Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys

Chapter [Sarga] 26
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Hanuma proposes that the coronation of Sugreeva is to be performed under the aegis of Rama. But Rama says that he cannot enter villages or cities during exile, and asks the chiefs of monkeys to perform the same. Rama also suggests that Angada may also be crowned as crown prince. Accordingly, Sugreeva is anointed as king and Angada as crown prince of Kishkindha. The regal splendour of the coronation is narrated in here.

Verse Locator

tataH shoka abhisaMtaptam sugriivam klinna vaasanam |
shaakhaa mR^iga mahaamaatraaH parivaarya upatasthire || 4-26-1

1. tataH shoka abhi sam taptam = then, in grief, very much, seared; klinna vaasanam = who is with damp, cloths; sugriivam = at Sugreeva; shaakhaa mR^iga mahaamaatraaH = tree-branch, animals', eminent, ministers; parivaarya upatasthire = arriving around, stood nearby - stood accessible to Sugreeva.

The eminent ministers of tree-branch animals then surrounded Sugreeva, who is very much seared in grief and who is still wearing damp cloths, as he just a while ago offered watery oblations to his deceased brother, stood accessible to him. [4-26-1]

Verse Locator

abhigamya mahaabaahum raamam akliShTa kaariNam |
sthitaaH praa.njalayaH sarve pitaamaham iva R^iShayaH || 4-26-2

2. sarve = all - monkeys; pitaamaham R^iSayaH iva = at Forefather - Brahma, sages, as with; mahaabaahum = at dexterous one; a kliSTa kaariNam = without, complication, deeds doer - effortless, adroit; raamam = Rama; abhi gamya = towards, on going; praanjalayaH sthitaaH = with palms-adjoined, they stood.

On going towards the dexterous Rama, whose exploits are effortless, all of those monkeys tarried with their palms adjoined as with the sages tarrying in the presence of Brahma, the Forefather. [4-26-2]

Verse Locator

tataH kaa.ncana shaila aabhaH taruNa arka nibha aananaH |
abraviit praa.njalir vaakyam hanumaan maaruta aatmajaH || 4-26-3

3. tataH = then; kaancana shaila aabhaH = golden, mountain, [Mt. Meru] in sheen of; taruNa arka nibha aananaH = tender, sun, in glint, with visage; maaruta aatma jaH = Air-god's, soul, son - direct son; hanumaan = Hanuma; pra anjaliH vaakyam abraviit = well - reverently, adjoining palms, sentence, spoke.

Hanuma, the son of Air-god, whose sheen is like that of the golden mountain Meru, and whose visage is like that of the tender sun in its glint, then spoke this sentence reverently adjoining his palms. [4-26-3]

Verse Locator

bhavat prasaadaat kaakutstha pitR^i paitaamaham mahat |
vaanaraaNaam sudaMShTraaNaam saMpanna balashaalinaam || 4-26-4
mahaatmaanaam suduSh.hpraapam praaptam raajyam idam prabho |

4, 5a. prabho = oh, lord Rama; kaakutstha = oh, Kakutstha; su damSTraaNaam = of best, teethed monkeys [armed with the teeth, as in armed to the teeth]; sampanna balashaalinaam = having a privileged, might; mahaatmaanaam = of great-souled ones - rather, deferential ones; vaanaraaNaam = of monkeys; pitR^i paitaamaham = belonging to father, forefathers; mahat = magnificent [kingdom]; su duS praapam = verily, impossible, to gain; idam raajyam = this, kingdom; bhavat prasaadaat = with your, grace; praaptam = has obtained - Sugreeva regained.

