Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 10
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


In this Chapter Hanuma has first glimpse of Ravana in his house. He also observes various wives of Ravana sleeping in the house. He sees Mandodari and thinks her to be Seetha.

Verse Locator

tatra divya upamam mukhyam sphāṭikam ratna bhūṣitam |
avekṣamāṇo hanumān dadarśa śayana āsanam || 5-10-1
dāntakāñcanicitrāṅgervaiśca varāsanaiḥ |
mahārhastaraṇopetairupapannam mahādhanaiḥ || 5-10-2

1;2. tatra = in that house; avekshamaaNaH = while observing; hanumaan = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; shayanaasanam = (a portion of house with) beds and couches; upetam = consisting of; varaasanaiH = best couches; divyopamam = equaling those in heaven; mukhyam = best; sphaaTikam = made of crystal; ratnabhuushhitam = decorated with diamonds; daantakaaJNchana chitraaN^gaiH = with wonderful parts made of ivory and gold; vyDuuryaiH mahaarH aastaraNa upetaiH = covered with best beds made of cat's eye gems; mahaadhanaiH = of great value.

In that house, while observing, Hanuma saw a portion of house with beds and couches, consisting of best couches equaling those in heaven, made of crystal decorated with diamonds, with wonderful parts made of ivory and gold, covered with best beds made of cat's eye gems of great value.

Verse Locator

tasya ca ekatame deśe so agrya mālya vibhūṣitam |
dadarśa pāṇḍuram catram tārā adhipati samnibham || 5-10-3

3. saH = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; ekatamedeshe = in a part; tasya = of that room; chhatram = an umbrella; paaNDuram = white in colour; agryamaalaavibhuushhitam = decorated with best flower garlands; taaraadhipatisannibham = and resembling moon the lord of stars.

Hanuma saw in a part of that room, an umbrella white in colour decorated with best flower garlands and resembling moon - the lord of stars.

Verse Locator

jātarūpaparikṣiptam citrabhānusamaprabham |
aśokamālāvitatam dadarśa paramāsanam || 5-10-4

4. dadarsha = (Hanuma) saw; paramaasanam = an excellent couch; jaataruupapariikshiptam = made of gold; chitrabhaanusamaprabham = with radiance equaling that of fire; asokamaalaavitatam = spread by garlands of Ashoka flowers.

Hanuma saw an excellent couch made of gold with radiance equaling that of fire, spread by garlands of Ashoka flowers.

Verse Locator

vāla vyajana hastābhir vījyamānam samantataḥ |
gandhaiḥ ca vividhair juṣṭam vara dhūpena dhūpitam || 5-10-5

5. viijyamaanam = fanned; vaalavyajanahastaabhiH = by women with fans in their hands; samantataH = in all the four directions; jushhTam = obtained; vividhaiH gandhaiH = by various fragrances; dhuupitam = fumigated; paradhuupena = by the best incense.

Fanned by women with fans in their hands in all the four directions and obtained by various fragrances fumigated by the best incense.

Verse Locator

parama āstaraṇa āstīrṇam āvika ajina samvrtam |
dāmabhir vara mālyānām samantād upaśobhitam || 5-10-6

6. paramaastharaNaastiirNam = covered by an excellent bed; aavikaajinasamvR^itam = spread by sheep skin; samantaat = everywhere; upashobhitam = shone; damabhiH = by rows; varamaalyaanaam = of excellent garlands.

Covered by an excellent bed, spread by sheep skin everywhere and shone by rows of excellent garlands.

Verse Locator

tasmin jīmūta samkāśam pradīpta uttama kuṇḍalam |
lohita akṣam mahā bāhum mahā rajata vāsasam || 5-10-7

7. (Hanuma saw Ravana) tasmin = in that; jiimuutasamkaasham = equaling a cloud; pradiiptottamakuNDalam = wearing earrings with a brilliant shine; lohitaaksham = with read eyes; mahaabaahum = with long arms; mahaarajatavaasasam = wearing gold clothes.

