranye = in forest; nava panchacha varshhaaNi = for fourteen years; bharataH kriyataam = let Bharata be made; raajaa = as king; prithivyaaH = to this earth.

"Oh, king! send Rama to forest for fourteen years. Let Bharata be made as king of this earth".

Verse Locator

chaturdasha hi varshhaaNi raame pravraajite vanm |
ruuDhashcha kR^itamuulashcha sheshhaM sthaasyati te sutaH || 9-2-31

31. raamaH = Rama; pravraajite = having been sent; vanam - to forest; chaturdashavarshhaaNi = for fourteen years; te sutaH = your son; ruudhaH cha = will stand firmly; kritamuulaH cha = having laid roots and ; sthaasyati = will stay; sheshhaM = for remaining period.

Rama having been sent to forest for fourteen years, your son will stand firmly, having laid his roots and will stay in power for the remaining period.

Verse Locator

raamapravraajanaM chaiva devi yaachasva taM varam |
evaM siddhyanti putrasya sarvaarthaastava bhaamini || 9-2-32

32. devi = oh; queen! yaachasva = ask; tam = him; raamapravraajanamChaiva = of sending Rama to forest also; varam = as a boom; evam = thus; tava = your; putrasya = son's; sarvaarthaaH = all benefits; siddhyanti = will be accomplished.

Oh, Kaikeyi! Ask Dasaratha of sending Rama to forest also as a boon. Thus, your son will accomplish all the desired benefits.

Verse Locator

evaM pravraajitashchaiva raamo.araamo bhavishhyati |
bharatashcha hataamitrastava raajaa bhavishhyati || 9-2-33

33. evam = thus; pravraajitaH = by sending to exile; raamaH = Rama; bhavishhyati = will become; araamaH = not amiable to people; tava = your; bharatascha = Bharata; bhavishhyati = will become; raajaa = king; hataamitrascha = the enemies having been annihilated.

Thus , by sending Rama to exile, he will not become amiable to people. Your Bharata will become king, after the enemies having been annihilated.

Verse Locator

yena kaalena raamashcha vanaatpratyaagamishhyati |
tena kaalena putraste kR^itamuulo bhavishhyati || 9-2-34
sugR^ihiitamanushhyashcha suhR^idbhiH saardhamaatmavaan |

34. yena kaalena = by which time; raamaH cha = Rama; pratyaagamishhyati = returns; vanaat = from forest; tena kaalena = by that time; te = your; aatmavaan = wise; putraH = son; sugR^ihiita manushhyaH = having drawn people to his fold; suhridbhiH = and friends also; bhavishhyati = will become; kR^itamuulaH = one by whom roots are established.

When Rama returns from forest, your wise son will accumulate friends and draw people to his fold, thus establishing roots himself.

Verse Locator

praaptakaalaM nu manye.ahaM raajaanaM viitasaadhvasaa || 9-2-35
raamaabhishhekasaMkalpaannigR^ihya vinivartaya |

35. manye = I think; praptakaalam tu = that it is the appropriate time; te = to you; viita saadhvasaa = after bequeathing fear; nigrihya = and by insistence; raajaanam vimivartaya = make the king turn aside; raamaabhishheka sankalpaat = his desire to anoint Rama.

This is the appropriate time for you. Be fearless and by your insistence, make the king turn aside his effort to anoint Rama.

Verse Locator

anarthamartharuupeNa graahitaa saa tatastayaa || 9-2-36
hR^ishhTaa pratiitaa kaikeyii mantharaamidamabraviit |

36.saa kaikeyii = that kaikeyi; grahitaa = having been taught; anartham = unworthy matter; artharuupeNa = in the form of a worthy matter; tayaa = by that Manthara; tataH = afterwards; hR^isTaa = having delighted; pratiitaa = and understood; abraviit = spoke; mantharaam = to Manthara; idam = these words.