"Oh, lord Rama, this magnificent kingdom of deferential monkeys who are armed with the teeth, and whose might is a privileged one - since our might is not dependent on any weapons or other tactical warfare, except our own bodily strength - and oh, Kakutstha, that which belongs to his father and forefathers, and that which is otherwise impossible for him to regain, Sugreeva regained such a kingdom with your grace. [4-26-4, 5a]

Verse Locator

bhavataa samanuj~naataH pravishya nagaram shubham || 4-26-5
saMvidhaasyati kaaryaaNi sarvaaNi sasuhR^it gaNaH|
snaato ayam vividhair gandhair auShadhaiH ca yathaa vidhi || 4-26-6

5b, 6. ayam = he, this Sugreeva; sa su hR^it gaNaH = along with, good, hearted, friend's, groups; bhavataa = by you; sam anuj~naataH = well, authorized - if you permit, empower; shubham nagaram pravishya = propitious, city, on entering; vividhaiH gandhaiH auSadhaiH ca = with various, essences, herbal-extracts, also; yathaa vidhi = as per, procedure; snaataH = when anointed - as king; sarvaaNi kaaryaaNi sam vidhaasyati = all, activities, well, set right - he can revamp administration.

"And if you empower, this Sugreeva will enter the propitious city Kishkindha along with a group good-hearted friends, and he will get anointed procedurally with various essences and herbal-extracts as its king, and thus he can revamp all the administration. [4-26-5b, 6]

Verse Locator

arcayiShyati maalyaiH ca ratnaiH ca tvaam visheShataH |
imaam giri guhaam ramyaam abhigantum tvam arhasi || 4-26-7
kuruShva svaami saMbandham vaanaraan saMpraharShayan |

7, 8a. maalyaiH ca ratnaiH ca = with garlands, also, with precious gems, also -with best possible ; visheSataH = remarkably; tvaam = you; arcayiSyati = he honours; tvam = you; ramyaam imaam giri guhaam = delightful one, in this, mountain, cave [Kishkindha]; abhi gantum arhasi = into, going [entering,] apt of you; vaanaraan = for Vanara-s [the governed, the subjects]; svaami = governor; sam bandham = congenial, affinity - tie up; kuruSva = make happen - you may please consolidate; sam pra harSayan = for the very, high, exhilaration - of monkeys.

"He would like to honour you in a remarkable way with garlands and precious gems, hence it will be apt of you to enter this delightful mountain cave, namely Kishkindha, and you may kindly consolidate the congenial affinity between the governor and the governed for the very high exhilaration of Vanara-s." Hanuma appealed Rama in this way. [4-26-7, 8a]

Verse Locator

evam ukto hanumataa raaghavaH para viirahaa || 4-26-8
pratyuvaaca hanuumantam buddhimaan vaakya kovidaH |

8b, 9a. hanumataa evam uktaH = by Hanuma, thus, who is said - Rama; para viira haa = foes, valiant ones, destroyer of - Rama; vaakya kovidaH = in sentence making, scholar - enunciator, Rama; buddhimaan = intellectual - Rama; raaghavaH hanuumantam prati uvaaca = Raghava, to Hanuma, in reply, spoke.

When Hanuma said so, Rama the destroyer of valiant foes, an intellectual and an enunciator replied Hanuma in this way. [4-26-8b, 9a]

Verse Locator

caturdasha samaaH saumya graamam vaa yadi vaa puram || 4-26-9
na pravekShyaami hanuman pitur nirdesha paalakaH |

9b, 10a. saumya hanuman = oh, gentle, Hanuma; pituH nirdesha paalakaH = father's, directives, as a conformist to; catur dasha samaaH = four, ten, years; graamam vaa = village, or; yadi vaa = or, else; puram = city; na pravekSyaami = not, I enter.

"As a conformist to the directives of my father, oh, gentle Hanuma, I am not supposed to enter either a village or a city. [4-26-9b, 10a]

Verse Locator

susamR^iddhaam guhaam divyaam sugriivo vaanararShabhaH || 4-26-10
praviShTo vidhivat viiraH kShipram raajye abhiShicyataam |

10b, 11a. su samR^iddhaam = highly, flourishing; divyaam guhaam praviSTaH = statuesque, cave - Kishkindha, one who has entered - Sugreeva; viiraH vaanara rSabhaH sugriivaH = valorous one, Vanara-s, best one among, Sugreeva; kSipram = immediately; raajye vidhivat abhiSicyataam = in kingdom, procedurally, be anointed, enthroned.