Hanuma saw Ravana in that house, equaling a cloud, wearing earrings with a brilliant shine with red eyes and with long arms wearing gold clothes.

Verse Locator

lohitena anulipta angam candanena sugandhinā |
saṃdhyā raktam iva ākāśe toyadam sataḍid guṇam || 5-10-8

8. anuliptaaN^gam = with body smeared; lohitenachandanena = with red sandal wood; sugandhinaa = with good fragrance; sandhyaaraktam aakaashe toyadam iva = like a cloud in the red sky at sunset; sataTidgaNam = together with groups of lightening.

With his body smeared with red sandal-wood with good fragrance like a cloud in the red sky at sunset, together with groups of lightening.

Verse Locator

vṛtam ābharaṇair divyaiḥ surūpam kāma rūpiṇam |
savrkṣa vana gulma āḍhyam prasuptam iva mandaram || 5-10-9

9. vR^itam = filled; divyaiH aabharaNaiH = with excellent jewellery; surrupam = with a good appearance; kaamaruupiNam = with ability to assume desired form; mandaram iva = resembling mount Mandara; prasuptam = in sleep; savR^ikshavanagulmaaDhyam = together with groups of trees and bushes.

Ravana was filled with excellent jewellery, with a good appearance, with an ability to assume desired form, resembling mount Mandara in sleep, together with groups of trees and bushes.

Verse Locator

krīḍitvā uparatam rātrau vara ābharaṇa bhūṣitam |
priyam rākṣasa kanyānām rākṣasānām sukha āvaham || 5-10-10

10. uparatam = resting; kriiDitvaa = after having pleasure; raatrau = at night; varaabharaNabhuushhitam = bedecked with the best ornaments; priyam = lover; raakshasakanyaanaam = to the Rakshasa girls; sukhaavaham = causing comfort; raakasaanaam = to rakshasas.

Resting after having pleasure at night, bedecked with the best ornaments, he was a lover to the rakshasa girls and causing comfort to rakshasas.

Verse Locator

pītvā api uparatam ca api dadarśa sa mahā kapiḥ |
bhāskare śayane vīram prasuptam rākṣasa adhipam || 5-10-11

11. sa mahaakapiH = that great Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; viiram = the gallant; raakshasaadhipam = king of rakshasas; prasuptam = in the sleep; uparatam = resting; piitvaa = after drinking; bhaasvare shayane = on a shining couch.

That great Hanuma saw the gallant king of rakshasas in sleep on a shining couch resting after drinking.

Verse Locator

nihśvasantam yathā nāgam rāvaṇam vānara uttamaḥ |
āsādya parama udvignaḥ so apāsarpat subhītavat || 5-10-12

12. saH vaanararshhabhaH = that Hanuma; best among Vanaras; aasaadya = neared; raavaNam = Ravana; paromdvignaH = became very gloomy; apaasarpat = (and) moved away; subhiitavat = with great dread; niHshvasantam naagam yathaa = as though from a hissing serpent.

That Hanuma, best among Vanaras neared Ravana, became very gloomy and moved away with great dread, as though from a hissing serpent.

Verse Locator

atha ārohaṇam āsādya vedikā antaram āśritaḥ |
suptam rākṣasa śārdūlam prekṣate sma mahā kapiḥ || 5-10-13

13. atha = thereafter; mahaakapiH = the great Hanuma = aasaadya = neared; aarohaNam = staircase; aashritaH = sought; vedikaantaram = another dais; prekshate sma = (and) observed closely; raakshasa shaarduulam = Ravana.

Thereafter the great Hanuma neared staircase, sought another dais and observed closely Ravana.

Verse Locator

śuśubhe rākṣasa indrasya svapataḥ śayana uttamam |
gandha hastini samviṣṭe yathā prasravaṇam mahat || 5-10-14

14. shayanottamam = the excellent couch; svapataH raakshasendrasya = of the sleeping Ravana; shushubhe = shone; mahat prasravaNam yathaa = like a great lake; gandhahastini samvishhThe = when a scented elephant resides (in it).

The excellent couch of the sleeping Ravana shone like a great lake when a scented elephant resides in it.

