Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 75
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Bharata asserts that he does not know how the exile of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana has occurred. Bharata and Satrughna go to Kausalya's place. Kausalya speaks harsh words to Bharata, saying that Kaikeyi his mother procured for him the kingdom as desired by him the kingdom as desired by him. Bharata politely explains, on a number of oaths, his own innocence over the matter, Kausalya comes to know Bharata's heart, fondly takes him to her lap and weeps distressfully.

Verse Locator

दीर्घकालात्समुत्थाय सम्ज्ञाम् लब्ध्वा च वीर्यवान् |
नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्याम् दीनामुद्वीक्ष्य मातरम् || २-७५-१
सोऽमात्यमध्येभरतो जननीमभ्यकुत्सयत् |

1. saH bharataH = that bharata; viiryavaan = the valiant man; samutthaaya = rose up; diirghakaalaat = after a long time; labdhvaa = obtained; samjNaam = consiousness; udvikshhya = saw; maataram = his mother; netraabhyaam = with her eyes; diinaam ashrupuuNaabhyaam = filled with tear; abhyakutsayat = reproached; jananiim = his mother; amaatyamadhye = in the midst of the ministers.

That valiant Bharata, having come to himself a long time on obtaining consciousness, saw his mother whose eyes were filled pitiably with tears, reproached her mother in the midst of the ministers and said as follows:-

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राज्यम् न कामये जातु मन्त्रये नापि मातरम् || २-७५-२
अभिषेकम् न जानामि यो.भूद्रज्ज़्ना समीक्षितः |
विप्रकृष्टे ह्यहम् देशे शत्रुघ्न सहितोऽवसम् || २-७५-३

2;3. na jaatu kaamaye = I never desired; raajyam = for the kingdom; na mantraye = nor consulted (about this matter); maataraam api = with my mother even; najaanaami = I did not know; abhishhekam = about (my proposed) coronation; yaH = which; abhuut = has been; samiikshhitah = contemplated; raaj^Naa = by the king; aham = I; avasamhi = was indeed residing; viprakR^ishhTe = in a distant; dashe = land; shatrughnasahitaH = along with Shatrughna.

"I never desired for the kingdom nor consulted about this matter with even my mother. I was not aware of the proposed coronation, which has of the been contemplated by king Dasaratha; since I was staying indeed in a distant land, along with Satrughna."

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वनवासम् न जानामि रामस्यहम् महात्मनः |
विवासनम् वा सौमित्रेः सीतायाश्च यथाभवत् || २-७५-४

4. aham = I; najaanaami = was not aware; vanavaasam = of the banishment to forest; raamasya = of Rama; mahaatmanaH = the high soled; (nor aware) yathaa = of how; vivaasanam = the banishment; soumitreH = of Lakshmana; siitaayaashcha = and of Seetha; abhavat = having occured.

"I was neither aware of the banishment of Rama to the forest nor about how the exile of Lakshmana and Seetha have occurred."

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तथैव क्रोशतः तस्य भरतस्य महात्मनः |
कौसल्या शब्दम् आज्ञाय सुमित्राम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-७५-५

5. aajNaaya = recognizing; shabdam = the voice; bharatasya = of Bharata; mahaatmanaH = the noble man; kroshataH crying out; tathaiva = in that manner; kausalya = Kausalya; abraviit = spoke; idam = thesewords; sumitraam = to Sumitra.

Recognising the voice of Bharata the noble man, crying out in that manner, Kausalya spoke the following words to Sumitra:

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आगतः क्रूर कार्यायाः कैकेय्या भरतः सुतः |
तम् अहम् द्रष्टुम् इच्चामि भरतम् दीर्घ दर्शिनम् || २-७५-६

6. bharataH = bharata; sutah = the son; kaikeyyaaH = of Kaikeyi; kruurakaaryaaH = performer of terrible deeds; aagataH = arrived; aham = I; ichchhaami = want; drashhTum = to see; tam bharatam = that Bharata; diirghadarshanam = the far sighted.

"Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, the doer terrific deeds arrived. I went to see that far-sighted Bharata."

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एवम् उक्त्वा सुमित्राम् सा विवर्णा मलिन अम्बरा |
प्रतस्थे भरतः यत्र वेपमाना विचेतना || २-७५-७

7. saa = that Kausalya; vivarNaa = who became pale; malinaa = with her demeanour dirty; kR^ishaa = emaciated; evam = thus;uktvaa = speaking; sumitraam = to Sumitra; vepamaanaa = became agitated; vichetanaa = and absent minded; pratasthe = and proceeded; yatra = (to the place) where; bharataH = Bharata;(was there).

That kausalya who became pale with her demeanor, dirty and emaciated, speaking to Sumitra as aforesaid, became agitated and absent minded and proceeded to Bharata's place.