"As and when the best one among Vanara-s valorous Sugreeva enters the highly flourishing and statuesquely Kishkindha, he shall be enthroned in the kingdom, immediately and procedurally. [4-26-10b, 11a]

Verse Locator

evam uktvaa hanuumantam raamaH sugriivam abraviit || 4-26-11
vR^ittaj~no vR^itta saMpannam udaara bala vikramam |

11b, 12a. vR^itta j~naH = social attitude - etiquette, knower of; raamaH = Rama; hanuumantam evam uktvaa = to Hanuma, this way, on saying; vR^itta sampannam = social attitude - politesse, rich in; udaara bala vikramam = imposing, by might, by valour - Sugreeva; sugriivam abraviit = to Sugreeva, spoke.

Replying Hanuma thus, that knower of the etiquette Rama, also spoke to Sugreeva, who is rich in politesse and an imposing one by his might and valour. [4-26-11b, 12a]

Verse Locator

imam api a.ngadam viiram yauvaraajye abhiShecaya || 4-26-12
jyeShThasya hi suto jyeShThaH sadR^isho vikrameNa ca |
a.ngado ayam adiinaatmaa yauvaraajyasya bhaajanam || 4-26-13

12b, 13a. viiram imam angadam api = brave one, this, Angada, even; yauvaraajye abhiSecaya = in crown princedom, you crown him; jyeSThasya = [your] elder [brother's]; jyeSThaH sutaH = eldest, son; vikrameNa sadR^ishaH ca = by bravery, similar to, even [ to Vali, or to you]; a diina aatmaa = not, pathetic, at heart - enthusiastic one, Angada on becoming]; ayam angadaH = this one, Angada; yauva raajyasya = for crown, princedom; bhaajanam = well-chosen one.

"You may even crown this brave Angada as crown prince, he is the eldest son of your elder brother, his bravery is kindred to that of his father, and thus this enthusiastic Angada will be a well-chosen designee for the crown-princeship. [4-26-12b, 13]

The eldest son with kingly merits, though parented by an elder brother, need be crowned as crown prince anena jyShTho guNavaan jyeShTha bhraatR^i putro api yauva raajye abhiShecaniiya iti uktam - dharmakuutamThe whole Maha Bharata is based on this rule till a gruesome war has chanced.

Verse Locator

puurvo ayam vaarShiko maasaH shraavaNaH salila aagamaH |
pravR^ittaaH saumya catvaaro maasaa vaarShika saMj~nitaaH || 4-26-14

14. saumya = oh, gentle - Sugreeva; vaarSika sanj~nitaaH = of rainy season, indicated as - months specified as rainy season; catvaaraH maasaa = are four, months; pravR^ittaaH = emerged, commenced; ayam = this is; salila aagamaH = [much] water, coming - showering many showers; vaarSikaH = of rainy season; puurvaH = first one; shraavaNaH maasaH = Shravana, month.

"The four month period specified for rainy season has commenced, oh gentle Sugreeva, and this is shravaNa, the first month of rainy season that brings many showers. [4-26-14]

This month shrvaNa, compares nearly with July-August months. There are elaborate accounts for calculating the duration of Ramayana basing on the months indicated here and there, and they cannot be included here for these calculations vary in themselves. The Hindu seasons are six as detailed in Bala Kanda 1-12-1.

Verse Locator

na ayam udyoga samayaH pravisha tvam puriim shubhaam |
asmin vatsyaami aham saumya parvate saha lakShmaNaH || 4-26-15

15. saumya = oh, gentle Sugreeva; ayam udyoga samayaH = this, for striving, time; na = is not; tvam shubhaam puriim pravisha = you, propitious, city, enter; aham saha lakSmaNaH = I, with, Lakshmana; asmin parvate vatsyaami = on this, mountain, I will stay.