Kaikeyi, being brain-washed an unworthy matter as the most worthy matter by Manthara, accepted her well and having delighted, spoke to her as follows:-

Verse Locator

saa hi vaakyena kubjaayaaH kishoriivotpathaM gataa |
kaikeyii vismayaM praaptaa paraM paramadarshanaa || 9-2-37

37. saa kaikeyi = That Kaikeyi; paramadarshanaa = the good natured; param vismayam gataa = was very much surprised; vaakyena = by words of; kubjaayaaH = the hunch backed Manthara; kishoriiva = and like a small girl; gataa = got; utpatham = into a wrong path.

Though of right thinking in nature, Kaikeyi was very much surprised to hear Manthara's words and like a small girl, got into a wrong path.

Verse Locator

kubje tvaaM naabhijaanaami shreshhThaaM shreShThabhidhaayiniim |
pR^ithivyaamasi kubjaanaamuttamaa buddhinirNaye || 9-2-38

38. kubje = oh; Manthara the hunch backed! naabhijaanaami = I have not recognised; tvaam = you; shreshhTaam = as the best; shreshhTaabhidhayiniim = in telling good things; uttamaasi = you are the best; kubjaanaam = among the hunch backed; pR^ithivyaam = on earth; buddhinishchaye = in deciding intellectually.

Oh, Manthara! You are telling very good things. Till now, I have not recognised you as this good. You are the best among the hunch-backed on this earth in making intellectual decisions.

Verse Locator

tvameva tu mamaartheshhu nityayuktaa hitaishhiNii || 9-2-39
naahaM samavabuddhyeyaM kubje raajJNashchikiirshhitam |

39. kubje = oh; Manthara; tvameva = you only; nityayuktaa = are always interested; mama = in my; artheshhu = well being; hitaishhiNii = and wishing my benefit; aham = I; nasamavabuddhyeyam = would not have been aware of; raaGyaH = kings's; chikiirshhitam = intending action.

Oh, Manthara! you always show interest in my well being and wish for my benefit. But for you, I would not have been aware of the king's intentions.

Verse Locator

santi duHsaMsthitaaH kubjaa vakraaH paramadaaruNaaH || 9-2-40
tvaM padmamiva vaatena sannataa priyadarshanaa |

40. santi = there are kubjaaH = hunch backed persons;duH.samsthitaaH = those with bad body construction; vakraaH = crooked ones; paramadaaruNaaH = extremely dreadful; tvam = you; priyadarshanaaH = appear lovely; padmamiva = like lotus; samnataa = bent; vatena = by breeze.

There are so many hunch backed persons in the world. Their bodily construction is very bad. They are crooked and dreadful. But you appear lovely, as a lotus flower bent by breeze.

Verse Locator

uraste.abhinivishhTaM vai yaavat skandhaatsamunnatam || 9-2-41
adhastaachchodaraM shaataM sunaabhamiva lajjitam |

41. te uraH = your chest; abhinivisTam = appears equally on both sides; samunnatam = and in lofty; yaavatskandaat = upto the shoulders; adhastaat = below it is; sunaabham = good movelled; udaramcha = stomach; shaatam = is lien; lajjitam iva = as though it is shy.

Your chest is appearing equally on both sides and is loftily extended unto the shoulder. Below it is the stomach with an excellent navel, which is lean as though it is shy of seeing the loftiness of chest.

Verse Locator

paripuurNaM tu jaghanaM supiinau cha payodharau || 9-2-42
vimalendusamaM vaktramaho raajasi manthare |

42. manthare = oh; Manthara! paripurunam = with perfect; jaghanam = hips; supiinou = with well rounded; payodharou = chest; vaktram = face; vimalendu samam = equal to untainted moon; aho = her; raajasi = shining you are!

Oh, Manthara! with perfect hips and well rounded breasts and with your face like an untainted moon you are shining well.

