Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 105
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Bharata requests Rama to oblige him by accepting the kingdom of Ayodhya, being offered by him back to Rama with the concurrence of Kaikeyi, eventhough bestowed on him by their deceased father. Rama consoles Bharata, saying that death is inevitable for living beings and they should not grieve for their deceased father. Rama asks Bharata to control his grief and go back to Ayodhya to shoulder the burden of rulership there in order to the command of their deceased father and that Rama himself would obey his father's command by staying back in the forest.

Verse Locator

ततः पुरुष सिम्हानाम् वृतानाम् तैः सुहृद् गणैः |
शोचताम् एव रजनी दुह्खेन व्यत्यवर्तत || २-१०५-१

1. tataH = then; taiH = (while) those; puruSa simhaanaam = lions among men; vR^itaanaam = surrounded; suhR^idgaNaiH = by a host of friends; shochataameva = were still lamenting; rajanii = (that) night; vyatyavartata = elapsed; duHkhena = with a much difficulty.

While those lions among men amidst a host of friends were lamenting, that night elapsed with a much difficulty.

Verse Locator

रजन्याम् सुप्रभातायाम् भ्रातरः ते सुहृद् वृताः |
मन्दाकिन्याम् हुतम् जप्यम् कृत्वा रामम् उपागमन् || २-१०५-२

2. suprabhaataayaam = at the beautiful day-break; rajanyaam = of the night; te bhraataraH = those brothers; suhR^idvR^itaaH = along with their friends; kR^itvaa = having made; hutam = offering; japyam = and muttered prayer; mandaakinyaam = in the River Mandakini; upaagamam = and approached; raamam = Rama.

When the beautiful dawn broke, Rama's brothers along with their companions, having made their offerings and recited their prayers on the banks of River Madakini, approached Rama.

Verse Locator

तूष्णीम् ते समुपासीना न कश्चित् किंचिद् अब्रवीत् |
भरतः तु सुहृन् मध्ये राम वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-१०५-३

3. te = they; samupaasinaaH = sat; tuSniim = silently; na kashchit = no one; kimchit = whatsover; bharatastu = Bharata; however; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = (the following) words; raamam = to Rama; suhR^inmadhye = amidst those companions.

Sitting in silence, no one uttered a word. Bharata, on his part, amidst his companions, addressed Rama as follows:

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सान्त्विता मामिका माता दत्तम् राज्यम् इदम् मम |
तद् ददामि तव एव अहम् भुन्क्ष्व राज्यम् अकण्टकम् || २-१०५-४

4. maamikaa = my; maataa = mother; saantvitaa = has been restored; harmony; idam = this; raajyam = kingdom; dattam = was given; mama = to me; aham = I; dadaami = am giving; tat = that kingdom; tavaiva = to you indeed; bhuuNkSva = enjoy; raajyam = the kingdom; akaNTakam = without hindrance.

"My mother has been consoled (by you) by giving this kingdom to me. I am giving back that kingdom to you. Enjoy it without hindrance!"

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महता इव अम्बु वेगेन भिन्नः सेतुर् जल आगमे |
दुरावारम् त्वद् अन्येन राज्य खण्डम् इदम् महत् || २-१०५-५

5. idam = this; mahat = great; raajyakhaN^Dam = continent of kingdom; setuH iva = as a dam; bhinnaH = breached; mahataa = by a great; ambuvegena = on rush of water; jalaagame = during a rainy season; (cannot be repaired); duraavaaram = cannot be defended; tvadanyena = by any one other than you.

"As a dam breached by a great on-rush of water during a rainy season cannot be repaired so easily, this great continent cannot be defended by any one other than you."

Verse Locator

गतिम् खर इव अश्वस्य तार्क्ष्यस्य इव पतत्रिणः |
अनुगन्तुम् न शक्तिर् मे गतिम् तव मही पते || २-१०५-६

6. na = there is no; shaktiH = capability; me = for me; anugantam = to follow; tava gatim = your path; khara iva = as a donkey; gatim = the tempo; ashvasya = of a horse; patattrNaH iva = or an ordinary bird; taarkSyasya = the movement of Garuda; a kind of falcon; mahiipate = O; lord of the world!.

"As a donkey cannot emulate the tempo of a horse, or an ordinary bird the movement of Garuda (a kind of falcon), neither can I follow in your footsteps, O, Lord of the world!"