"This is not a time for any striving, hence you enter the propitious city Kishkindha, oh, gentle Sugreeva, and I for my part will stay on this mountain along with Lakshmana. [4-26-15]

Verse Locator

iyam giri guhaa ramyaa vishaalaa yukta maarutaa |
prabhuuta salilaa saumya prabhuuta kamala utpalaa || 4-26-16

16. saumya = oh, gentle one; iyam giri guhaa ramyaa = this, mountain, cave, is heart-pleasing; vishaalaa = spacious; yukta maarutaa = having creditable, breeze; around this place; prabhuuta salilaa = copious, is water; prabhuuta kamala utpalaa = aplenty, red-lotuses, blue-lotuses.

"This mountain cave is heart-pleasing by being spacious with worthwhile breeze, oh, gentle one, water is copious and red and blue lotuses are aplenty about this place. [4-26-16]

Verse Locator

kaartike samanupraapte tvam raavaNa vadhe yata |
eSha naH samayaH saumya pravisha tvam svam aalayam || 4-26-17
abhiShi.ncasva raajye ca suhR^idaH saMpraharShaya |

17, 18a. kaartike sam anu praapte = kaartika month, well, near, on the advent of; tvam raavaNa vadhe yata = you, for Ravana's, in the matter of elimination, make effort; eSa naH samayaH = this way, our, accordance is; saumya = oh, gentle one; tvam svam aalayam pravisha = you, your own, mansion enter - for now; raajye abhiSincasva ca = in kingdom, be enthroned, as well; su hR^idaH = good-hearted ones - your friends; sam pra harSaya = full, well, gladden - exhilarate.

"On the advent of kaartika month, October, say post-rainy season, you shall do your best in the cause of Ravana's elimination, and this is our covenant, and hence oh, gentle Sugreeva, for now enter your mansion, be enthroned in kingdom as well, and exhilarate your friends." [4-26-17, 18a]

Verse Locator

iti raama abhyanuj~naataH sugriivo vaanararShabhaH || 4-26-18
pravivesha puriim ramyaam kiShki.ndhaam vaali paalitaam |

18b, 19a. iti raama abhi anuj~naataH = thus, by Rama, well, permitted - countenanced in; sugriivaH vaanara rSabhaH = Vanara-s, best; vaali paalitaam = by Vali, ruled; ramyaam kiSkindhaam puriim = charming, in Kishkindha, in city; pravivesha = entered.

Thus when Rama countenanced that best vanara Sugreeva entered the charming city Kishkindha which is so far ruled by Vali. [4-26-18b, 19a]

Verse Locator

tam vaanara sahasraaNi praviShTam vaanara iishvaram || 4-26-19
abhivaarya prahR^iShTaani sarvataH plavageshvaram |

19b, 20a. vaanara iishvaram = vanara-s, sovereign; praviSTam = who has entered; tam abhivaarya = him, on surrounding; vaanara sahasraaNi prahR^iSTaani = vanara-s, in thousands, very gladsomely; sarvataH plavaga iishvaram = from all over, fly-jumper's, lord of; [vaanara sahasraaNi praviSThaani = vanara-s, in thousands, who have [also] entered; paryavaarayan = gathered round - they fenced him in.]

When the sovereign of vanara-s Sugreeva has entered the city, very gladly thousands of vanara-s have also entered and fenced off that lord of fly-jumpers from all over. [4-26-19b, 20a]

Verse Locator

tataH prakR^itayaH sarvaa dR^iShTvaa hari gaNa iishvaram || 4-26-20
praNamya muurdhnaa patitaa vasudhaayaam samaahitaaH |

20b, 21a. tataH = then; sarvaaH prakR^itayaH = all, natives - inmates and ministers in Kishkindha; hari gaNa iishvaram = monkey, throng, lord of; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing - as protocol; muurdhnaa praNamya = with heads [head-bent,] on revering; samaahitaaH = attentively - with assiduously polite attitude; vasudhaayaam patitaaH = on ground, they fell - prostrated.