Verse Locator

jaghanaM tava nirghushhTaM rashanaadaamashobhitam || 9-2-43
jaN^aghe bh^ishamupanyaste paadau chaapyaayataavubhau |

43. tava = your; jaghanam = waist; rashanaa daama shobhitam = shining with golden belt; nirghusTam = is making sound; jaN^ghe = leg muscles; bhR^isham = very well; upanyaste = rounded up; ubhou = both; paadou cha = feet also; aayatou = are long.

Oh, Manthara! your waist decorated with golden belt is making sound. Your leg-muscles are well rounded and your feet are tall.

Verse Locator

tvamaayataabhyaaM sakthibhyaaM manthare kshaumavaasinii |
agrato mama gachchhantii raajahaMseva bhaasase|| 9-2-44

44. manthare = oh; Manthara! tvam = you; raajase = are splendid; raajahamsiiva = like a royal swan; gachchhantii = walking; agrataH = in front; mama = of me; aayataabhyaam = with long; sakthibhyaam = thighs; kshouma vaasinii = wearing silk saree.

Oh, Manthara! you are splendid like a royal swan walking before me, with long thighs are wearing a silk sari.

Verse Locator

aasanyaaH shambare maayaaH sahasramasuraadhipe || 9-2-45
sarvaastvayi nivishhTaastaa bhuuyashchaanyaaH sahasrashaH |

45. yaaH = which; sahasram maayaaH = thousand magic effects aasan = lying; shambare = in shambara; asuraadhipe = the lord of demons; taaH sarvaaH = all those; bhuuyaH = and further; sahasrashaH = thousands of anyaashcha = others nivisTaaH = are lying; tvayi = in you.

In addition to all those thousand magic effects lying in shambara, the lord of demons, another further thousands of magic effects are lying in you.

Verse Locator

tavedaM sthagu yaddiirghaM rathaghoNamivaayatam || 9-2-46
matayaH kshatravidyaashcha maayaashchaatra vasanti te |

46. yat = which; tava = your; idam = this; diirgham = long; sthagu = hunch; aayatam rathaghaNamiva = looking like long apex of a chariot; atra = in it; vasanti = are dewelling; te = your; matayaH = thoughts; kshhatravidyaaH cha = royal arts; mayaaH cha = and magic effects.

In your long hunch, which looks like an apex of a chariot, are dwelling your various thoughts, royal arts and magic effects.

Verse Locator

atrate pratimokshyaami maalaaM kubje hiraNmayiim || 9-2-47
abhishhikte cha bharate raaghave cha vanaM gate |

47. kubje = oh; Manthara! raagahave = Rama; gate = goes to; vanam = forest; bharate cha = and Bharata; abhishikte = gets anointed; pratimokshyaami = adore; atra = this huch back; maalaam = with garland; hiraNmayiim = made of gold.

Oh Manthara! When Rama goes to forest and Bharata gets kingdom, I shall adore this hunch back with a golden garland.

Verse Locator

jaatyena cha suvarNena suvishhTaptena manthare || 9-2-48
labdhaarthaa cha pratiitaa cha lepayishhyaami te sthagu |

48. manthara = oh; Manthara! labdaarthaacha = after getting the benefit; pratiitaacha = and having delighted lapayishhyaami = I shall anoint; te sthagu = your hunch back; suvisTaptena = with well refined; suvarNena = gold; jaatyena = of good class.

Oh, Manthara! After accomplishing the benefit desired by me, I shall, with delight, get your hunch back anointed with well refined gold of good quality.

Verse Locator

mukhe cha tilakaM chitraM jaataruupamayaM shubham || 9-2-49
kaarayishhyaami te kubje shubhaanyabharaNaani cha|

49.kubje = oh; Manthara! kaarayishhyaami = I shall get made; shubhaani = beautiful;aabharaNaamicha = ornaments; te mukhe = and for your face; shubham = auspicious; tilakam = dots; chitram = of variety; jaataruupamayam = in pure gold.