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सुजीवम् नित्यशः तस्य यः परैर् उपजीव्यते |
राम तेन तु दुर्जीवम् यः परान् उपजीवति || २-१०५-७

7. raama = O; Rama!; tasya = his; sujiivam = is a good life; yaH = who; nityashaH = upajiivyate = is relied upon; paraiH = by others; yaH = whoever; upajiivati = is dependent on; paraan = others; tenatu = however; durjiivam = (leads) a difficult life.

"O, Rama! Know his life to be blessed forever, on whom others depend Life is, however, difficult for him who depends on others for this life."

Verse Locator

यथा तु रोपितो वृक्षः पुरुषेण विवर्धितः |
ह्रस्वकेन दुरारोहो रूढ स्कन्धो महा द्रुमः || २-१०५-८
स यदा पुष्पितो भूत्वा फलानि न विदर्शयेत् |
स ताम् न अनुभवेत् प्रीतिम् यस्य हेतोः प्रभावितः || २-१०५-९
एषा उपमा महा बाहो त्वम् अर्थम् वेत्तुम् अर्हसि |
यदि त्वम् अस्मान् ऋषभो भर्ता भृत्यान् न शाधि हि || २-१०५-१०

8; 9; 10. yathaa = as; vR^ikSaH = a tree; ropitaH = planted; puruSeNa = by a man; vivardhitaH = and grown; mahaa drumaH = as a great tree; ruuDha shandhaH = with an immense trunk; duraarohaH = became inaccessible; hrasvakena = to a dwarf; yadaa = when; vR^ikSaH = the tree; bhuutvaa = came to; puSpitaH = be flowered; yathaa = for instance; na vidarshayet = does not bear; phalaani = fruits; saH = he; naanubhavet = doest not experience; taam priitim = that pleasure; yasyaaH hetoH = for which purpose; praropitaH = it was planted; mahaabaaho = O; mighty armed!; arhasi = you ought; vettum = to understand; tam artham = that import; eSaa = of this; upamaa = simile; vR^iSabhaH = (and being) the distinguished; bhartaa = Lord (of all); na- should not; tvam = you; shaadhihi = guide; asmaan = us; bhR^ityaan = your servants.

"As a tree planted by a man may grow and with its great branches and immense trunk, become inaccessible to a dwarf, yet though it may come to flowering, does not bear fruit, it yeilds no pleasure for him. O, mighty armed! You ought to understand the import of theis simile and being the distinguished Lord of all, may you guide us, your sevants!"

Verse Locator

श्रेणयः त्वाम् महा राज पश्यन्तु अग्र्याः च सर्वशः |
प्रतपन्तम् इव आदित्यम् राज्ये स्थितम् अरिम् दमम् || २-१०५-११

11. mahaaraaja = O; emperor; arindamam = the conqueror of foes!; agrya = (May) the foremost; shreNayaH = series (of people); pashyantu = behold; tvaam = you; pratapantam = shining resplendent; sarvashaH = on all sides; aadityam iva = like the sun; sthitam = seated; raajye = on the throne!.

"O, emperor, the conqueror of foes! May all behold you, shining resplendent on all sides like the sun, seated on the throne!"

Verse Locator

तव अनुयाने काकुत्ष्थ मत्ता नर्दन्तु कुञ्जराः |
अन्तः पुर गता नार्यो नन्दन्तु सुसमाहिताः || २-१०५-१२

12. kaakutthsa = O; Rama!; kuJNjaraaH = (May) the elephants; mattaaH = intoxicated with ichor; nardantu = be heard trumpeting; anuyaane = (on the highway) when you do return; naaryaH = and the women; antaHpuragataaH = of the inner apartments; nandantu = rejoice; susamaahitaaH = all happily joined together.

"O, Rama! May the elephants, intoxicated with ichor be heard trumpeting on the highway, when you do return and the women of the inner apartments rejoice, all happily joined together."

Verse Locator

तस्य साधु इत्य् अमन्यन्त नागरा विविधा जनाः |
भरतस्य वचः श्रुत्वा रामम् प्रत्यनुयाचतः || २-१०५-१३

13. shrutvaa = hearing; vachaH = the words; tasya bharatasya = of that Bharata; anuyaachataH = who was (thus) appealing; raamam prati = to Rama; vividhaaH janaaH = the various people; naagaraaH = of the city; amanyanta = in approbation; said saadhu = iti; "Excellent! Well said!"