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स तु राम अनुजः च अपि शत्रुघ्न सहितः तदा |
प्रतस्थे भरतः यत्र कौसल्याया निवेशनम् || २-७५-८

8. tadaa = then; saH bharataH = that Bharata; raamaanujaH tu = the younger brother of Rama on his part; shatrughna sahitaH = along with Shatrughna; pratasthe = proceeded; yatra = to where; kausalyaaH = Kausalya's; niveshanam = place was.

Bharata, the younger brother of Rama on his part, along with Shatrughna started out to Kausalya's place.

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ततः शत्रुघ्न भरतौ कौसल्याम् प्रेक्ष्य दुह्खितौ |
पर्यष्वजेताम् दुह्ख आर्ताम् पतिताम् नष्ट चेतनाम् || २-७५-९
रुदन्तौ रुदतीम् दुःखात्समेत्यार्याम् मनस्स्विनीम् |

9. tataH = thereafter; prackshhya = seeing; kausalyaam = Kausalya; duHkhaartaam = who was afflicted with grief; nashhTachetanaam = fallen unconscious(on the way); rudatiim = crying; aaryaam = who was an honorable woman; manssviniim = having noble mind; shatrughnabharatou = Shatrughna and Bharata; rudantou = wept; duHkhitou = with grief; sametya = approached; duHhaat = painfully; paryashhvajetaam = and embraced her.

Seeing Kausalya who was afflicted with grief, who fell unconscious (on the way) who was crying and who was an honorable woman with a noble mind. Shatrughna and Bharata wept in sorrow, approached her painfully and embraced her.

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भरतम् प्रत्युवाच इदम् कौसल्या भृश दुह्खिता || २-७५-१०
इदम् ते राज्य कामस्य राज्यम् प्राप्तम् अकण्टकम् |
सम्प्राप्तम् बत कैकेय्या शीघ्रम् क्रूरेण कर्मणा || २-७५-११

10; 11. kausalyaa = Kausalya; bhR^ishaduhkhitaa = who was very much in sorrow; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these words; bharatam prati = to bharata:_ te = "To you; raajya kaamasya = who have a desire for kingdom; idam = this; akNTakam = invincible; raajyam = kingdom; praaptam = has been obtained; krureNa karmaNaa = by this cruel deed; kaikeyyaH = of Kaikeyi; sampraaptam = it was obtained; shiighram = soon; bata = Alas!

Kausalya who was very much in sorrow , spoke the following words to Bharata: "you, who have a desire for kingdom, have got this invincible kingdom ."Alas! By the cruel deed of Kaikeyi, it was obtained by you soon!"

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प्रस्थाप्य चीर वसनम् पुत्रम् मे वन वासिनम् |
कैकेयी कम् गुणम् तत्र पश्यति क्रूर दर्शिनी || २-७५-१२

12. kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; kruuradarshhinii = the cruel minded; me = my; puttram = son; chiiravasanam = wear garments of bark; prasthaapya = and sent (him); vanavaasinam = to dwell in the forest; kim = what; guNam = merit; pashyati = she is perceiving; tatra = in ding so?

"The ruthless Kaikeyi condemned my son to wear garments of bark and sent him to dwell in the forest: What merit has she gained from this?"

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क्षिप्रम् माम् अपि कैकेयी प्रस्थापयितुम् अर्हति |
हिरण्य नाभो यत्र आस्ते सुतः मे सुमहा यशाः || २-७५-१३

13. kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; arhati = is opt; prasthaapayitum = to send; maamapi = me too; kshhipram = without delay(to the place); yatra = where; me = my; sumahaayashaaH = illustrious; sutaH = son; hiraNya naabhaH = with a golden navel(the distinguished mark of Vishnu the god of creation).

"Kaikeyi ought to send me too without delay to the place where my illustrious son with a golden novel (the distinguished mark of Vishnu the god of creation) is there."

Verse Locator

अथवा स्वयम् एव अहम् सुमित्र अनुचरा सुखम् |
अग्नि होत्रम् पुरः कृत्य प्रस्थास्ये यत्र राघवः || २-७५-१४

14. athavaa = otherwise; aham = I; svayameva = for my own satisfaction; sumitraamcharaa = accompanied by Sumitra; puraskR^itya = placing in front (carried by Brahmana); agnihotram = the sacred fire**;sukham = will happily; prasthaasye = set out; (to the place); yatra = where; raaghavah = Rama(is there).

"Otherwise, I for my own satisfaction accompanied by Sumitra, placing in front(carried by Brahmana) the sacred fire*** will happily set out to the place Raghava has gone."

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कामम् वा स्वयम् एव अद्य तत्र माम् नेतुम् अर्हसि |
यत्र असौ पुरुष व्याघ्रः तप्यते मे तपः सुतः || २-७५-१५

15. vaa = otherwise; svayameva = you yourself; arhasi = are apt; returm = to conduct; maam = me; adya = now; kaamam = if you so desire (to the place); yatra = where; me putraH = my son; asou = this Rama; purushhavyaaghraH = the tiger among men; tapyati = is performing; tapaH = asceticism.