Oh, Manthara! I shall get beautiful ornaments made and for your forehead auspicious dots of variety done of pure gold.

Verse Locator

paridhaaya shubhe vastre devateva charishhyasi || 9-2-50
chaMdramaahvayamaanena mukhenaapratimaananaa|
gamishhyasi gatiM mukhyaaMgarvayantii dvishhajjane || 9-2-51

50;51. charishhyasi = you will be moving around; devateva = like an angel; paridhaaya = wearing; subhe = beautiful; vastre = clothes; gamishhyasi = you will get; mukhyaam = important; gatim = position; dvishhajjane = amidst adversaries; garvayantii = with pride; mukhena = with face; apratimaananaa = incomparably; aahvayamaanena = competing with; chandram = moon.

You will be moving around like an angel, wearing beautiful clothes. You will achieve an important position in the eyes of your adversaries with pride and with your face, incomparably competing with moon.

Verse Locator

tavaapi kubjaayaaH sarvaabharaNabhuushhitaaH |
paadau paricharishhyanti yathaiva tvaM sadaa mama || 9-2-52

52. kubjaaH = the hunch backed women; sarvaabharanNa bhushhitaaH = adorned with all ornaments; sadaa = always; paricharashhyanti = will do service; tava paadou api = at your feet also; yathaiva = as how; kibjaayaaH = as hunch backed; tvam = you; mama = to me.

The hunch backed women, adorned with all ornaments, will always do service, at your feet, as how as hunch-backed women, adorned with all ornaments, will always do service at your feet, as how as hunch-backed you are doing it to me.

Verse Locator

iti prashasyamaanaa saa kaikeyiimidamabraviit |
shayaanaaM shayane shubhre vedyaamagnishikhaamiva || 9-2-53

53.saa = that Manthara; iti = in this way; prashasyamaanaa = being praised; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyim shaanaam = who was lying; shubhre shayane = in a clean couch;agni sihaamiva = like a flame of five; vedyaam = in a sacrificial altar.

Manthara in this way being praised spoke these words to Kaikeyi, who was lying in a clean couch like a flame of fire upon the sacrificial altar.

Verse Locator

gatodake setubando na kalyaaNi vidhiiyate |
uttishhTha kuru kalyaaNaM raajaanamasudarshaya|| 9-2-54

54. kalyaNi = Oh Kaikeyi; the auspicious one! gatodake = in a place where water has flown out; stubandhaH = coustructing a dam; navidhiiyate = is not made; uttisTa = rise; kuru = do; kalyaaNam = the auspicious act; anudarshaya = show your influence; raajaanam = to king.

Oh, Kaikeyi the auspicious one! When water has already flown out, there is no use constructing a dam. Now rise and do this purposeful action. Show your influence to the king.

Verse Locator

tathaa protsaahitaa devii gataa mantharayaa saha |
krodhaagaaraM vishaalaakshii saubhaagyamadagarvitaa || 9-2-55
anekashatasaahasraM muktaahaaraM varaaN^ganaa |
avamuchya varaaraaNi shubhaanyaabharaNaani cha || 9-2-56
tato hemopamaa tatra kubjaavaakyavashaMgataa |
saMvishya bhuumau kaikeyii mantharaamidamabraviit || 9-2-57

55;56;57. kubjaavaakyavashamgataa = by surrendering to the words of the hunch backed Manthara; tathaa = thus; protsaahitaa = having been encouraged; kaikeyii = Kakeyi; vishalaakshhii = who was having wide eyes; soubhaagyamadagarvitaa = who was proud of intoxicating beauty; varaaN^ganaa = a gifted woman; devii = a queen; avamuchya = removed; muktaahaaram = pearl necklace; anekashatasaahasram = worth in lacs varaarhaNi = greatly valued; shubbaani = auspicious; aabharaNaani = ornaments; gatvaa = entered; krodhaagaaram = chamber of wrath; mantharayaapaha = along with Manthara; tataH = afterwards; savishya = lied; bhuumou = on the floor; tatra = there; hemopamaa = like gold; abraviit = spoke; mantharaam = to Manthara; idam = these words.