Hearing the words of Bharata, who was thus appealing to Rama, the various people of the city in approbation, said "Excellent! Well said!"

Verse Locator

तम् एवम् दुह्खितम् प्रेक्ष्य विलपन्तम् यशस्विनम् |
रामः कृत आत्मा भरतम् समाश्वासयद् आत्मवान् || २-१०५-१४

14. raamaH = Rama; aatmavaan = the prudent man; kR^itaatmaa = whose spirit was disciplined; prekSya = on seeing; tam yashasvinam = that illustrious; duHkhitam = and sorrowful; bharatam = Bharata; vilapantam = lamenting; evam = thsu; samaashvaasayat = consoled (him as follows)

On seeing the illustrious and sorrowful Bharata thus lamenting, the prudent and self-conposed Rama began to console him as follows:

Verse Locator

न आत्मनः काम कारो अस्ति पुरुषो अयम् अनीश्वरः |
इतः च इतरतः च एनम् कृत अन्तः परिकर्षति || २-१०५-१५

15. ayam = this; puruSaH = man; naasti = is not able; aatmanaH kaamakaaraH = to do what he wills; aniishvaraH = (he is) not the Master; kR^itaantaH = a fixed form or name; parikarSati = drives; enam = him; itashcha itaratashcha = hither and thither.

"Man is not able to do what he wills. He is not the Master A fixed form or name drives him hither and thither."

Verse Locator

सर्वे क्षय अन्ता निचयाः पतन अन्ताः समुग्च्छ्रयाः |
सम्योगा विप्रयोग अन्ता मरण अन्तम् च जीवितम् || २-१०५-१६

16. sarve = all; nichayaaH = that is piled up; kSayaantaaH = is finally disbursed; samuchchhrayaaH = what rises; patanaantaaH = ends in a fall; samyogaaH = union; viprayogaantaaH = ends in separation; jiivitam = life; maraNaantam = ends in death.

"All that is piled up, is finally disbursed. What rises, ends in a fall. Unio ends in separation. Life ends in death."

Verse Locator

यथा फलानम् पक्वानाम् न अन्यत्र पतनाद् भयम् |
एवम् नरस्य जातस्य न अन्यत्र मरणाद् भयम् || २-१०५-१७

17. pakvaanaam = ripe; yathaa = how; phalaanaam = fruit; na = does not fear; anyatra = for anything other; patanaat = than falling; evam = so also; narasya = a man; jaatasya = once born; na = does not; bhayam = fear; anyatra = for anything other; maraNaat = than his death.

"How a ripe fruit does not fear for anything other than its falling, so also a man once born, does not fear for anything other than his death."

Verse Locator

यथा अगारम् दृढ स्थूणम् जीर्णम् भूत्वा अवसीदति |
तथा अवसीदन्ति नरा जरा मृत्यु वशम् गताः || २-१०५-१८

18. yathaa = how; dR^iDhasthuuNam = (even) a stron-pillared; agaaram = house; jiirNam bhuutvaa = gets worn out; avasiidati = and decays; tathaiva = so also; naraaH = human beings; siidanti = perish; jaraa mR^ityu vashamgataaH = having been subjected to the old age and death.

"As a house that is solidly contructed ultimately falls into decay, human being too is subject to age and death."

Verse Locator

अत्येति रजनी या तु सा न प्रतिनिवर्तते |
यात्येव यमुना पूर्णा समुद्रमुदकाकुलम् || २-१०५-१९

19. rajanii = the night; yaa = which; atyeti = has passed; saa = that; na pratinivartate = does not return; puurNaa = and the bountiful; yamunaa = River Yamuna; yaatyeva = just marches on; samudram = towards the ocean; udakaakulam = which is (again) full of water.

"The night that has passed, does not return and the buntiful River Yamuna just marches on towards the all-sufficient abounding in water."

Verse Locator

अहो रात्राणि गग्च्छन्ति सर्वेषाम् प्राणिनाम् इह |
आयूम्षि क्षपयन्त्य् आशु ग्रीष्मे जलम् इव अंशवः || २-१०५-२०

20. gachchhanti = the passing; ahoraatraaNi = days and nights; iha = in this world; aashu = quickly; kSapayanti = decrease; aayuumSi = the life-span; sarveSaam praaNinaam = of all living beings; griiSme iva = as in the summer; aamshavaH = the rays of the sun; (dry up); jalam = the water ( in a pool).