"Otherwise, you yourself ought to conduct me now, if you so desire, to the place where my son, the tiger among men, is living as an ascetic."

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इदम् हि तव विस्तीर्णम् धन धान्य समाचितम् |
हस्ति अश्व रथ सम्पूर्णम् राज्यम् निर्यातितम् तया || २-७५-१६

16. idam raajyam = this kingdom; hastyashvaratha sampuurNam = filled with elephants horses and chariots; dhanadhaanya samaachitam = heaped together with grains and riches; vistiirNamhi = was indeed procured; tava = to you; tayaa = by her.

"This vast kingdom, endowed with elephants, horses and chariots and stock piled with grains and riches, has been made over to you by her."

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इत्यादिबहुभिर्वाक्यैः क्रूरैः सम्भर्स्तितोऽनघः |
विव्यथे भरतस्तीव्रम् व्रणे तुद्येव सूचिना || २-७५-१७

17. sambhartsitah = derided; ityaadi = with these and other; bahubhiH = innumerable; kruuraiH = harsh; vaakyaiH = words; anaghaH = that he had not merited; bharataH = Bharata; vivyathe tiivram = was extremely perturbed; tudyeva = as if thrust; suuchinaa = by a needle; vraNe = into an open wound.

Derided with these and other harsh words that he had not merited, Bharata was extremely perturbed, as if a needle was thrust into an open wound.

Verse Locator

पपात चरणौ तस्यास्तदा सम्भ्रान्तचेतनः |
विलप्य बहुधाऽसम्ज्ञो लब्धसम्ज्ञ्स्ततः स्थितः || २-७५-१८

18. sambhraantachetanaH = this mind being perplexed; asamjN^aH = having lost his consciousness; (Bharata) sthitaH = stood; labdhasamjN^aH = regaining his senses; vilapya = wailed; bahudhaa = in many ways; papaata = fell; chaaraNou = at the feet; tasyaaH = of the queen.

His mind being perplexed and having lost his consciousness, Bharata then coming his senses, wailed in many ways and fell at the feet of the queen.

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एवम् विलपमानाम् ताम् भरतः प्रान्जलिस् तदा |
कौसल्याम् प्रत्युवाच इदम् शोकैः बहुभिर् आवृताम् || २-७५-१९

19. tadaa = then; bharataH = Bharata; praN^jaliH = with folded hands; pratyuvaacha = replied; idam = these words; taam kausalyaam = to that Kausalya; aavR^itaam = who was surrounded; shokaiH = by afflictions; vilapanaamaam = and weeping; evam = as aforesaid; bahubhiH = in many ways.

Then, Bharata with folded hands, replied as follows to Kausalya who was encircled by afflictions and weeping as aforesaid in many ways:

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आर्ये कस्मात् अजानन्तम् गर्हसे माम् अकिल्बिषम् |
विपुलाम् च मम प्रीतिम् स्थिराम् जानासि राघवे || २-७५-२०

20. aarye = o; noblewoman! kasmaat = why; garhasi = do you reproach ; maam = me; ajaanantam = who did not knowing; anything; akilbishham = and who am sinless? Jaanaasi = you are aware; mama = of my; vipulaam = exalted; sthiraam = stable; priitam = love; raaghave = towards Rama.

"O, noble woman! Why do you reproach me, sinless as I am, for those things that I do not know anything? Nay, you know well of the greatest affection I have for Rama."

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कृता शास्त्र अनुगा बुद्धिर् मा भूत् तस्य कदाचन |
सत्य संधः सताम् श्रेष्ठो यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२१

21. buddhiH = (may) the mind; tasya = of the one; yasya = who; kadaachana = in any way whatsoever; anumate = allowed; gatah = for the departure; aaryah = of my elder brother; sataam = shroshhTo = the best of men; who keeps us his promise; maa bhuut = be never; kR^itaa = decided; shaastraamga = according to the scriptures.

"May the mind of the one who in any way whatsoever allowed for the departure of my elder brother the best of men who keeps up his promise, be closed to all the seriptures."

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प्रैष्यम् पापीयसाम् यातु सूर्यम् च प्रति मेहतु |
हन्तु पादेन गाम् सुप्ताम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२२

22. (May he) anumate = who counseled; gataH = the banishment; aaryaH = of my noble brother; yaatu = become; preshhyam = the slave; paapiyasaam = of the vilest scoundrels; mehatu = may he) answer the calls of nature; suuryaamchaprati = in the face of the sun; hantu = and may he kick; paadena = with his foot; suptaam = a sleeping; gaam = cow.

"May he who counseled the banishment of my noble brother become the slave of the vilest scoundrels, may he answer the calls of nature in the face of the sun and may he kick with his foot, a sleeping cow."