By surrendering to the words of Manthara and having been thus encouraged by her, Kaikeyi who was of wide eyes, who was proud of her intoxicating beauty, who was a gifted woman and a queen, removed pearl necklace worth in lacs and other great valuable auspicious ornaments from her body, entered the chamber of wrath along with Manthara, lied on the floor there like a golden wire and spoke to Manthara as follows:

Verse Locator

iha vaa maaM mR^itaaM kubje NR^ipaayaavedayishhyasi |
vanaM tu raaghave praaptebharataH praapsyati kshitim|| 9-2-58

58. kubje = oh; Manthara! raaghave = Rama; praapte = having reached; vanamtu = forest; bharataH = Bharata; praapsyasi = shall get; kshhitim = the earth; vaa = or ese; aavedayishhyasi = inform; nR^ipaaya = king Dasaratha; maam = about me; mR^itaam maam = as dead person; iha = here.

"After Rama's going to the forest, Bharata shall get the kingdom. Or else, you inform the king that I died here itself".

Verse Locator

na suvarNena me hyartho na ratnairna cha bhuushhaNaiH |
eshha me jiivitasyaanto raamo yadyabhishhichyate || 9-2-59

59.suvarNena = gold; na arthaH = is of no use; me = to me; na = nor; ratnaiH = diamonds; na = nor; bhuushhaNaiH cha = ornaments; ramaH abhishhichyate yadi = If Rama gets anointed for kingdom; eshhaH = that itself; antaH = is end; me jiivitasya = of my life.

Neither gold nor diamonds nor ornaments are of any use to me. on which day Rama gets anointed for the kingdom, the same day it will be the end of my life.

Verse Locator

atho punastaaM mahishhiiM mahiikshito |
vachobhiratyartha mahaaparaakramaiH |
uvaacha kubjaa bharatasya maataraM |
hitaM vacho raamamupetya chaahitam || 9-2-60

60. atho = afterwards; kubjaa = Manthara; punaH = again; uvaacha = spoke; taam bharatasya maataram = to that mother of Bharata; mahishhiim = and wife; mahiikshhitaH = of king; vachobhiH = who was talking; atyarthamahaaparakramaiH = very seriously; vachaH = the words; hitam = whcih are beneficial to her; ahitam = but not beneficial; raamam upetya = in relation to Rama.

Afterwards, that Manthara again spoke to the seriously talking mother of Bharata that is Kaikeyi the following words which were beneficial to her and not beneficial in relation to Rama.

Verse Locator

prapatsyate raajyamidaM hi raaghavo |
yadi dhruvaM tvaM sa sutaa cha tapsyase |
ato hi kalyaaNi yatasva tattathaa |
yathaa sutaste bharato.abhishhekshyate || 9-2-61

61. raaghavaH prapatsyate yadi = If Rama gets; idam = this; raajyam = kingdom; tvam = you; sasutaa = along with your son; tapsyase = get destroyed; dhruvam = it is certain; kalyaaNi = oh; the auspicious one! ataH = hence; yathaa = in what way; te sutaH = your son; bharataH = Bharata; abhishhekshhyate = will get anointed ; yatasva = try; tathaa = in that way; tat = that action.

If Rama becomes king, you and your son will be destroyed. Oh, Kaikeyi of auspicious qualities! Hence you try for coronation of your son, Bharata

Verse Locator

tathaatividdhaa mahishhi tu kubjayaa |
samaahataa vaagishhubhirmuhurmuhuH |
vidhaaya hastau hR^idaye.ativismitaa |
shshaMsa kubjaaM kupitaa punaH punaH || 9-2-62

62. samaahataa = having hit; tathaa = thus; vaagishhubhiH = by arrows of words; kubjayaa = by the hunch backed Manthara; muhurmuhuH = again and again; mahishhii = Kaikeyi; viddhaa = felt sad; kupitaa = angry; ativismitaa = was very much surprised; vidhaaya = keeping; hastou = hands; hR^idaye = on heart; shamshasa = praised; kubjaam = the hunch backed one; punaH punaH = again and again.