Verse Locator

kāncana angada naddhau ca dadarśa sa mahātmanaḥ |
vikṣiptau rākṣasa indrasya bhujāv indra dhvaja upamau || 5-10-15

15. saH = that Hanuma; dadarsha cha = also saw; mahaatmana = the wealthy; raakshasendrasya = Ravana's; bhujaaH = arms; kaaJNchnaaN^gadanaddhau = tied with golden armlets; vikshiptau = thrown apart; indradhvajoptamau = resembling flag staffs(raised in honor ) of Indra.

That Hanuma also saw the wealthy Ravana's arms tied with golden armlets thrown apart, resembling flag staffs raised in honor of Indra.

Verse Locator

airāvata viṣāṇa agrair āpīḍita krta vraṇau |
vajra ullikhita pīna aṃsau viṣṇu cakra parikṣitau || 5-10-16

16. aapiiDanakR^itavraNau = (those arms had) wounds made by stabbing; airaavatavishhaaNaagraiH = from the pointed edges of tusks of Iraavata; vajrollikhitapiinaamsau = fleshy shoulders smeared with diamond; vishhNuchakraparikshatau = hit by Vishnu chakra;

Those arms had wounds made by stabbing from the pointed edges of tusks of Iraavata and fleshy shoulders smeared with diamond and hit by Vishnu chakra.

Verse Locator

pīnau samasujāta aṃsau samgatau bala samyutau |
sulakṣaṇa nakha anguṣṭhau svangulī tala lakṣitau || 5-10-17

17. piinau = (these arms of Ravana were) corpulent; samasujaataamsau = with well grown and equal shoulders; samgatau = proportionate to body; balasamyutau = with strength; sulakshaNanakhaaN^gushhThau = with knees and thumbs of good characteristic; svaN^guliitalalaskhsitau = with good fingers and palms.

These arms of Ravana were corpulent with well grown and equal strong shoulders proportionate to body, with knees and thumbs of good characteristics, with good fingers and palms.

Verse Locator

samhatau parigha ākārau vrttau kari kara upamau |
vikṣiptau śayane śubhre panca śīrṣāv iva uragau || 5-10-18

18. samhatau = with strong joints; parighaakaarau = with a shape of club; vR^ittau = round in shape; karikaropamau = resembling the trunks of an elephant; paJNchashiirshhaauvivoragau iva = like five headed snakes; vikshiptau = thrown; subhre shayane = on clean couch.

With strong joints in the shape of club, round in shape resembling the trunks of an elephant, like five headed snakes thrown on clean couch.

Verse Locator

śaśa kṣataja kalpena suśītena sugandhinā |
candanena para ardhyena svanuliptau svalamkrtau || 5-10-19
uttama strī vimrditau gandha uttama niṣevitau |
yakṣa pannaga gandharva deva dānava rāviṇau || 5-10-20

19;20. bhujau = shoulders; su anuliptau = well smeared; paraarthyena chandanena = by best sandal; sugandhina = with good smell; sushiitena = and very cool; shashakshatajakalpena = resembling a hare's blood; svalankN^kR^itau = well decorated; uttamastriivimR^iditau = massaged by the best women; gandhottamanishhevitau = served by the best sandal; yakshapannaga gandharva deva daanava raaviNau = (which made) yakshas; nagas; gandharvas; devas and daanavaas scream.

Shoulders well smeared by best sandal with good smell and very cool resembling in color to a hare's blood, well decorated, massaged by the best women, served by the best sandal and which made yakshas, nagas, gandharvas, devas and daanavaas scream.

Verse Locator

dadarśa sa kapiḥ tasya bāhū śayana saṃsthitau |
mandarasya antare suptau mahā arhī ruṣitāv iva || 5-10-21

21. saH kapiH = That Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; tatra = there; baahu = arms; shanasamsthitau = on the couch; mahaahii iva = like great serpents; rushhitau = in anger; suptau = sleeping; mandarasya antare = in the middle of mount Mandara.

That Hanuma saw there arms on the couch like great serpents in anger sleeping in the middle of mount Mandara.