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कारयित्वा महत् कर्म भर्ता भृत्यम् अनर्थकम् |
अधर्मः यो अस्य सो अस्याः तु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२३

23. yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = went to exile; asya = to him; saH astu = let that; asya = to him; saH astu = let that sin incur; yaH bharata = as to a master; kaarayitvaa = who imposes; mahat = the heaviest; karma = labour; bhR^ityam = on his servant; anarthakam = without remunerating him.

"With whose counsel my elder brother went to exile, to him let that sin incur, as to a master who imposes the heaviest labour on his servant without remunerating him."

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परिपालयमानस्य राज्ञो भूतानि पुत्रवत् |
ततः तु द्रुह्यताम् पापम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२४

24. yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gatah = has gone to exile; to him) tat = let that; paapam = sin incur; druhyataam = as to those who seek to harm; raajN^aH = a king; paripaalayamaanasya = who protects; bhuutaani = his people; putravat = his own children.

"with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, to him let that sin incur as to those who seek to harm a king who protects his people as if they are his own children."

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बलि षड् भागम् उद्धृत्य नृपस्य अरक्षतः प्रजाः |
अधर्मः यो अस्य सो अस्य अस्तु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२५

25. adharmaH = guilt; nR^ipasyaof a kingyaH = which; uddhR^itya = who taking; balishhaDbhaagam = the sixth part of the revenue; prajaaH = of his people; arakshhataH = fails to protect(them); asya = theirs; saH = that; astu = be; asya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = went to exile.

"May the guilt of a king, who taking the sixth part of the revenue of his people fails to protect them, be fallen on them with whose counsel my elder brother went to exile."

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संश्रुत्य च तपस्विभ्यः सत्रे वै यज्ञ दक्षिणाम् |
ताम् विप्रलपताम् पापम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२६

26. paapam = may the sin of those; samshurutya = = who having given the promise; yajNa dakshhinaam = having given the promise; satre = in a sacrifice; tapasvibhyaH = to the priests; vipralapataam = breaks; taam = that promise; be his)yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = went to exile.

"May the sin of those having given the promise for certain sacrificial fees to priests in a sacrifice, breaks that promise, to be his with whose counsel my elder brother went to exile."

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हस्ति अश्व रथ सम्बाधे युद्धे शस्त्र समाकुले |
मा स्म कार्षीत् सताम् धर्मम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२७

27. (may the sin of him) maasmakaarshhit = who fails to observe; dharmam = the code of welfare; sataam = followed by the virtuous; yuddhe = in a battle; hastvashvarathasambaadhe = abundantly provided with elephants; horses; chariots and weapons; janasamaakule = and abounding in men;( be his) yasya = with whose; ammate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = went to exile.

"May the sin of him, who fails to observe the code of warfare followed by the virtuous in a battle abundantly provided with elephants horses chariots weapons and men, be his with whose counsel my elder brother went to exile."

Verse Locator

उपदिष्टम् सुसूक्ष्म अर्थम् शास्त्रम् यत्नेन धीमता |
स नाशयतु दुष्ट आत्मा यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-२८

28. saH = may that; dushhTaatmaa = perverse wretch; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; naashayatu = forget; susuukshhmaartham = the subtle meanings; shaastram = of the scriptures; upadishhTam = imparted; yatnena = with care; dhiimataa = by a wise teacher.

"May that perverse wretch, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, forget the subtle meanings of the scriptures taught with care by a wise teacher."

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मा च तम् प्यूढबाह्वंसम् चन्द्रार्कसम्तेजनम् |
द्राक्षीद्राज्यस्थमासीनम् यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-२९

29. (may he) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; maacha draakshhiit = never behold; tam = that Rama; vyuuDha baahvamsam = having large arms and broad shoulders; chandraarkasamatejasam = radiant as the sun and the moon; aasiinam = seated; raajyastham = in a kingly office.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, never behold that Rama having large arms and broad shoulders radiant as the sun and the moon and seated as he will be on a throne."

Verse Locator

पायसम् कृसरम् चागम् वृथा सो अश्नातु निर्घृणः |
गुरूमः च अपि अवजानातु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-३०

30. saH = may that; nirghR^iNaH = pitiless one; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; (incure the sin) aashnaatu = of partaking; paayasam = milk boiled with rice and sugar; kR^isaram = a cooked mixture of rice and peas with a few spices; chhaagam = a goat; vR^ithaa = in vain; avajaanaatucha = and be lacking in reverence ; guruun = towards teachers.

"May that pitiless one with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of partaking milk boiled with rice and sugar a cooked mixture of rice and peas with a few species and a goat flesh without offering them to the gods and be lacking in reverence towards teachers."

Verse Locator

गाश्च स्पृशतु पादेन गुरून् परिवदेत्स्वयम् |
मित्रे द्रुह्येत सोऽत्यन्तम् यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-३१

31. saH(may he) ; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; spR^ishatu paadena = incur the sin of) kicking; gaaH = cows; parivadet = of abusing; guruun = the elders; svayam = personally; atyanta = ruhyeta = of very much deceiving; mitre = a friend.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sins of kicking the cows, of personally abusing the elders and of deceiving a friend too much."

