Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 58
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


As per the orders of king Dasaratha, Sumantra delivers the parting messages of Rama and Lakshmana. Rama sends positive messages to Kausalya and Bharata but Lakshmana sends angry messages to Dasaratha.

Verse Locator

pratyāśvastaḥ yadā rājā mohāt pratyāgataḥ punaḥ |
thājuhāva tam sūtam rāma vṛtta anta kāraṇāt || 2-58-1

1. atha = thereafter; raajaa = the king; yadaa = when; pratyaashvastaH = recovered; mohaat = from loss of consciousness; punaH = and again; pratyaagataH = returned to his breath; (then) aajuhaava = called; tam suutam = that charioteer; raama vR^ittantaa kaaraNaat = for the purpose of getting the report on Rama.

Thereafter, the king when recovered from loss of consciousness and again returned to his breath, he called that charioteer for the purpose of getting the report on Rama.

Verse Locator

tadā sūto mahārāja kṛtāñjalirupasthitaḥ|
rāmameva anuśocantaṃ duḥkhaśokasamanvitam || 2-58-2
vṛddham parama samtaptam nava graham iva dvipam |
viniḥśvasantam dhyāyantam asvastham iva kunjaram || 2-58-3

2-3. atha = then; suutaH = sumantra; kR^itaaJNjaliH = who joined his palms in reverence; upasthitaH = approached; mahaaraaja = the monarch; anushochantam = who was repenting; raamameva = about Rama alone; duhkha shoka samanvitam = filled with pain and sorrow; vR^iddham = who was advanced in age; parama samtaptam = who was greatly anguished; vinihshvasantam = who was sighing; dvipam iva = like an elephant; nava graham = which was newly caught; dhyaayantam = who was thinking something; kunjaram iva = like an elephant; asvastham = which is sick.

Then, Sumantra, who joined his palms in reverence, approached the monarch who was repenting about Rama alone, filled with pain and sorrow, advanced in age, greatly anguished, sighing like a newly caught elephant and reflecting on something as a sick elephant.

Verse Locator

rājā tu rajasā sūtam dhvasta aṅgam samupasthitam |
aśru pūrṇa mukham dīnam uvāca parama ārtavat || 2-58-4

4. raajaa = the king; parama aartavat = having great distress; uvaacha = spoke; suutam = to Sumantra; dhvasta aN^gam = whose body was covered; rajasaa = with dust; ashru puurNa mukham = whose face was filled with tears; diinam = who was miserable; samupasthitam = and who approached near him.

The king, having great distress, spoke to Sumantra, whose body was covered with dust, his face filled with tears, who was miserable and who approached near him (as follows):

Verse Locator

kva nu vatsyati dharma ātmā vṛkṣa mūlam upāśritaḥ |
so atyanta sukhitaḥ sūta kim aśiṣyati rāghavaḥ || 2-58-5

5. suuta = Oh; Sumantra; kva nu = where; dharmaatmaa = can Rama the virtuous man; vatsyati = reside; upaashritaH = taking refuge; vR^ikSa muulam = at the root of a tree? Kim = what; saH raaghavaH = that Rama; atyanta sukhitaH = who enjoyed very many comforts; ashiSyati = can eat?

"Oh, Sumantra! Where can Rama the virtuous man abide, taking refuge at the root of a tree? What that Rama, who enjoyed very many pleasantries, can eat now?"

Verse Locator

duḥkhasyānucito duḥkham sumantra śayanocitaḥ |
bhūmi pāla ātmajo bhūmau śete katham anāthavat || 2-58-6

6. sumantra = Oh Sumantra; katham = how can; bhuumi paala aatmajo = Rama the prince; shayanochitaH = who was habituated to good beds; shete = sleep; duHkham = with discomfort; bhuumau = on a floor; anaathavat = like an orphan?

"Oh, Sumantra! How can Rama the prince, who was habituated to good beds, sleep with such discomfort on a floor like an orphan?"