Verse Locator

tābhyām sa paripūrṇābhyām bhujābhyām rākṣasa adhipaḥ |
śuśubhe acala samkāśaḥ śrngābhyām iva mandaraḥ || 5-10-22

22. saH = That; raakshaseshvaraH = king of Rakshasas(Ravana); achalasamkaashaH = equaling a mountain; taabhyaam bhujaabhyaam = with those two shoulders; paripuurNaabhyaam = which were well built; shushubhe = and shone; mandaraH iva = like Mount Mandara; shR^iN^gaabhyaam = with twin peaks

That king of Rakshasas equaling a mountain with those shoulders, which were well built and shone like Mount Mandara with twin peaks.

Verse Locator

cūta pumnāga surabhir bakula uttama samyutaḥ |
mṛṣṭa anna rasa samyuktaḥ pāna gandha puraḥ saraḥ || 5-10-23
tasya rākṣasa simhasya niścakrāma mukhān mahān |
śayānasya vinihśvāsaḥ pūrayann iva tad grham || 5-10-24

23;24. maahaamukhaat = from the great face; raakshasasimhasya = of that king of Rakshasas; shayanasya = who was sleeping; nishchakraama = came out; vinisvaasaH = breath; chuutapunnaaga surabhiH = fragrant like the flowers of chuuta and punnaaga; vakuLottamasamyutaH = consisting of the best fragrance of Vakula flowers; mR^ishhTaannarasasamyuktaH = together with the flavor of best cooked rice; paanagandhapuraskR^itaH = with the smell of liquor; puurayanniva = as though filling; tat gR^iham = that house.

From the great face of that king of Rakshasas who was sleeping, came out breath with fragrance like that of flowers of chuuta and punnaaga, consisting of the best fragrance of Vakula flowers, together with the flavor of best cooked rice, with the smell of liquor as though filling that house.

Verse Locator

muktā maṇi vicitreṇa kāncanena virājatā |
mukuṭena apavrttena kuṇḍala ujjvalita ānanam || 5-10-25
rakta candana digdhena tathā hāreṇa śobhitā |
pīna āyata viśālena vakṣasā abhivirājitam || 5-10-26
pāṇḍureṇa apaviddhena kṣaumeṇa kṣataja īkṣaṇam |
mahā arheṇa susamvītam pītena uttama vāsasā || 5-10-27
māṣa rāśi pratīkāśam nihśvasantam bhujangavat |
gānge mahati toya ante prasutamiva kunjaram || 5-10-28
caturbhiḥ kāncanair dīpair dīpyamānaiḥ catur diśam |
prakāśī krta sarva angam megham vidyud gaṇair iva || 5-10-29
pāda mūla gatāḥ ca api dadarśa sumahātmanaḥ |
patnīḥ sa priya bhāryasya tasya rakṣaḥ pater grhe || 5-10-30

25;26;27;28;29;30. saH = that Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; tasya rakshaH pateH gR^ihe = in the house of that king of Rakshasa's; patniishcha = wives; paadamuulagataaH = at the feet; sumahaatmanaH = a gigantic one; priyabhaaryasya = with loving wives; viraajitam = shone; apavR^ittena makuTena = with crown tilted to the side; muktaamaNivichitreNa = having strange hue with pearls and diamonds; kaaJNchanaan = and of golden colour; kuNDalojjvalitaananam = with a face made brilliant made by earrings; abhiviraajitam = shone; vakshasaa = with the chest region; raktachandanadigdhena = smeared with red sandal; shobhinaahaareNa = shining with a necklace; piinaayatavishaalena = wide high and corpulent; kshaumeNa = with a silk cloth; paaNDareNa = of white colour; apaviddhena = falling on him; kshatajekshanam = with eyes reddish like blood; susamviitam = well tied; uttamavasasaa = by a best cloth; piitena = of yellow colour; mahaarheNa = and of very best quality; maashharaashipratiikaasham = resembling a heap of black beans; nishshvasantam = snoring; bhujaN^gavat = like a hiss of a snake; kuJNjaram iva = like an elephant; prasuptam = sleeping; toyaante = in the middle of water; mahati gaaN^ge = belonging to the great river Ganga; diipyamaanachaturdisham = with all the four directions shone; chaturbhiH diipaiH = by the four lamps; kaaJNchanaiH = of golden colour; megham iva = resembling a cloud; praakaasiikR^ita sarvaaN^gam = with all the parts being shone; vidhyugaNaiH = by groups of lighting.