Verse Locator

विश्वासात्कथितम् किंचित्परिवादम् मिथः क्वचित् |
विवृणोतु स दुष्टात्मा यस्यार्योओऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-३२

32. saH dushhTaatmaa = may that perverse wretch; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; vivR^iNotu = divulge = kimchit = the little; parivaadam = abusing words; kaThitam = narrated; kvachit = occasionally; mittaH = in secret; vishvaasaat = and in confidence.

"May that perverse wretch with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile incur the sin of divulging a little abusing words about others spoken occasionally in secret and in confidence, to him."

Verse Locator

अकर्ता ह्यकृतज्ञश्च त्यक्तात्मा निरपत्रपः |
लोके भवतु विद्वेष्यो यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-३३

33. (may he) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; bhavatu = become; akartaa = a non doer; akR^itajNaH cha = an ungrateful person; tyaktaatmaa = a desperate man; nirapatrapaH = the one who has abandoned shame; vidveshhyaH = and the one who is worthy of hate.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, become a non doer, an ungrateful person; a desperate man, the one who has abandoned shame and the one who is worthy of hate."

Verse Locator

पुत्रैः दारैः च भृत्यैः च स्व गृहे परिवारितः |
स एको मृष्टम् अश्नातु यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-३४

34. saH = may he; yasyaH = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; incur the sin) ashnaatu = of eating; nR^ishhTam = delicious food; ekaH = for himself alone; parivaaritaH = when he is surrounded; putradaaraishcha = by his sons wife; bhR^ityaishcha = and servants; svagraR^ihe = in his house.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of eating delicious food for himself alone when he is surrounded by his sons , wife and servants in his house."

Verse Locator

अप्राप्य सदृशान् दाराननपत्यः प्रमीयताम् |
अनवाप्य क्रियाम् धर्म्याम् यश्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-३५

35. yasya-with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has departed; pramiiyataam = die; anapalyaH = issueless; apraapya = failing to secure; daaraan = a wife; sadR^ishaan = suitablefor him; anavaapya = and thus) not fulfilling; dharmyaam = his religious; kriyaam = duties.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has departed; die issueless, failing to secure a wife suitable for him and thus not fulfilling his religious duties."

Verse Locator

मात्मनः सम्ततिम् द्राक्षीत्स्वेषु दारेषु दुःखितः |
आयुः समग्रमप्राप्य यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-३६

36. (may he) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has departed; apraapya = not get; samagram = a full; aayauH = long life ; duHkhitam = distressed; aayuH = long life; maadraakshhit = in not seeing; aatmanaH = his; samtmatim = child; sveshhu = through his; daarshhu = wife.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has departed, not see a child through his wife and in distress, may not get a full long life."

Verse Locator

राज स्त्री बाल वृद्धानाम् वधे यत् पापम् उच्यते |
भृत्य त्यागे च यत् पापम् तत् पापम् प्रतिपद्यताम् || २-७५-३७

37. yat = which; paapam = sin; uchyate = was proclaimed; vadhe = in killing; raja striibaala vR^iddhaanaam = a king ; a woman; a child or an aged person; yat = which; paapam = sin( was proclaimed); bhR^ityaagacha = in abandouning the dependents; (let him with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile); pratipadyataam = obtain; tat = the same; paapam = sin.

"That sin which was proclaimed in killing a king a woman, a child or an aged person or in abandoning one's dependents let him (with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile) obtain the same sin."

Verse Locator

लाक्षया मधुमांसेन लोहेन च विषेण च |
सदैव बिभृयाद्भृत्यान् यस्यार्योऽसुमते गतः || २-७५-३८

38. (May he)yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; obtain sin) bibhR^iyaat = of nurturing; sadaiva = always; bhR^ityaan = one's wife; children; and other dependents; through sale; laakshhayaa = of lacquer; madhumaamsena = liquor; and flesh; lohena = iron; vishheNa = and poison.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, obtain, tat= the sin of nurturing his wife children and other dependents through sale of lacquer, liquor, flesh, iron or poison."

Verse Locator

सम्ग्रामे समुपोढे स शत्रुपक्ष्भयम्करे |
पलायामानो वध्येत यस्यार्योऽनुमे गतः || २-७५-३९

39. saH = may he; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; obtain the sin); palaayamaanaH = of escaping; vadhyeta = and getting killed; samgraame = at a time where) a battle; satrupakshhabhayamkare = inspiring fear upon the enemy's side; samupoDhe = has commanded.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, obtain the sin of being killed while fleeing, at a time when a battle inspiring fear upon enemy's side has commanded."

Verse Locator

कपालपाणिः पृथिवीमटताम् चीरसम्वृतः |
भिक्समाणो यथोन्मत्तो यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतह् || २-७५-४०

40. saH = may he; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; aTataam = wandar about; pR^ithiviim = the world; unmattoyathaa = as a mad man; kapaalapaaNiH = with a wooden bowl in his hand; chiirasamvR^itaH = dressed in rags; bhikshhamaaNaH = and begging for alms.