All the inmates and ministers in Kishkindha then revered the lord of monkey throngs Sugreeva with their head-bent, and they have also prostrated before him with an assiduously polite attitude. [4-26-20b, 21a]

Verse Locator

sugriivaH prakR^itiiH sarvaaH saMbhaaShya utthaapya viiryavaan || 4-26-21
bhraatur a.ntaH puram saumyam pravivesha mahaabalaH |

21b, 22a. viiryavaan = valiant one; mahaabalaH = highly mighty one; sugriivaH = such a Sugreeva; sarvaaH prakR^itiiH utthaapya = all, rank-and-file members, on raising them up; sambhaaSya = conversed - exchanging greetings; bhraatuH saumyam antaH puram pravivesha = brother's, beautiful [not gentle here,] inner, palace - palace-chambers, entered.

Raising the rank-and-file members from their prostration, and on exchanging a word or two with them, that valiant and highly mighty Sugreeva entered the beautiful palace-chambers of his brother. [4-26-21b, 22a]

Verse Locator

praviShTam bhiima vikraa.ntam sugriivam vaanararShabham || 4-26-22
abhyaShi.nca.nta suhR^idaH sahasraakSham iva amaraaH |

22b, 23a. praviSTam = one who entered palace; bhiima vikraantam = prodigiously, venturesome; vaanara rSabham sugriivam vanara-s, arch - arch-vanara, Sugreeva is; su hR^idaH = good, hearted ones - his cohorts; abhyaSincanta = anointed; amaraaH sahasra akSam iva = gods, thousand, eyed one - Indra, as with.

When that prodigiously venturesome arch-vanara Sugreeva has entered the palace his cohorts anointed him as gods would anoint the Thousand-eyed Indra. [4-26-22b, 23a]

Verse Locator

tasya paaNDuram aajahruH chhatram hema pariSh.hkR^itam || 4-26-23
shukle ca vaala vyajane hema daNDe yashaskare |
tathaa sarvaaNi ratnaani sarva biija auShadhaani ca || 4-26-24
sa kShiiraaNaam ca vR^ikShaaNaam prarohaan kusumaani ca |
shuklaani caiva vastraaNi shvetam caiva anulepanam || 4-26-25
suga.ndhiini ca maalyaani sthalajaani aMbujaani ca |
candanaani ca divyaani gandhaam ca vividhaan bahuun || 4-26-26
akShatam jaata ruupam ca priya.ngu madhu sarpiShii |
dadhi carma ca vaiyaaghram paraardhye ca api upaanahau || 4-26-27
samaalaMbhanam aadaaya gorocanam manaH shilaam |
aajagmuH tatra muditaa varaaH kanyaaH ca ShoDasha || 4-26-28

23b, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. paaNDuram = pure white; hema pariSkR^itam = in gold, highly ornate; Chatram = parasol; hema daNDe yashas kare = having golden, handles, celebrity, enhancers; shukle vaala vyajane = white, long-furred, royal-fans; tasya aajahruH = for him, they fetched; tathaa = likewise; SoDasha muditaa varaaH kanyaaH ca = sixteen, cheerful, best, maidens, also; sarvaaNi ratnaani = all kinds, of jewels; sarva biija auSadhaani ca = all, seeds, herbs, also; sa kSiiraaNaam vR^ikSaaNaam prarohaan = with, milky exude [latex,] of trees, sprouts; kusumaani ca = flowers, also; shuklaani vastraaNi caiva = white, royal robes, also thus; shvetam anulepanam caiva = white, body-cream, also thus; sugandhiini maalyaani ca = fragrant, tassels of flowers, also; sthala jaani ambu-jaani ca = on earth, [birthed] bloomed, in water-bloomed - lotuses, lotuses bloomed on dry-land, also; divyaani candanaani ca = best, sandal paste, also; vividhaan = various; bahuun = numerous; gandhaam ca = perfumes, also; akSatam = holy-yellow-rice; jaataruupam ca = gold, also; priyangu = a small fragrant seed [Nauclea cadamba]; madhu = honey; sarpiSii = ghee; dadhi = curds; vaiyaaghram carma ca = pertaining to tiger, skin, also; paraardhye upaanahau ca api = invaluable, sandal shoes, also, even; sam aa lambhanam = fully, over, spreading-paste - unguents, paste spread on body before oil bath; gorocanam = gorocana - yellow arsenic, orpiment from animal; manaH shilaam = mind, stone - realgar, red arsenic, another orpiment for using as tilaka]; aadaaya = on taking; tatra aajagmuH = there, arrived.