Verse Locator

yam yāntam anuyānti sma padāti ratha kuṇzjarāḥ |
sa vatsyati katham rāmaḥ vijanam vanam āśritaḥ || 2-58-7

7. yam = with whom; yaantam = while journeying; padaati ratha kuNJjaraaH = foot-soldiers; chariots and elephants; anuyaanti sma = sued to follow; katham = how; saH raamaH = that Rama; aashritaH = can take shelter; vatsyati = and stay; vijanam = in a deserted; vanam = forest?

"Foot soldiers, Chariots and elephants used to follows whenever Rama was marching ahead. How such a man can take shelter and stay in a forest devoid of people?"

Verse Locator

vyāldaiḥ mṛgaiḥ ācaritam kṛṣṇa sarpa niṣevitam |
katham kumārau vaidehyā sārdham vanam upasthitau || 2-58-8

8. katham = how; kumaarau = Rama and Lakshmana; vaidehyaa saardham = along with Seetha; upasthitau = reached; vanam = the forest; aacaritam = being frequented by; vyaaLaiH = wild; mR^igaiH = animals; kR^iSNa sarpa niSevitam = and haunted by black snakes?

"How Seetha Rama and Lakshmana entered forest filled with wild animals and black snakes?"

Verse Locator

sukumāryā tapasvinyā sumantra saha sītayā |
rāja putrau katham pādaiḥ avaruhya rathāt gatau || 2-58-9

9. sumantra = Oh Sumantra! Katham = how; raajaputrau = those princes; siitayaa saha = with Seetha; sukumaaryaa = the delicate; tapasvinyaa = and the poor lady; gatau = went; paadaiH = on foot; avaruhya = after descending; rathaat = from the chariot?

"Oh, Sumantra! How those princes with Seetha the delicate and the poor lady went on foot, after descending from the chariot?"

Verse Locator

siddha arthaḥ khalu sūta tvam yena dṛṣṭau mama ātmajau |
vana antam praviśantau tāv aśvināv iva mandaram || 2-58-10

10. suuta = Oh; Sumantra! Ye = by you; mama = my; aatmajau = sons; dR^iSTau = have been seen; pravishantau = entering; vana antam = the boundary of the forest; mandaram iva = as (entering) the region of Mandara mountain; ashvinaav = by the two divinities of Aswini; tvam = you; siddha arthaH khalu = are indeed accomplished.

"Oh, Sumantra! You have seen my sons entering the forest, as though divinities of Aswini had entered the Mountain-range of Mandara. You are indeed lucky."

Verse Locator

kim uvāca vaco rāmaḥ kim uvāca ca lakṣmaṇaḥ |
sumantra vanam āsādya kim uvāca ca maithilī || 2-58-11

11. sumantra = Oh; Sumantra! Aasaadya = after reaching; vanam = the forest; kim = what; vachaH = words; raamaH = (did) Rama; uvaacha = speak; kim = what did; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; uvaacha = speak; kim cha = and what; maithilii = (did) Seetha; uvaacha = speak?

"Oh, Sumantra! After reaching the forest, what words did Rama speak? What did Lakshmana speak? What did Seetha speak?"

Verse Locator

āsitam śayitam bhuktam sūta rāmasya kīrtaya |
jīviṣyāmyahametena yayātiriva sādhuṣu || 2-58-12

12. suuta = Oh; charioteer; kiirtaya = tell (me); asitam = about sitting; shayitam = sleeping; bhuktam = and eating; raamasya = of Rama; etena = by this; aham = I; jiivishhyaami = shall survive; saadhushhu iva = as among saints; yayaatiH = Yayati (lived).

"Oh, charioteer! Tell me where Rama sat, slept and took food. By hearing these things, I shall survive, as Yayati survived in the company of saints."

Comment: King Yayati, when doomed to fall from heaven requested Indra to cast his lot with saints. He was accordingly sent down to a spot on the earth, where four ascetics- Astaka Pratardana, Vasuman and King Sibi had been practicing austerities, and had discourse with them- Mahabharata, Adi Parva.