That Hanuma saw in the house of that king of Rakshasa's, wives at the feet, Ravana being a gigantic one with loving wives, shone with crown tilted to the side, having strange hue with pearls and diamonds and of golden colour, with a face made brilliant by earrings, shone with the chest region smeared with red sandal, shining with a necklace wide, high and corpulent with a silk cloth of white colour falling on him, with eyes reddish like blood, well tied by a best cloth of yellow colour and of very best quality, resembling a heap of black beans, snoring like a hiss of a snake, like an elephant sleeping in the middle of water belonging to the great river Ganga with all the four directions shone by the four lamps of golden colour, resembling a cloud with all the parts being shone by groups of lighting.

Verse Locator

śaśi prakāśa vadanā vara kuṇḍala bhūṣitāḥ |
ambāla mālya ābharaṇā dadarśa hari yūthapaḥ || 5-10-31

31. hariyuudhapaH = the leader of Vanaras; dadarsha = saw; shashiprakaashavadanaaH = (those wives of Ravana) with faces with radiance of moon; chaarukuNDalabhuushhitaaH = adorned with beautiful earrings; amlaanamaalyabharaNaaH = wearing jewellery and flower garlands which were not worn out.

The leader of Vanaras saw those wives of Ravana with faces with radiance of moon, adorned with beautiful earrings, wearing jewellery and flower garlands which were not worn out.

Verse Locator

nṛtta vāditra kuśalā rākṣasa indra bhuja ankagāḥ |
vara ābharaṇa dhāriṇyo niṣannā dadrśe kapiḥ || 5-10-32

32. hariH = Hanuma; dadR^ishe = saw; nR^ittavaaditrakushalaaH = (wives of Ravana) with skill in dance and musical instruments; raakshasendrabhujaaN^kagaaH = obtained the shoulders of Ravana; varaabharaNadhaariNyoH = wearing the best jewellery; nishhaNNaaH = being in sleep.

Hanuma saw wives of Ravana with skill in dance and musical instruments, who obtained the shoulders of Ravana wearing the best jewellery and being in sleep.

Verse Locator

vajra vaidūrya garbhāṇi śravaṇa anteṣu yoṣitām |
dadarśa tāpanīyāni kuṇḍalāni angadāni ca || 5-10-33

33. dadarsha = (he) saw; kuNDalaani = earrings; yoshhitaam = of those women; shravaNaanteshhu = at the end of ears; vjravaiDuuryagarbhaaNi = with embedded diamonds and cats eye gems; taapaniiyaani = and having golden colour.

He saw earrings of those women at the end of ears with embedded diamonds and cats eye gems and having golden colour.

Verse Locator

tāsām candra upamair vaktraiḥ śubhair lalita kuṇḍalaiḥ |
virarāja vimānam tan nabhaḥ tārā gaṇair iva || 5-10-34

34. vaktraiH = with the faces; taasaam = of those women; lalitakuNDalaiH = with delicate earrings; chandropamaiH = which were equal to moon; shubhaiH = (and)auspicious; tat vimaanam = that house; viraraaja = shone; nabhaH iva = like the sky; taaraagaNaiH = with clusters of stars.

With the faces of those women with delicate earrings which were equal to moon and auspicious that house shone like the sky with clusters of stars.

Verse Locator

mada vyāyāma khinnāḥ tāḥ rākṣasa indrasya yoṣitaḥ |
teṣu teṣv avakāśeṣu prasuptāḥ tanu madhyamāḥ || 5-10-35

35. yoshhitaH = women; taaH raakshasendrasya = of that Ravana; madavyaayaamakinnaaH = being tired from lustful passion and exertion; tanumadhyamaaH = and having lean waists; prasuptaaH = slept; teshhu teshhu avakaasheshhu = at opportunity.