A white parasol highly ornate in gold, long-furred royal-fans with golden handles that are the enhancers of celebrity are brought for Sugreeva's anointment. Likewise, on taking all kinds of jewels, seeds, herbs, sprouts of trees that are still exuding milky latex, also flowers, and white royal-robes and white body-cream, lotuses bloomed on dry-land, best sandal paste, also various and numerous perfumes, Holy-yellow-rice, gold, seeds that are small and fragrant called priyangu, honey, ghee, curds, skin of tiger, tassels of fragrant flowers, and invaluable sandal shoes, unguents before oil bath, orpiment preparations one in yellow called gorochana, and the other in red called Manshila, there arrived sixteen best and cheerful damsels. [4-26-23b, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]

Verse Locator

tataH te vaanara shreShTham abhiShektum yathaa vidhi |
ratnair vastraiH ca bhakShyaiH ca toShayitvaa dvijarShabhaan || 4-26-29

29. tataH = then; ratnaiH vastraiH bhakSyaiH ca = with jewels, garments, delicacies, also; dvija rSabhaan toSayitvaa = Brahmans, the eminent, on appeasing; te = they the Vanara-s; yathaa vidhi = as per, tradition; vaanara shreSTham = Vanara, best of; abhiSektum = to anoint - they started.

They the Vanara-s have then started to anoint that best Vanara Sugreeva according to the tradition, having appeased the eminent Brahmans with jewels, garments and delicacies. [4-26-29]

Verse Locator

tataH kusha paristiirNam samiddham jaata vedasam |
ma.ntra puutena haviShaa hutvaa ma.ntravido janaaH || 4-26-30

30. tataH = then; mantra vidaH janaaH = hymnal, authority, scholars; kusha pari stiirNam = then, sacred grass [Kusha-grass,] over, spread; samiddham = enkindled jaatavedasam = ritual-fire; mantra puutena haviSaa = with hymns, sanctified, with fire-oblations; hutvaa = having oblated - they commenced enthronement.

Authoritative scholars in Vedic-hymns then spreading the ritual grass around the Fire-altar which is with enkindled Ritual-fire oblated fire oblations into it duly sanctifying them with hymns. [4-26-30]

Verse Locator

tato hema pratiShThaane vara aastaraNa saMvR^ite |
praasaada shikhare ramye citra maalya upashobhite || 4-26-31
praa~Nmukham vidhivat ma.ntraiH sthaapayitvaa vara aasane |
nadii nadebhyaH saMhR^itya tiirthebhyaH ca sama.ntataH || 4-26-32
aahR^itya ca samudrebhyaH sarvebhyo vaanararShabhaaH |
apaH kanaka kuMbheShu nidhaaya vimalam jalam || 4-26-33
shubhaiH vR^iShabha shR^ingaiH ca kalashaiH ca eva kaa.ncanaiH |
shaastra dR^iShTena vidhinaa maharShi vihitena ca || 4-26-34
gajo gavaakSho gavayaH sharabho ga.ndhamaadanaH |
maindaH ca dvividaH caiva hanuumaan jaaMbavaan tathaa || 4-26-35
abhyaShi.nca.nta sugriivam prasannena suga.ndhinaa |
salilena sahasraakSham vasavo vaasavam yathaa || 4-26-36