May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, wander about the world, as a mad man with a wooden bowl in his hand, dressed in rags and begging for alms."

Verse Locator

पाने प्रसक्तो भवतु स्त्रीष्वक्षेषु च नित्यशः |
काम्क्रोधाभिभूतस्तु यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-४१

41. may he; yasya = with whose; counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has departed; bhavatu = be; kaamakrodhaabhibhuutaH = given over to the infatuation = and anger; nityashaH = and constantly prosaktaH = involved; pane = in intoxicvated drinks; srtiishhu = women; akshheshucha = and dice.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has departed, be given over to infatuation and anger and be constantly involved in wine women and dice."

Verse Locator

यस्य धर्मे मनो भूयादधर्मम् स निषेवताम् |
अपात्रवर्षी भवतु यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-४२

42. manaH = may the mind; asya = of the man; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; maabhuuyaat = never take delight; dharma = in righteousness; saH = Let him; nishhevataam = indulge; adharmam = in un righteousness; bhavatu = and become; apaatravarshhi = distributor of gifts to the undeserving.

May the mind of man with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, never take delight in righteousness? Let him indulge in un righteousness and become a distributor of gifts for the undeserving."

Verse Locator

संचितान्यस्य वित्तानि विविधानि सहस्रशः |
दस्युभिर्विप्रलुप्यन्ताम् यश्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-४३

43. yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; asya = let him; vividhhaani = various; vittaani = riches; samchitaani = accumulated; sahasrashaH = in thousands; vipralupyantaam = be snatched away ; dashyubhiH = by robbers.

"With whose counsel , my elder brother has gone to exile, let his various kinds of riches got accumulated in thousands , be snatched away by robbers."

Verse Locator

उभे संध्ये शयानस्य यत् पापम् परिकल्प्यते |
तच् च पापम् भवेत् तस्य यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-४४

44. yat = which; paapam = sin; parikalpyate = was proclaimed; tasya = on him; shayanaasya = who sleeps; ubhe sandhye = during both the twillights; tat = let him; paapam = sin; bhavet = be obtained; by him; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile.

"That sin which was proclaimed on him who sleeps during both the twilights, let that sin be obtained by him, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile."

Verse Locator

यद् अग्नि दायके पापम् यत् पापम् गुरु तल्पगे |
मित्र द्रोहे च यत् पापम् तत् पापम् प्रतिपद्यताम् || २-७५-४५

45. yat = which; paapam = sin; agnidaayaka = is in an arsonist; yat = which; paapam = sin; gumtalpage = is in a violator of his teacher's bed; yat = which; paapam = sin; mitradrohe = is in cheating a friend; tat = let that; paapam = sin; pratipadyataam = be obtained (to him on whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile?)

"Let him obtains that sin, which attaches to a man who practices arson, to a man who violets his teacher's bed and to a man who cheats his friend."

Verse Locator

देवतानाम् पितृऋणाम् च माता पित्रोस् तथैव च |
मा स्म कार्षीत् स शुश्रूषाम् यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-४६

46. saH = may he; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; (incure that sin); maasmakaarshhiit = of not doing; shushruushhaam = service; devataanaam = to the gods; pitR^iiNaam = to the manes; tathaivaaha = and like wise; mataapitroH = to his mother and father.

"May he, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur that sin of not doing service to be god, to the manes and likewise to his mother and father."

Verse Locator

सताम् लोकात् सताम् कीर्त्याः सज् जुष्टात् कर्मणः तथा |
भ्रश्यतु क्षिप्रम् अद्य एव यस्य आर्यो अनुमते गतः || २-७५-४७

47. May he)yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother ; gataH = has gone to exile; bhrashyatu = forfeit; kshhipram = soon; adyaiva = and now; karmaNaH = = from the act; sajjushhTaat = of the righteous; lokaat = from the region; sataam = obtained;by good man; tathaa = and ; kiirtyaaH = from illustriousness.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, forfeit soon and now from the region obtained by virtuous man, forfeit the illustriousness enjoyed by good men and the righteous actions."

Verse Locator

अपास्य मातृशुश्रूषामनर्थे सोऽवतिष्ठताम् |
दीर्घबाहुर्महावक्षा यस्यार्योऽसुमते गतः || २-७५-४८

48. (May he)yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; diirghabaahuH = that long armed; mahaavakshhaa = and broad-chested; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; apaasya = fail to give; maatR^ishushruushhokam = due reverence to his mother; avatishhThataam = and be condemned; anarthe = to idleness.

"May he with whose counsel, that long armed and broad chested elder brother has gone to exile, fail to give due reverence to his mother and be condemned to idleness."