Women of that Ravana being tired from lustful passion and exertion and having lean waists slept at first opportunity.

Verse Locator

aṅgahāraistathaivānyā kovalairnṛttaśālinī |
vinyastaśubhasarvāṅgī prasuptā varavarṇinī || 5-10-36

36. anyaa = another; nR^ittashaalinii varavarNinii = woman with skill in dancing; komalaiH aN^gahaaraiH = consisting of delicate body postures; prasuptaa = slept; tathaiva = in the same way; vinyastashubhasarvaaN^gi = with all her body parts making the same dance postures.

Another woman with skill in dancing consisting of delicate body postures slept in the same way with all her body parts making the same dance postures.

Verse Locator

kācid vīṇām pariṣvajya prasuptā samprakāśate |
mahā nadī prakīrṇā iva nalinī potam āśritā || 5-10-37

37. kaachit = one women; parishhvajya = hugging; veeNaam = veena; prasuptaa = and sleeping; samprakaashate = was shining; naliniiva = like a lotus plant; mahaanadiiprakiirNa = thrown away by( the flow of) a great river; aashritaa = and resorting; potam = a boat.

One woman hugging veena and sleeping was shining like a lotus plant thrown away by the flow of a great river and resorting a boat.

Verse Locator

anyā kakṣa gatena eva maḍḍukena asita īkṣaṇā |
prasuptā bhāminī bhāti bāla putrā iva vatsalā || 5-10-38

38. anyaa = another woman; asitekshaNaa = with black eyes; prasuptaa = sleeping; maDukena = with an instrument called madduka; kakshagatenaiva = under arm pit; bhaati = shone; bhaaminiiva = like a woman; vatshalaa baalaputraa = (carrying) an infant boy with love.

Another woman with black eyes sleeping with an instrument called madduka under arm pit shone like a woman carrying an infant boy with love.

Verse Locator

paṭaham cāru sarva angī pīḍya śete śubha stanī |
cirasya ramaṇam labdhvā pariṣvajya iva kāminī || 5-10-39

39. bhaamini = a women; chaarusarvaaN^gii = with beautiful body features; subhastanii = with beautiful breasts; shete = slept; piiDya = tightly hugged; paTaham = instrument called pataha; parishhvajyeva = as though hugging; ramaNam = a lover; labdhvaa = getting him; chirasya = after a long time.

A woman with beautiful body features and with beautiful breasts slept tightly and hugged instrument called pataha as though hugging a lover, getting him after a long time.

Verse Locator

kācid aṃśam pariṣvajya suptā kamala locanā |
rahaḥ priyatamam gṛhya sakāmeva ca kāminī || 5-10-40

40. kaachit = another woman; kamalalochanaa = with lotus like eyes; parishhvajya = hugging; vasam = a flute; suptaa = slept; sakaamaa kaaminiiva = like a woman with lust; gR^ihya = holding; priyatamam = (her) lover; rahaH = in secret.

Another woman with lotus like eyes hugging a flute slept like a woman with lust holding her lover in secret.

Verse Locator

vipañcaiim parigṛhyānyā niyatā nṛttaśālinī |
nidrā vaśam anuprāptā saha kāntā iva bhāminī || 5-10-41

41. anyaa = another woman; nR^ittashaalinii = skilled in dance; anupraaptaa = obtained; nidraavasham = sleep; parigR^ihyaa = getting vipanJNchiim = an instrument like veena; niyataa = (and being) in tune with it; bhaaminii = like a woman; saha kaanta = together with her lover.

Another woman skilled in dance obtained sleep getting an instrument like veena and being in tune with it like a woman together with her lover.