Verse Locator

iti sūtaḥ nara indreṇa coditaḥ sajjamānayā |
uvāca vācā rājānam sa bāṣpa parirbaddhayā || 2-58-13

13. choditaH = as asked; iti = thus; narendreNa = by the king; saH suutaH = that charioteer; uvaacha = spoke; raajaanam = to the emperor; vaachaa = in a voice; sajjamaanayaa = quivering; baaSpa paribaddhayaa = and choked with tears.

As asked thus by the king, Sumantra spoke to the emperor in a voice quivering and choked with tears (as follows).

Verse Locator

abravīn mām mahā rāja dharmam eva anupālayan |
anjalim rāghavaḥ kṛtvā śirasā abhipraṇamya ca || 2-58-14

14. mahaaraaja = Oh; emperor; raaghavaH = Rama; anupaalayan = keeping up; dharmameva = the prescribed course of conduct; kR^itvaa = making; anjalim = salutation with joined palms; abhipraNamya cha = and bowing in reverence; shirasaa = with his head (to you); abraviit = spoke; maam = to me.

"Oh, emperor! Rama, keeping up the prescribed course of conduct, making salutation with joined palms and bowing his head in reverence to you, spoke to me as follows:"

Verse Locator

sūta madvacanāt tasya tātasya vidita ātmanaḥ |
śirasā vandanīyasya vandyau pādau mahātmanaḥ || 2-58-15

15. suuta = Oh; charioteer; paadau = the feet; tasya taatasya = of my father; vidita aatmanaH = one with remarkable intellect; mahaatmanaH = one with mighty soul; vandaniiyasya = and one to be respectfully greeted; vandyau = are to be saluted; shirasaa = with my head; madvacanaat = through my words.

"Oh, charioteer! Tell my salutations to my father, the one with a remarkable intellect, a mighty soul and the one to be respectfully greeted."

Verse Locator

sarvam antaḥ puram vācyam sūta madvacanāttvayā |
ārogyam aviśeṣeṇa yathā arham ca abhivādanam || 2-58-16

16. suuta = Oh; Charioteer; vaachyam = It is to be spoken; tvayaa = by you; madvachanaat = as my word; sarvam = to the entire; antaH puram = gynaeceum; avisheSeNa = without any disparity; aarogyam = about their health; yathaarham = and appropriate; abhivaadanam ca = salutations too.

Oh, charioteer! Enquire about the health of all the people in the gynaeceum without any disparity and offer my appropriate salutations to them.

Verse Locator

mātā ca mama kausalyā kuśalam ca abhivādanam |
apramādam ca vaktavyā brūyāścaimidam vacaḥ || 2-58-17

17. mama = my; maataa = Kausalya; vaktavyaa = is to be told; kushalam = about my welfare; abhivaadanam ca = about my salutations; apramaadam ca = and about my alertness; bruuyaaH = tell; idam = these; vachashcha = words also.

My mother Kausalya is to be told about my welfare, about my offering salutations to her and about my meticulousness.

Verse Locator

dharmanityā yathākālamagnyagāraparā bhava |
devi devasya pādau ca devavat paripālaya || 2-58-18

18. devii = Oh; godly lady; bhava = be; dharmanityaa = righteous always; agnyagaaraparaa = and be interested in offering sacrifices in the house of fire-worship; yathaa kaalam = as per the prescribed timings; paripaalaya = nurture; paadau ca = the feet; devasya = of the King Dasaratha; devavat = like with a god.

"Oh, godly lady! Be always righteous and be interested in offering worship and sacrifices as per the prescribed timings in the House of Fire worship. Nurture the feet of the Lord Dasaratha, like with a god."