"The pasing days and nights in this world quickly decrease the life-span of all living being as in the summer, the rays of the sun dry up the water (in a pool)."

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आत्मानम् अनुशोच त्वम् किम् अन्यम् अनुशोचसि |
आयुः ते हीयते यस्य स्थितस्य च गतस्य च || २-१०५-२१

21. sthitasycha = even while you stay (at home); gatasya cha = or departed (to another place); yasya = which; te = your; aayuH = life-span; hiiyate = gets shortened; tvam = you; anushocha = grieve; aatmaanam = for yourself; kim = why; anushochasi = do you grieve for; anyam = another?;

"You grieve for yourself. Why do you grieve for another? Even while you stay at home, or departed to another place, your life-span gets shortened."

Verse Locator

सह एव मृत्युर् व्रजति सह मृत्युर् निषीदति |
गत्वा सुदीर्घम् अध्वानम् सह मृत्युर् निवर्तते || २-१०५-२२

22. mR^ityuH = Death; vrajati = walks; sahaiva = just with us; niSiidati = (we) sit; saha mR^ityuH = along with death; gatvaa = and having travelled; sudiirgham = a very long; adhvaanam = distance; nivartate = (we) return; saha mR^ityuH = along with death.

"Death walks just with us (as we walk) and sits with us (as we sit). Having travelled a very long distance (with us), death returns along with us (as we return)."

Verse Locator

गात्रेषु वलयः प्राप्ताः श्वेताः चैव शिरो रुहाः |
जरया पुरुषो जीर्णः किम् हि कृत्वा प्रभावयेत् || २-१०५-२३

23. valayaH = (When) folds; praaptaaH = have appeared; gaatreSu = on limbs; shiroruhaashchaiva = and even hari; shvetaaH = have turned grey; kim hi = on what expedient; puruSaH = can a man; kR^itvaa = having got; jiirNaH = decayed; jarayaa = with age; prabhaavayet = come to the original splendour?

"When folds have appeared on limbs and hair have turned grey; on what expedient can a man having got decayed with age, come back to the original splendour?"

Verse Locator

नन्दन्त्य् उदित आदित्ये नन्दन्त्य् अस्तम् इते रवौ |
आत्मनो न अवबुध्यन्ते मनुष्या जीवित क्षयम् || २-१०५-२४

24. manuSyaaH = people; nandanti = are delighted; aaditye = when the sun; udite = has risen; nandati = and delighted; ravon = when the sun; astamite = has set; naavabudhyante = and are not able to know; aatmanaH = their; jiivitakSayam = loss in life-span.

"People are deligted when the sun has risen and also when the day ends. But they are not able to perceive the waning in their life-span."

Verse Locator

हृष्यन्त्य् ऋतु मुखम् दृष्ट्वा नवम् नवम् इह आगतम् |
ऋतूनाम् परिवर्तेन प्राणिनाम् प्राण सम्क्षयः || २-१०५-२५

25. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; R^itumukham = the onset of the season; hR^iSyanti = people rejoice; aagatam = as though it has come; navam navam = fresh and new; parivartena = but the succession; R^ituunaam = of the seasolns; praaNa samkSayaH = devours the life; praaNinaam = of living beings.

"Seeing the onset of season, people rejoice, as though it has come something newly. But the succession of the seasons devours the life of being."

Verse Locator

यथा काष्ठम् च काष्ठम् च समेयाताम् महा अर्णवे |
समेत्य च व्यपेयाताम् कालम् आसाद्य कंचन || २-१०५-२६
एवम् भार्याः च पुत्राः च ज्नातयः च वसूनि च |
समेत्य व्यवधावन्ति ध्रुवो ह्य् एषाम् विना भवः || २-१०५-२७

26; 27. yathaa = how; mahaarNave = in a great ocean; kaaSThamcha = a drift-wood; kaaSThamcha = and another drift-wood; sameyaataam = meet; sametya = together; aasaadya = getting; kamchana = a certain; kaalam = time; vyapeyaataamcha = and separate; evam- in the same manner; bhaaryaashcha = wives; putraashcha = children; jJNaatayashcha = relatives; dhanaanicha = and riches; sametya = come toghether; vyapadhaavanti = and separate; eSaam = their; vinaabhavaH = parting; dhruvohi = is indeed inevitable.