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. tataH = then; praasaada = on a beautiful, a raised platform for spectators - rostrum; shikhare = atop rostrum; hema pratiSThaane = one a golden, pedestal - a throne with golden standard - legs; vara aastaraNa samvR^ite = best, overlain - throne overlain with best upholstery; citra maalya upashobhite = with various, flower-tassels, shining forth; ramye vara aasane = on a splendid, choicest, seat - throne; mantraiH = with hymn-chants; vidhivat = procedurally; praa~N mukham sthaapayitvaa = east, facing, on establishing - making him to sit; nadii nadebhyaH = from eastward rivers, from westward rivers; samantataH tiirthebhyaH ca = from everywhere, from sacred declivities - bath places of rivers, also; apaH samhR^itya ca = water, on collecting, also; sarvebhyaH samudrebhyaH ca = all of the, from oceans, also; vi malam jalam = un, blemished - pure, waters; aahR^itya ca = on collecting, also; kanaka kumbheSu = in golden, flasks; nidhaaya = on storing; vaanararSabhaaH = Vanara-s, the best ones; like; gajaH gavaakSaH gavayaH sharabhaH gandhamaadanaH maindaH dvividaH = Gaja, Gavaaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamaadana, Mainda, Dvivida; hanuumaan tathaa jaambavaan caiva = Hanuma, likewise, Jambavanta, also thus; prasannena su gandhinaa salilena = pellucid, well, perfumed, waters; shaastra dR^iSTena = scriptural [Vedic,] viewpoint [revealed]; maharSi vihitena ca = by great-sages, defined; with such; vidhinaa = procedures; shubhaiH vR^iSabha shR^ingaiH ca = through - auspicious, bull, horns, also; kaancanaiH kalashaiH ca eva = with golden, vessels, also, even; vasavaH = by Vasu-s - gods; sahasra akSam vaasavam yathaa = thousand, eyed, Indra, as with; sugriivam abhyaSincanta = Sugreeva, is anointed by them.

On a splendid, choicest and finely upholstered throne with golden legs that is kept atop a rostrum that is shining forth with various flower tassels, Sugreeva is procedurally inducted to sit facing east to the chanting of Vedic hymns. Then, Vanara-s like Gaja, Gavaaksha, Gavaya, Sharabha, Gandhamaadana, Mainda, Dvividha, also thus Hanuma, Jambavanta have started pouring pure water on Sugreeva, which the best vanara-s have collected from the rivers flowing to east, as well as to west, from each of the sacred-declivity of rivers, from every ocean, and stored in golden flasks. Thus those have anointed Sugreeva with those pellucid and well-perfumed waters poured from golden vessels through the auspicious horns of bulls as revealed in scriptures and as great sages have defined, which anointment is like eight of Vasu-gods anointing the Thousand-eyed Indra. [4-26-31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]

Hindu tradition draws its methodology of religious ceremonies mainly from two sources shruti Veda-s, and smR^iti, suutra-s rules framed by sages. In the above verse it is said that water is poured through the horns of bulls. It is a practise to do so to achieve religious merit. So also bathing God Shiva through the horn of rhino is said to be the highest method of abhiSeka anointment.

Verse Locator

abhiShikte tu sugriive sarve vaanara pu.ngavaaH |
pracukrushur mahaatmaano hR^iShTaaH shata sahasrashaH || 4-26-37

37. sugriive abhiSikte tu = while Sugreeva, is being anointed; shata sahasrashaH = hundreds, and thousands of; sarve mahaatmaanaH = all, great-souled ones; vaanara pungavaaH = Vanara-s, the best; hR^iSTaaH = cheerily = pra cukrushuH = highly, shouted - chattered, raised hullabaloos.