Verse Locator

abhimānam ca mānam ca tyaktvā vartasva mātṛṣu |
anu rājāna māryām ca kaikeyīmamba kāraya || 2-58-19

19. amba = Oh; mother; vartasva = behave; maatR^iSu = towards other mothers; tyaktvaa = abounding; abhimaanam ca = self-conceit; maanam ca = and indignation; kaaraya = make; aaryaam = the venerable; kaikeyiim = Kiakeyi; raajaanam anu = agreeable to the king.

"Oh, mother! Behave towards my other mothers, abandoning self-conceit and indignation. Make the venerable Kaikeyi, agreeable to the king."

Verse Locator

kumāre bharate vṛttirvartitavyāca rājavat |
arthajyeṣṭhā hi rājāno rājadharmamanusmara || 2-58-20

20. bharate = in respect of Bharata; kumaare = your son; vartitavyaa = follow; vR^ittiH = a respectable behaviour; raajavat = as with a king; raajaanaH = kings; artha jyeSThaaH hi = are indeed sovereign in substance; anusmara = remember; raajadharmam = the rules; relating to kings.

"In respect of Bharata your son, follow a respectable behaviour as with a king. Kings are indeed sovereign in substance. Remember the rules relating to kings."

Verse Locator

bharataḥ kuśalam vācyo vācyo mad vacanena ca |
sarvāsva eva yathā nyāyam vṛttim vartasva mātṛṣu || 2-58-21

21. bharataH = Bharata; vaacyaH = is to be asked; kushalam = about his well-being; vaacyaH ca = It is to be told also; madvachanena = as my word; vartasva = follow; vR^ittim = good behaviour; eva = indeed; yathaanyaayam = judiciously; sarvaasu = towards all; maatR^iSu = mothers.

"Bharata is to be enquired about his well-being and he is also to be informed as follows: "Follow good behaviour indeed judiciously towards all your mothers."

Verse Locator

vaktavyaḥ ca mahā bāhur ikṣvāku kula nandanaḥ |
pitaram yauvarājyastho rājyastham anupālaya || 2-58-22

22. mahaabaahuH = the mighty armed Bharata; ikSvaaku kula nandanaH = the son of Ikshvaku race; vaktavyaH ca = is to be told (as follows) yauvaraajyasthaH = being installed in the office of prince Regent.

"The mighty armed Bharata the son of Ikshvaku race, is to be told as follows: �Being installed in the office of Prince Regent, attend to your father who still stays in the throne'."

Verse Locator

atikrāntavayā rājā māsmainam vyavarorudhaḥ |
kumārarājye jīva tvam tasyaivājñpravartanām || 2-58-23

23. raajaa = the King; atikraantavayaaH = has crossed his age; maasmainam vyavarorudhaH = do not depose; enam = him; aaJNaapravartanaat = by proceeding according to the orders; tasyaiva = of the king; tvam = of; jiiva = live; kumaara raajye = as a prince."

"The king has crossed his age. But do not depose him on that score. By proceeding according to the orders of the king, you live as a prince."

Verse Locator

abravīccāpi mām bhūyo bhṛśamaśrūṇi vartayan |
māteva mama mātā te draṣṭavyā putragardhinī || 2-58-24

24. vartayan = shedding; ashruuNi = tears; bhR^isham = profusely; bhuuyaH = (he) again; abraviicchaapi = spoke; maam = to me (as follows); maam maataa = my mother; putragardhinii = who is very much longing her son; draSTavyaa = is to be looked after; te = by you; maateva = as your mother.

"Shedding tears profusely, Rama again spoke to me as follows : �My mother, who is very much longing her son, is to be looked after by you as if she is your mother'."

Verse Locator

iti evam mām mahārāja bṛvann eva mahā yaśāḥ |
rāmaḥ rājīva tāmra akṣo bhṛśam aśrūṇi avartayat || 2-58-25

25. mahaaraja = Oh; emperor; raamaH = Rama; mahaayashaaH = of most beautiful appearance; raajiiva taamraakshhaH = with red eyes resembling red lotus flowers; bruvanneva = while even uttering; ityeva = thus; maam = to me; bhR^isham = amply; avartata = shed; ashruuNi = tears.