Having thus hit by arrows of words employed by Manthara again and again, Kaikeyi felt sad, was angry with the king, by keeping hands on her heart, was surprised with the cleverness of Manthara and praised her time and again.

Verse Locator

yamasya vaa maaM vishhayaM gataamito |
nishaamya kubje prativedayishhyasi |
vanaM gate vaa suchiraaya raaghave |
samR^iddhakaamo bharato bhavishhyati || 9-2-63

63. kubje = oh; Manthara; prativedayishhyasivaa = either you have to inform; nishaamya = having seen; maam = me; gataam = going; yamasya vishayam = to the world of death; itaH = from here; bharataH bhavishhyativaa = or Bharata becomes; samR^iddha kaamaH = fulfiller of desire; raaghave gate = when Rama left for ; vanam = forest.

If Rama does not go to forest from here, I do not long for any mattresses or garlands or sandal paste or eye-liner or drink or food or even the loaf here.

Verse Locator

ahaM hi vai naastaraNaani na srajo |
na chandanaM naaJNjanapaanabhojanam |
na kiMchidichchhaami na cheha jiivitaM |
na chedito gachchhati raaghavo vanam || 9-2-64

64. raaghavaH na gachchhatichet = If Rama does not go to forest; itaH = from here; aham = I; na ichchhaami = do not desire for; kinchit = any; aastaraNaami = mattresses; na = nor; chandanam = sandal paste; na = nor; anjanam = eye-liner; na = nor; paana bhojanam = drink or food; na = nor; jiivitamcha = life even.

If Rama does not go to forest from here, I do not long for any mattresses or garlands or sandal paste or eye-liner or drink or food or even the life here.

Verse Locator

athaitaduktvaa vachanaM sudaaruNaM |
ndhaaya sarvaabharaNaani bhaaminii |
asaMvR^itaamaastaraNena mediniiM |
tadaadhishishye patiteva kinnarii || 9-2-65

65. bhaminii = that Kaikeyi; uktvaa = uttering; etat vachanam = these words; sudaaruNam = which are cruel; atta = afterwards; nidhaaya = removing and keeping at one place; sarvaabharaNaani = all ornaments; tadaa = then; adhishishye = lied down; mediniim = on floor; asamvritaam = uncovered; aastaraNena = by mattress; patitua kinnarii iva = like a fallen angel called kinnara.

Kaikeyi, thus uttering cruel words, having removed all ornaments, lied on the floor without a mattress like a fallen angel.

Verse Locator

udiirNasaMrambhatamovR^itaananaa |
tadaavamuktottamamuulyabhuushhaNaa |
narendrapatnii vimanaa babhuuva saa |
tamovR^itaa dyauriva magnataarakaa || 9-2-66

66.saa = Kaikeyi; narendra patnii = wife of the king; avanuktottamamuulya bhuushaNaa; having removed valued ornaments; udiirNasamrambhatamovR^itaananaa = having her face covered by the darkness of extreme anger; vimanaaH = with depressed mind; babhuuva = was; dyouriva = like sky; magnataarakaa = with missing stars; tamovR^itaa = surrounded by gloom.

Kaikeyi, having removed all adornments, having her face covered by the darkness of extreme anger and with her depressed mind, looked like a starless sky in a gloomy night.

- - -

|| ityaarshhe srimadraamayaNe aadikaavye ayodhya kaaNde navama sargaH ||

Thus completes the ninth sarga of Ayodhya Kanda of Srimad Ramayana.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 9

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