"As pieces of drift-wood floating on the ocean coe toghether for a span, so wives, children, kinsmen wealth and property come together for a while and part with us. Their parting in deed inevitable."

Verse Locator

न अत्र कश्चिद् यथा भावम् प्राणी समभिवर्तते |
तेन तस्मिन् न सामर्थ्यम् प्रेतस्य अस्त्य् अनुशोचतः || २-१०५-२८

28. atra = here; na kachchit praaNii = no being; samabhivartate = can escape; yathaabhaavam = its destiny (in the form of birth and death); tena = for that reason; saamarthyam = the power; tasmin = to avert his own death; naasti = does not ingrain; anushochataH = in a man mourning; pretasya = for a dead person.

"Here, no being can escape its destiny ( in the form of birth and death). For that reason, the power to avert his own death does not ingrain in a man mourning for a dead person."

Verse Locator

यथा हि सार्थम् गग्च्छन्तम् ब्रूयात् कश्चित् पथि स्थितः |
अहम् अप्य् आगमिष्यामि पृष्ठतो भवताम् इति || २-१०५-२९
एवम् पूर्वैर् गतो मार्गः पितृ पैतामहो ध्रुवः |
तम् आपन्नः कथम् शोचेद् यस्य न अस्ति व्यतिक्रमः || २-१०५-३०

29; 30. yathaa saartham = as a caravan; gachchhantam = is passing; pathi = on a raod; sthitaH = one stationed at the way-side; iti bruuyaat = thus says; ahamapi = I too; aagamiSyaami = will come; pR^iSThataH = behind; bhavataam = you; evam = in the same manner; behind; bhavataam = you; evam = in the same manner; dhruvaH = (we should) inevitably (follow); maargaH = the path; gataH = taken; pitR^ipaitaamahaH = by fathers; grand fathers; puurvaiH = and ancestors; katham = why;shochet = distress; aapannaH = by the man who obtained; tam = that path; yasya = for which; naasti = then is no; vyatikramaH = return?

"As a caravan is passing on a road, one stationed at the way-side says, I too will come behind you. In the same manner, we should inevitably follow the path taken by fathers and fire fathers. Why a man who obtained that path, for which there is no return, distress himself.

Verse Locator

वयसः पतमानस्य स्रोतसो वा अनिवर्तिनः |
आत्मा सुखे नियोक्तव्यः सुख भाजः प्रजाः स्मृताः || २-१०५-३१

31. vayasaH = (while) the age; patamaanasya = reshes on; anivartinaH = without return; srotasovaa = like a stream; aatmaa = one's self; niyoktavyaH = should be emplyoed; sukhe = in a pursuit leading to blessedness; smR^itaaH = It is said; prajaaH = that beings; sukhabhaajaH = are meant to be happy.

"While the age reshes on, without any return like a flowing river, one's self should be emplyoed in a pursuit leading to blessedness. It is said that beings are meant to be happy?"

Verse Locator

धर्म आत्मा स शुभैः कृत्स्नैः क्रतुभिः च आप्त दक्षिणैः |
धूत पापो गतः स्वर्गम् पिता नः पृथिवी पतिः || २-१०५-३२

32. saH = that; pR^ithiviipatiH = king; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; naH = our; dharmaatmaa = pious minded; pitaa = father; kR^itsnaiH = (performed) almost all; shubhaiH = auspicious; kratubhiH = sacrifices; aapta dakSiNaiH = and paid plentiful sacrificial fees (to the officiating priests and Brahmins); gataH = and went; svargam = to heaven.

"The king Dasaratha, our pious minded father performed almost all auspicious sacrifices and paid plentiful sacrificial fees (to the officitaing preists and Brahmins) and went to heaven."

Verse Locator

भृत्यानाम् भरणात् सम्यक् प्रजानाम् परिपालनात् |
अर्थ आदानाच् च धार्मेण पिता नः त्रिदिवम् गतः || २-१०५-३३

33. naH = our; pitaa = father; bharaNaat = for maintaining; bhR^ityaanaam = the servants; samyak = well ; paripaalanaat = for protecting; prajaanaam = the subjects; aadaanaat = and for realising; arthaanaam = the taxes; dhramena = in the manner prescribed by scriptures (from them); gataH = reached; tridivam = heaven.

"Our father reached heaven because he maintained his servants properly, protected his subjects and realised the taxes in the manner prescribed by scriptures from them."