"Oh, emperor! Rama of the most beautiful appearance with red eyes resembling red lotus flowers, while even uttering these words to me profusely shed tears."

Verse Locator

lakṣmaṇaḥ tu susamkruddho nihśvasan vākyam abravīt |
kena ayam aparādhena rāja putraḥ vivāsitaḥ || 2-58-26

26. lakshmaNastu = but Lakshmana; susamkruddhaH = was very angry; nishshvasan = and breathing a sigh; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; kena = on which; aparedhena = offence; ayam = this; raajaputraH = prince; vivaasitaH = was expelled from his home'"

"But Lakshmana was very angry and breathing a sigh, spoke to me as follows: �On which offence this prince was expelled from home?'"

Verse Locator

rājñā tu khalu kaikeyyā laghu tvāśritya śāsanam |
kṛtam kāryamakāryam vā vayam yenābhipīḍitāḥ || 2-58-27

27. raajJNaa tu = the king even; aashritya = took shelter under; laghu = the wretched; shaasanam = decree; kaikeyyaaH = of Kaikeyi; kR^itam = and did; akaaryam = an act not to be done; kaaryam = as though it is a proper act; yena = by which; vayam = we; abhipiiDitaH = are tormented.

"The king even took shelter under a wretched decree of Kaikeyi and performed an act not to be done, as though it is a proper deed, for which we are now tormented."

Verse Locator

yadi pravrājitaḥ rāmaḥ lobha kāraṇa kāritam |
vara dāna nimittam vā sarvathā duṣkṛtam kṛtam || 2-58-28

28. lobha kaaraNa kaaritam = either instigated by passion; vara daana nimittam vaa = or with the intention of giving boons; raamaH = Rama; pravraajitaH yadi = was sent to exile; dushhkR^itam = an infamous deed; kR^itam = was done; sarvathaa = by all means."

"Even if this was done for the good pleasure of the king or through the will of God, I do not see any justification for Rama's abandonment."

Verse Locator

idam tāvadyathākāmamīśvarasya kṛte kṛtam |
rāmasya tu parityāge na hetum upalakṣaye || 2-58-29

29. idam taavat = even if this; kR^itam = was done; yathaakaamam = for the good pleasure of the kin; iishvarasya kR^ita = or through the will of god; na upalakshhye = I do not see; hetum = any justification; raamasya = for Rama's parityaage = abandonment.

"Even if this was done for the good pleasure of the king or through the will of god, I do not see any justification for Rama's abandonment."

Verse Locator

asamīkṣya samārabdham viruddham buddhi lāghavāt |
janayiṣyati samkrośam rāghavasya vivāsanam || 2-58-30

30. raaghavasya = Rama's; vivaasam = exile; viruddham = an illegal decision; samaarabdham = undertaken; buddhi laaghavaat = whether due to levity of judgment; asamiikshhya = or due to lack of reflection; janayishhyati = will raise; samkrosham = intensive anguish.

"Rama's exile, an illegal decision undertaken whether due to levity of judgment or due to lack of reflection, will raise countless protests."

Verse Locator

aham tāvan mahā rāje pitṛtvam na upalakṣaye |
bhrātā bhartā ca bandhuḥ ca pitā ca mama rāghavaḥ || 2-58-31

31. aham = I; na upalakshhaye = do not see; pitR^itvam = father-hood; mahaaraaja = in the emperor; mama = for me; raaghavaH = Rama; bhraataa ca = is brother; bhartaa ca = lord; bandhuH ca = relative and; pitaa = father.

"I do not consider the emperor as my father. For me, Rama is the brother, lord, relative and my father."