Hundreds and thousands of the great-souled and prominent vanara-s that are there, all of them have cheerily raised high hullabaloos while Sugreeva is anointed. [4-26-37]

Verse Locator

raamasya tu vacaH kurvan sugriivo hari puMgavaH |
a.ngadam saMpariShvajya yauvaraajye abhiShecayat || 4-26-38

38 hari pungavaH sugriivaH = among monkeys, best one, Sugreeva; raamasya vacaH kurvan = Rama's, word, to effectuate; angadam sam pariSvajya = Angada, on graciously embracing; yauvaraajye abhiSecayat = in crown princedom, anointed.

The best one among monkeys Sugreeva graciously embraced Angada and anointed his as crown prince in order to effectuate Rama's word. [4-26-38]

Verse Locator

a.ngade ca abhiShikte tu saanukroshaaH plavaMgamaaH |
saadhu saadhu iti sugriivam mahaatmaano hi apuujayan || 4-26-39

39. angade ca abhiSikte tu = on Angada, also, when anointed, but; sa anu kroshaaH = with, entailing, sadness - those that are sympathetic to Angada; mahaatmaanaH = great-souled; plavangamaaH = fly-jumpers; saadhu saadhu iti = merciful, merciful, thus; sugriivam apuujayan hi = at Sugreeva, worshipped - acclaimed, indeed.

On the anointment of Angada those fly-jumpers that have sympathy for him have acclaimed Sugreeva saying, 'well done, well done.' [4-26-39]

Verse Locator

raamam ca eva mahaatmaanam lakshmaNam ca punaH punaH |
priitaaH ca tuShTuvuH sarve taadR^ishe tatra vartini || 4-26-40

40. tatra = there; taadR^ishe = that kind of - pompous anointment; vartini = while taking place; sarve priitaaH ca = all, are gladdened, also; mahaatmaanam raamam ca eva = great-souled, at Rama, that way; lakshmaNam ca = at Lakshmana, also; punaH punaH tuSTuvuH = again, again, extolled.

While that kind of pompous anointment is taking place all are gladdened and that way they repeatedly extolled the great-souled Rama, and even Lakshmana too. [4-26-40]

Verse Locator

hR^iShTa puShTa jana aakiirNaa pataakaa dhvaja shobhitaa |
babhuuva nagarii ramyaa kShiki.ndhaa giri gahvare || 4-26-41

41. giri gahvare = that are in mountain's, cavern; pataakaa dhvaja shobhitaa = with flags [of triumph,] flag staffs, splendorous; ramyaa kSikindhaa nagarii = magnificent, Kishkindha, city; hR^iSTa puSTa jana aakiirNaa = with blithe, bulgy, people - monkeys, overspread with.

That magnificent city Kishkindha situated in the cave of mountain which is already splendorous with flags of triumph and banners is further splendorous with blithe and burly monkeys overspreading it. [4-26-41]

Verse Locator

nivedya raamaaya tadaa mahaatmane
mahaa abhiShekam kapi vaahanii patiH |
rumaam ca bhaaryaam upalabhya viiryavaan
avaapa raajyam tridasha adhipo yathaa || 4-26-42

42. tadaa = then; viiryavaan = valiant; kapi vaahanii patiH = of monkeys, army's, king - Sugreeva; mahaa aatmane raamaaya = to great, souled one, to Rama; mahaa abhiSekam = about grand, anointment; nivedya = apprised; bhaaryaam rumaam ca upalabhya = wife, Ruma, also, on regaining; tridasha adhipaH yathaa = divinities, chief [Indra,] as with; raajyam avaapa = kingdom, achieved.

The valiant Sugreeva who is by now the king of monkeys army, then apprised the great-souled Rama about his grand anointment, and thus he not only regained his wife Ruma but also secured the kingdom, like the chief of divinities Indra. [4-26-42]

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iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye kiShkindha kaaNDe ShaD viMshaH sargaH

Thus, this is the 26th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book IV : Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys : Chapter 26

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30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42

© 2002, Desiraju Hanumanta Rao [Revised : July 04