Verse Locator

anyā kanaka samkāśair mrdu pīnair mano ramaiḥ |
mṛdangam paripīḍya angaiḥ prasuptā matta locanā || 5-10-42

42. anyaa = another woman; mattalochana = with lusty eyes; prasuptaa = slept; paripiiDyaa = hugging; mR^idaN^ga = a percussion instrument called mridanga; anN^gaiH = with her body parts; manoharaiH = which were pleasant; kanakasamkaashaiH = which resembled gold; mR^idupiinaiH = and which were smooth and fleshy.

Another woman with lusty eyes slept hugging a percussion instrument called mridanga with her body parts which were pleasant which resembled gold and which were smooth and fleshy.

Verse Locator

bhuja pārśva antarasthena kakṣagena krśa udarī |
paṇavena saha anindyā suptā mada krta śramā || 5-10-43

43. kR^ishodarii = another woman with thin stomach; anindyaa = who was not to be blamed; suptaa = slept; madakR^itasramaa = due to tiresomeness from lust; padameshaH = together with an instrument called Padama; bhujapaashaantarasthena = between her shoulders; kakshagena = and reaching arm pits.

Another woman with thin stomach, who was not to be blamed, slept due to tiresomeness from lust together with an instrument called Padama between her shoulders and reaching arm pits.

Verse Locator

ḍiṇḍimam parigrhya anyā tathaiva āsakta ḍiṇḍimā |
prasuptā taruṇam vatsam upagūhya iva bhāminī || 5-10-44

44. anyaa = another woman; aasaktaDiNDimaa = with an instrument called Dindima near her; parigR^ihya = got; DinDimam = that Dindima; prasuptaa = slept; tathaiva = and in the same way; bhaaminii iva = as a woman; taruNamupaguhya = hugging her husband; vastham = and also her child;

Another woman with an instrument called Dindima near her slept in the same way as a woman hugging her husband and also her child.

Verse Locator

kācid āḍambaram nārī bhuja sambhoga pīḍitam |
kṛtvā kamala patra akṣī prasuptā mada mohitā || 5-10-45

45. kaachitnaarii = another woman; kamalapatraakshi = with eyes like lotus petals; prasuptaa = slept; kR^itvaa = making; aaDambaram = the instrument called aadambara; bhujasamyogapiiDitam = pressing it by her shoulders; madamoohitaa = being desired by lust;

Another woman with eyes like lotus petals slept making the instrument called adambara pressing it by her shoulders being desired by lust.

Verse Locator

kalaśīm apaviddhya anyā prasuptā bhāti bhāminī |
vasante puṣpa śabalā mālā iva parimārjitā || 5-10-46

46. anyaa bhaaminii = another women; prasuptaa = sleeping; apavidhya = felling down; kalasiim = a small pot; bhaati = shone; maaleva = like a flower garland; pushhpashabalaa = with the flowers of strange hue; vasante parimaarjitaa = made auspicious in spring.

Another woman sleeping, felling down a small pot, shone like a flower garland with the flowers of strange hue made auspicious in spring.

Verse Locator

pāṇibhyām ca kucau kācit suvarṇa kalaśa upamau |
upagūhya abalā suptā nidrā bala parājitā || 5-10-47

47. kaachit ablaa = another woman; suptaa = slept; upaguhyaa = hugging; kuchau = her breasts; suvarNkalashopamau = resembling golden pots; paaNibhyaam = by her hands; nidraabalaparaajitaa = overcome with sleep.

Another woman slept hugging her breasts resembling golden pots by her hands, overcome with sleep.

Verse Locator

anyā kamala patra akṣī pūrṇa indu sadrśa ānanā |
anyām ālingya suśroṇī prasuptā mada vihvalā || 5-10-48

48. anyaa = another woman; kamalapatraakshi = with eyes like lotus petals; puurNedu sadR^ishaanana = with her face resembling full moon; madavihvalaa = overcome with lust; prasuptaa = slept; aaliN^gyaa = hugging; anyaam = another woman; shushroNiim = with a beautiful hip region.

Another woman with eyes like lotus petals, with her face resembling full moon, overcome with lust slept hugging another woman with a beautiful hip region.