Verse Locator

sarva loka priyam tyaktvā sarva loka hite ratam |
sarva loko anurajyeta katham tvā anena karmaṇā || 2-58-32

32. tyaktvaa = leaving; sarva loka priyam = (Rama) the beloved of all people; ratam = and who is interested; sarva lokahite = in the welfare of all mankind; katham = how would; sarva lokaH = all the people; anurajyeta = be interested; tvam = in you; anena karmaNaa = by this act?

"Leaving Rama the beloved of all people and who is interested in the welfare of all human beings, how would all these people would be interested in you by this act of yours?"

Verse Locator

sarvaprajābhirāmam hi rāmam pravrājya dhārmikam |
sarvalokam virudhyemam katham rājā bhaviṣyasi || 2-58-33

33. pravraajya = by banishing; raamam = Rama; sarvaprajaabhiraamam = who is delightful to entire people; dhaarmikam = and virtuous; virudhya = and opposing; imam sarva lokam = all this entire world; katham = how; bhavishhyasi = will you stay; raajaa = as a king?

"By banishing Rama who is delightful to entire people and who is a virtuous man and by opposing all this entire world, how will you stay as a king?"

Verse Locator

jānakī tu mahā rāja niḥśvasantī tapasvinī |
bhūta upahata cittā iva viṣṭhitā vṛṣmṛtā sthitā || 2-58-34

34. mahaaraaja = "Oh king; tapasvinii = the wise; jaanakii tu = Seetha for her part; niHshvasantii = stood sighing; bhuuta upahata cittaa = with mind like one possessed; vR^iSmR^itaa sthitaa = forgetting her own existence there; viSThitaa = stood motionless.

"Oh, King! The wise Seetha for her part with her mind like one possessed and forgetting her own existence, stood sighing and static.

Verse Locator

adṛṣṭa pūrva vyasanā rāja putrī yaśasvinī |
tena duhkhena rudatī na eva mām kiṃcit abravīt || 2-58-35

35. raaja putrii = that princess Seetha; yashasvinii = the illustrious one; adR^iSTa puurva vyasanaa = having not seen such misfortune earlier; na eva abraviit = could not even tell; kimcit = anything; maam = to me; rudatii = weeping (as she was); tena duHkhena = with that unpleasantness.

"The illustrious Seetha having not seen such misfortune earlier, could not even to speak me anything, weeping as she was with that uneasiness."

Verse Locator

udvīkṣamāṇā bhartāram mukhena pariśuṣyatā |
mumoca sahasā bāṣpam mām prayāntam udīkṣya sā || 2-58-36

36. udiikSya = seeing; maam = me; parishuSyataa = with emaciated; mukhena = face; udviikSamaaNaa = perceiving; bhartaaram = her husband; sahasaa = soon; mumoca = shed down; baaSpam = tears.

"Seeing me going back, Seetha with emaciated face, perceiving her husband, soon shed down tears."

Verse Locator

tathaiva rāmaḥ aśru mukhaḥ kṛta anjaliḥ |
sthitaḥ abhaval lakṣmaṇa bāhu pālitaḥ sthitaḥ |
tathaiva sītā rudatī tapasvinī |
nirīkṣate rāja ratham tathaiva mām || 2-58-37

37. tathaiva = In the same way; raamaH = Rama; ashru mukhaH = with tears on his face; kR^ita anjaliH = and with joined palms; sthitaH abhaval = stood; lakSmaNa baahu paalitaH = shielded by the arms of Lakshmana; tathaiva = In the same way; tapasvinii = the miserable; siitaa = Seetha; rudatii = weeping; niriikSate = was seeing; raaja ratham = the royal chariot; tathaiva = and; maam = me."

"In the same way, Rama with tears on his face and with joined palms, stood being shielded by the arms of Lakshmana. The miserable Seetha in the same manner was weeping and seeing the royal chariot and me."

- - -

ityārṣe śrīmadrāmāyaṇe ādikāvye ayodhyākāṇḍe aṣṭapañcāśaḥ sargaḥ

Thus completes 58th Chapter of Ayodhya Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 58

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© April 2003, K. M. K. Murthy

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