Verse Locator

कर्मभिस्तु शुभैरिष्टैः क्रतुभिश्चाव्तदक्षिणः |
स्वर्गं दशरथः प्राप्तः पिता नः पृथिवीपतिः || २-१०५-३४

34. naH = our; pitaa = father; pR^ithiviipatiH = the king; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; praaptaH = obtained; svargam = heaven; shubhaiH karmabhiH = because of his auspicious acts; iSTaiH kratubhishcha = and performing sacrifices; aapta dakSiNaiH = involving heavy sacrificial fees.

"Our father, the king Dasaratha obtained heaven because of his auspicious acts and perfoming sacrifices involving heavy sacrificial fees."

Verse Locator

इष्ट्वा बहुविधैर् यज्नैर् भोगामः च अवाप्य पुष्कलान् |
उत्तमम् च आयुर् आसाद्य स्वर् गतः पृथिवी पतिः || २-१०५-३५

35. pR^ithiviipatiH = the king Dasaratha; iSTvaa = having performed; bahuvidhaiH = many types; yajJNaH = of sacrifices; avaapya = enjoying bhogaan = wordly pleasures; puSkalaan = abundantly; aasaadya = and having obtained; uttamam = a virtuous; aayushcha = long life; svargataH = reached heaven.

"Having perfomed many types of sacrifices, enjoying worldly pleasure abundantly and having obtained a long and virtuous life, king Dasaratha reached heaven."

Verse Locator

आयुरुत्तममासाद्य भोगानपि च राघवः |
स न शोच्यः पिता तात स्वर्गतः सत्कृतः सताम् || २-१०५-३६

36. taata = O; dear brother!; pitaa = our father; sa raaghavaH = that King Dasartha; na shochya = is not to be pitied; satkR^itaH = who was treated with respect; sataam = by virtuous men; aasaadya = and got; uttamam = excellent; aayuH = life span; bhogaanapi = and enjoyments.

"O, dear brother! King Dasaratha, our father who was treated with respect by all virtuous men and who secured excellent life-span and enjoyments, is not to be pitied."

Verse Locator

स जीर्णम् मानुषम् देहम् परित्यज्य पिता हि नः |
दैवीम् ऋद्धिम् अनुप्राप्तो ब्रह्म लोक विहारिणीम् || २-१०५-३७

37. naH = Our; pitaa = father; saH = that King Dasaratha; parityajya = having abandoned; jiirNam = his worn out; maanuSam deham = human body; anupraaptaH hi = indeed has attained daiviim = the celestial; R^iddhim = prosperous state; bhramaloka vihaariNiim = by which he can stroll in thre realm of Brahma ( the highest heaven).

"King Dasaratha, our father, having abandoned his worn-out human body, indeed has attained the celstial state, by which he can stroll in the realm of Brahma (the highest heaven).

Verse Locator

तम् तु न एवम् विधः कश्चित् प्राज्नः शोचितुम् अर्हति |
त्वद् विधो यद् विधः च अपि श्रुतवान् बुद्धिमत्तरः || २-१०५-३८

38. na praajJNaH = now wise; shrutavaan = learned; buddhimattaraH = and exceptionally clever man; kashchit = whosoever; aarhati = ought; shochitum = to weep; evam vidhaH = in such a manner; madvidhashchaapi = such as I and; tvadvidhaH = you; tam = about the emperor.

"No wise, learned and exceptionally clever man, would weep in such a manner, such as I and you, about the emperor.

Verse Locator

एते बहु विधाः शोका विलाप रुदिते तथा |
वर्जनीया हि धीरेण सर्व अवस्थासु धीमता || २-१०५-३९

39. dhimataa = the wise; dhiireNa = who are steadfast; varjaniiyaaH hi = should indeed relinquish; ete = these; shokaaH = sorrows; tathaa = and; vilaapa rudite = lamentations; weepings; sarvaavasthaasu = and such states of miksery.

"The wise, who are steadfast, should indeed relinquish these sorrows, lamentatious, weepings and such other states of misery."

Verse Locator

स स्वस्थो भव मा शोचो यात्वा च आवस ताम् पुरीम् |
तथा पित्रा नियुक्तो असि वशिना वदतामु वर || २-१०५-४०

40. bhava = be; svasthaH = composed; saH = such of you; vara = the most; vadataam = eloquent of orators!; maa = do not; shokaH = lament; yaatvaa = go and; aavasa = take possession; taam puriim = of that city; asi = you were; niyuktaH = commanded; tathaa = thus; pitraa = by our father; vashinaa = the subduer of senses.