Verse Locator

बहुपुत्रो दरिद्रश्च ज्वररोगसमन्वितः |
स भूयात्सततक्लेशी यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-४९

49. saH = may he; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone exile; bahubhR^ityaH = possess many dependents; daridraH = be without resources; jvararoga samanvitaH = and be ; satatakleshii = forever in distress.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, possess many dependents be without resources, be undermined with fever and disease and be forever in distress."

Verse Locator

आशामाशम् समानानाम् दीनानामूर्ध्वचक्षुषाम् |
आर्थिनाम् वितथाम् कुर्याद्यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५०

50. (may he) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; incur the sin; kuryaat = of making; vitathaam = the hope; arthinaam = of the destitute; diinaanaam = the very miserable ones; uurdhva chakshhushhaam = having their eyes looking up; aashamsamaanaanaam = and seeking for alms.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of falsifying the hopes of highly miserable destitute, who having their eyes looking up seek for alms."

Verse Locator

मायया रमताम् नित्यम् परुषः पिशुनोऽशुचिः |
राज्ज़्नो भीत स्त्वधर्मात्मा यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५१

51. (may he) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; incur the sin; ramataam = of staying; bhiitaH = in fear; raajN^aH = of the king; nityam = forever; maayayaa = and in conceit; parushhaH = cruel man;pishunaH = a back biter; ashuchiH pishunaH = dishonest man.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of staying in fear of the king forever as a cunning man, a cruel man, a back biter, a dishonest man and an unrighteous man."

Verse Locator

ऋतुस्नाताम् सतीम् भार्यामृतुकालानुरोधिनीम् |
अतिवर्तेत दुष्टात्मा यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५२

52. dushhTaatmaa = may the evil minded man; yasya = with whose anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile;(incur the sin); ativarteta = of ignoring; satiim = his chaste; bhaaryaam = wife; R^itusnaataam = who bathed after her course of menstruation( and so prepared for sexual intercourse) R^tukaalaanurodhiniim = having regard for the season favorable for procreation.

"May the evil minded man, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of ignoring his chaste wife, who having bathed after her course of menstruation. approaches him for union having regard for the season favorable for procreation."

Verse Locator

धर्मदारान् परित्यज्य परदारान्नि षेवताम् |
त्यक्तधर्मरतिर्मूढो यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५३

53. muuDhaH = may that stupid; yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; incur the sin) nishhevataam = of courting; paradaaraan = the consort of another; parityajya = disdaining; dharma daaraan = his lawful wife; tyaktadharmaratiH = and having left his love for piety.

"May that stupid with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin of courting the consort of another disdaining his lawful wife and having forsaken his love for piety."

Verse Locator

विप्रलु प्तप्रजातस्य दुष्कृतम् ब्राह्मणस्य यत् |
तदेव प्रतिपद्येत यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५४

54. (may he)yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; raaryH my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; pratipadyataam = obtain; tadeva = even that; dushhkrutam = sin; yat = which (is obtained); braahmanaNasya = by a Brahmin; vipraluptaprajaatasya = who is issue less.

"May he, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur that sin, which is obtained by a Brahmana who is issue less."

Verse Locator

पानीयदूषके पापम् तथैव विषदायके |
यत्तदेकः स लभताम् यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५५

55. yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; labhate = incur; yat = which; paapam = sin; paaniiyadushhake = of a person polluting the drinking water; ekaH = himself alone; tathaiva = and likewise; vishhadaayake = of a person who administers person.

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin that is attached to a person polluting the drinking water and likewise to a person who administers poison."

Verse Locator

ब्राह्मणायोद्यताम् पूजाम् विहन्तु कलुषेन्द्रियः |
बालवत्साम् च गाम् दोग्दु यस्यर्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५६

56. (May he ) yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; (incur the sin)vihantu = of disturbing; kalushhendriaH = with wicked senses; puujaam = a worship; udyataam = undertaken; braahmaNaaya = to a Brahmana; dogdhu = and a milking; gaam = a cow; baalavatsaam = having a young calf(of ages less than ten years).

"May he with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, incur the sin attached to a person disturbing the worship going to be offered to a Brahmana (by another) and to milking a cow having a young calf. " (of age less than ten days)

Verse Locator

तृष्णार्तम् सति पानीये विप्रलम्भेन योजयेत् |
लभेत तस्य यत्पापम् यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५७

57. tasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; yatpaapam = let that sin; labhate = be obtained; yojayet vipralambena = of disappointing; tR^ishhNaartam = a person oppressed with thirst; sati paaniiye = when water was available.

"To him, with whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, let that sin be obtained of disappointing a person oppressed with thirst, even though water was available."

Verse Locator

भक्त्या विवदमानेषु मार्गमाश्रित्य पश्यतः |
तस्य पापेन युज्येत यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः || २-७५-५८

58. yasya = with whose; anumate = counsel; aaryaH = my elder brother; gataH = has gone to exile; paapena = let the sin; yajyeta = be accorded; tasya = to him; (who) aashritya = standing; maargam = on the road; pashyataH = and merely witnessing; bhktyaa = between two divided groups (without trying to make peace between them.)