Verse Locator

ātodyāni vicitrāṇi pariṣvajya vara striyaḥ |
nipīḍya ca kucaiḥ suptāḥ kāminyaḥ kāmukān iva || 5-10-49

49. varastriyaH = some excellent woman; suptaaH = slept; parishvajya = hugging; vichitraaNi aatodhyaani = strange instruments; kuchaih nipiiDhya = and pressing them with breasts; kaaminyaH kaamukaaniva = as though lustful woman with lusty men;

Some excellent women slept hugging strange instruments and pressing them with breasts as though lustful woman with lusty men.

Verse Locator

tāsām eka anta vinyaste śayānām śayane śubhe |
dadarśa rūpa sampannām aparām sa kapiḥ striyam || 5-10-50

50. saH kapiH = that Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; taasaam = among those women; ruupasampannaam striyam = a very beautiful woman; syaanaam = sleeping; shubhe shayane = on an auspicious couch; ekaanta vinyaste = arranged alone at a side.

That Hanuma saw among those women a very beautiful woman sleeping on an auspicious couch arranged alone at a side.

Verse Locator

muktā maṇi samāyuktair bhūṣaṇaiḥ suvibhūṣitām |
vibhūṣayantīm iva ca sva śriyā bhavana uttamam || 5-10-51
gaurīm kanaka varṇa ābhām iṣṭām antaḥ pura īśvarīm |
kapir manda udarīm tatra śayānām cāru rūpiṇīm || 5-10-52

51;52. kapiH = Hanuma; mandodariim = (saw) Mandodari; charuruupiNiim = with a beautiful form; muktaamaNisamaamuktaiH = together with diamonds and pearls; suvibhuushhitaam well decorated; bhuushhaNaiH = by jewellery; svashriya = and with her self radiance; vibhuushhayantiimiva = as though decorating bhavanottamam = that great building; gauriim = with a fair complexion; kanakavarNaabhaam = and with a radiance like golden colour; ishhTaam = who was dear to her husband; antaHpureshvariim = the lady of the women in that gynaeceum; shayaanaam = sleeping; tatra = there.

Hanuma saw Mandodari with a beautiful form together with diamonds and pearls, well decorated by jewellery and with her self radiance as though decorating that great building with a fair complexion and with a radiance like golden colour, who was dear to her husband the lady of women in that gynaeceum sleeping there.

Verse Locator

sa tām dṛṣṭvā mahā bāhur bhūṣitām māruta ātmajaḥ |
tarkayām āsa sītā iti rūpa yauvana sampadā || 5-10-53
harṣeṇa mahatā yukto nananda hari yūthapaḥ |

53. saH maarutaatmajaH = that Hanuma; mahaabaahuH = with great arms; taamdR^ishhTvaa = seeing that woman; bhuushhitaam = well decorated; tarkayaamaasa = in logic though; siiteti = this is Seetha; ruupayauvana sampadaa = by the wealth of her appearance and her youth; hariyudhapaH = that warrior of vanaras; nananda = was delighted; mahataa harshhenayuktaH = together with great pleasure.

That Hanuma with great arms seeing the woman well decorated, out of logic thought thus: "This is Seetha by the wealth of her appearance and her youth". That warrior of Vanaras was delighted together with great pleasure.

Verse Locator

āśpoṭayām āsa cucumba puccam |
nananda cikrīḍa jagau jagāma|
stambhān arohan nipapāta bhūmau |
nidarśayan svām prakrtim kapīnām || 5-10-54

54. aasphoTayaamaasa = clasped his arms; chuchumbha puchchham = kissed his tail; nananda = he was delighted; chikriiDa = he was playful; jagau = sang; jagaama = paced; nidarshayan = showing; svaam = his; kappiinaam prakR^itim = simian nature; aarohat = climbed; stambaat = pillars; nipapaata bhuumau = and fell down on land.

He clasped his arms, kissed his tail he was delighted, he was playful, sang, paced showing his simian nature, climbed pillars and fell down on land.

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iti vālmīki rāmayane ādi kāvye sundara kāṇḍe daśamaḥ sargaḥ

- - - Verse Locator for Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty : Chapter 10

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