"Be composed, O Most eloquent of orators! Control your grief, return to the City of Ayodhya in order to obey the command of our father, the subduer of his senses."

Verse Locator

यत्र अहम् अपि तेन एव नियुक्तः पुण्य कर्मणा |
तत्र एव अहम् करिष्यामि पितुर् आर्यस्य शासनम् || २-१०५-४१

41. ahamapi = I also; kariSyaami = will fulfil; shaasanam = the command; pituH = of our father; aaryasya = the venerable man; tatraiva = in that very place; yatra = where; nuyuktaH = I have been ordered; (to stay); tenaiva = by the king Dasaratha; PuNya karmaNaa = of virtuous deeds.

"I also will fulfil the command of our father, the venrable man in that very place, whre I have been ordered to stay by that king Dasaratha of virtuous deeds."

Verse Locator

न मया शासनम् तस्य त्यक्तुम् न्याय्यम् अरिम् दम |
तत् त्वया अपि सदा मान्यम् स वै बन्धुः स नः पिता || २-१०५-४२

42. arindama = O; Bharata the Vanquisher of Foes! na nyaayyam = It is not justifiable; mayaa = for me; tyaktum = to give up; shaasanam = the command; tasya = of our father; tat = It; maanyam = is to be honoured; sadaa = forever; tvayaapi = by you too; saH = he; bandhuHvai = is the kin; naH = for us; saH = he; pitaa = is our father.

"O Bharata the Vanquisher of Foes! It is not justifiable for me to violate the command of our father. You also must honour it to the end, for it comes from our father, out own blood."

Verse Locator

तद्वचः पितुरेवाहं सम्मतम् धर्मचारिणः |
कर्मणा पालयिष्यामि वनवासेन राघव || २-१०५-४३

43. raaghava = O; Bharata!; tat = that is why; aham = I; paalayiSyaami = shall conform; sammatam vachaH eva = just to the honourable word; pituH = of our fahter; dharmachaariNaH = the practiser of virtue; karmaNaa = by the act; ranavaasena = of dwelling in the forest.

"O, Bharata! Hence, I shall conform to the honourable word of our father, the practiser of virtue, by my act of dwelling in the forest."

Verse Locator

धार्मिकेणानृशंसेन नरेण गुरुवर्तिना |
भवितव्यं नरव्याघ्रम् परलोकं जिगीषता २-१०५-४४

44. naravyaaghra = O; Tiger among men!; dhaarmikeNa = who is pious; anR^ishamsena = who seeks to harm non; nareNa = by a man; jigiiSataa = who aspires to conquer; paralokam = the higher world; bhavitavyam = must act.

O, Tigher among men! Thus should a pious man act, who seeks to harm none, who is obedient to his elders and who aspires to conquer the higher world."

Verse Locator

आत्मानमनुतिष्ठ त्वं स्वभावेन नरर्षभ |
निशाम्य तु शुभं वृत्तं पितुर्दशरथस्य नः २-१०५-४५

45. nararSabha = O; excellent among men!; nishaamya = seeing; shubham = the virtuous; vR^ittam = conduct; pituH = of our father; dasharathasya = Dasaratha; anutiSTha = act in conformity to; aatmaanam = your own; svabhaavena = nature.

"O, excellent among men! perceiving the virutous conduct of our father, the King Dasaratha, act in conformity to your own nature."

Verse Locator

इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनम् महात्मा|
पितुर्निदेशप्रतिपालनार्थम् |
युवीयसम् भ्रातरमर्थवच्च |
प्रभुर्मुहूर्ताद्विरराम रामः || २-१०५-४६

46. uktvaa = having uttered; muhuurtaat = in about an hour; arthavat = these meaningful; vachanam = words; ityevam = in this manner; yaviiyasam = to his younger; bhraataram = brother; pituH nideshaparipaalanaartham = ont he need of obedience to his father's will; mahaatmaa = the magnanimous; prabhuH = and mighty; raamaH = Rama; viraaraama = became silent.

Having uttered in about an hour, these meaningful words in this manner to his younger brother on the need of abedience to his father's will, the magnamous and the mighty Rama became silent.

- - -

इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे पञ्चोत्तरशततमः सर्गः

Thus completes 105th Chapter of Ayodhya Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 105

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