"With whose counsel my elder brother has gone to exile, let the sin be accorded to him, who while standing on the road, merely witnesses a dispute between two divided groups without trying to make peace between them."

Verse Locator

विहीनाम् पति पुत्राभ्याम् कौसल्याम् पार्थिव आत्मजः |
एवम् आश्वसयन्न् एव दुह्ख आर्तः निपपात ह || २-७५-५९

59. evam = whilein that manner; aashvaasayaaneva = even consoling; kausalyaam = Kausalya; vihiinaam = bereft of; patiputraabhyaam = her husband and sin; paarthivaatmajaH = the Prince Bharata ; nipapaata ha = fell down; duHkhaartaH = depressed with anguish.

"While thus counseling Kausalya, who was bereft of her husband and son, the prince Bharata fell down, depressed as he was with anguish."

Verse Locator

तथा तु शपथैः कष्टैः शपमानम् अचेतनम् |
भरतम् शोक सम्तप्तम् कौसल्या वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || २-७५-६०

60. kausalya = Kausalya; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = the following words; bharataam = to Bharata; shokasamtaptam = who was tormented with grief; achetanam = and was quite distraught; shapamaanam = who just uttered; kashhTaiH = formidable; shapathaiH = imprecations; tathaatu = in that manner.

Kausalya spoke the following words to Bharata who was tormented with grief, was quite distraught and who just uttered formidable imprecations in the aforesaid manner:

Verse Locator

मम दुह्खम् इदम् पुत्र भूयः समुपजायते |
शपथैः शपमानो हि प्राणान् उपरुणत्सि मे || २-७५-६१

61. putra = O; son! idam duHkham = this grief; samupajaayate = is added; bhuuyaH = further; mama = to me; shapamaanaH = by uttering; shapathaiH = the curses; uparuNatisihi = you are indeed afflicting; me = my; praaNaan = spirits.

"O, son! My grief is further enhanced. By uttering the curses, you are indeed racking my spirits."

Verse Locator

दिष्ट्या न चलितः धर्मात् आत्मा ते सह लक्ष्मणः |
वत्स सत्य प्रतिज्ञो मे सताम् लोकान् अवाप्स्यसि || २-७५-६२

62. vatsa = O; son! dishhTyaa = fortunately; te = your; aatmaa = mind; satyapratiJ^NaH = endowed as it is with nobility; nachalitaH = has not moved ; dharmaat = from righteousness; avaapsyasi = you will obtain; lokam = the world; sataam = of the blessed; saha lakshhmaNaH = along with Lakshmana.

"O ,son! Fortunately, your mind as it is endowed with nobility, has not swerved from righteous path. You will obtain the world of the blessed, along with Lakshmana."

Verse Locator

इत्युक्त्वा चाङ्कमानीय भरतम् भ्रातृवत्सलम् |
परिष्वज्य महाबाहुम् रुरोद भृशदुःखिता || २-७५-६३

63. uktvaa = speaking; iti = thus; bharatam = to Bharata; bhraatru vatsalam = who was devoted to his brother Rama; aaniiya = she has taken; mahaabaahum = the long armed Bharata; aNkam = to her lap; parishhvajya = embraced him; ruroda = and wept; bhR^ishaduHkhitaa = very much; afflicted with grief.

Thus speaking to Bharata who was devoted to his brother Rama, she took the valiant Bharata to her lap, embraced him and wept aloud , as she was very much afflicted with grief.

Verse Locator

एवम् विलपमानस्य दुह्ख आर्तस्य महात्मनः |
मोहाच् च शोक सम्रोधात् बभूव लुलितम् मनः || २-७५-६४

64. vilapamaanaH = the great soled Bharata; duHkhaartasya = distraught on account of grief; babhuuva = felt himself; mohaachcha = about tp swoon; manaH = with his mind; lulitam = crushed; shokasamrodhaat = by the burden of grief.

Lamenting thus, the great soled Bharata distraught on account of grief, felt himself about to swoon, with his mind crushed by the burden of grief.

Verse Locator

लालप्यमानस्य विचेतनस्य |
प्रनष्ट बुद्धेः पतितस्य भूमौ |
मुहुर् मुहुर् निह्श्वसतः च दीर्घम् |
सा तस्य शोकेन जगाम रात्रिः || २-७५-६५

65. laalapyamaanasya = lamenting thus; vichetanasya = being unconscious; praNashhTabuddheH = with a lost intellect; patitasya = lying fallen; bhuumou = on the ground; niHshvasataH = again and again; raatriH = that night; jagaama = passed; shokena = with grief; tasya = to Bharata.

To Bharata that night passed with grief in lamenting thus laying fallen unconscious on the ground, sighing warmly again and again with his power of discernment having been lost.

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इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे पञ्चसप्ततितमः सर्गः

Thus completes 75nd Chapter of Ayodhya Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 75

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