Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty

Chapter [Sarga] 63
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Dadhimukha comes to Sugreeva and reports that Madhuvana, the grove abounding in honey, has been damaged by monkeys headed by Angada and Hanuma. When Lakshmana in the vicinity enquires Sugreeva about the matter, Sugreeva says that by hearing about the jubilation of the monkeys, it can be concluded that Seetha has been traced out. Assuaging Dadhimukha, Sugreeva asks him to send without delay, Hanuma, Angada and others to him, so as to hear about their efforts in tracing out Seetha.

Verse Locator

tato muurdhnaa nipatitam vaanaram vaanara R^iShabhaH |
dR^iShTvaa eva udvigna hR^idayo vaakyam etat uvaaca ha || 5-63-1

1. dR^iShTvaiva = just after seeing; vaanaram = Dadhimukha; nipatitam = who fell; muurdhnaa = touching the head (on his feet); vaanaram R^iShabhaH = Sugreeva the chef of monkeys; tataH = there; uvaacha ha = spoke; etat = these; vaakyam = words; udvigna hR^idayaH = with an agitated mind.

Just on seeing Dadhimukha, who fell touching his feet with his head, Sugreeva the chief of monkeys, with an agitated mind, spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

uttiShTha uttiShTha kasmaat tvam paadayoH patito mama |
abhayam te bhavet viira satyam eva abhidhiiyataam || 5-63-2

2. viira = O valiant monkeys!; uttiShTha uttiShTha = stand up; rise!; kasmaat = for what reason; tvam = have you; patitaH = fallen; mama paadayoH = on my feet?; te abhayam bhavet = I grant you immunity from fear; sarvameva abhidhiiyataam = Let the entire truth be spoken!.

"O valiant monkey! Stand up, rise! Why have you fallen on my feet? I grant you immunity from fear. Let the entire truth be spoken!"

Verse Locator

sa tu vishvaasitaH tena sugriiveNa mahaatmanaa |
utthaaya ca mahaapraaj~no vaakyam dadhi mukho abraviit || 5-63-3

3. vishvaasitaH = thus inspired with confidence; mahaatmanaa tena sugreevaNa = by that high-souled Sugreeva; saH sumahaa praaJNaH dadhimukhaH = that vastly intelligent Dadhimukha; utthaaya = rising up; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (the following) words:

Thus inspired by the high-souled Sugreeva with confidence, that highly intelligent Dadhimukha, rising up, spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

na eva R^ikSha rajasaa raajan na tvayaa na api vaalinaa |
vanam nisR^iShTa puurvam hi bhakShitam tat tu vaanaraiH || 5-63-4

4. raajaa = O king!; vanam = Madhuvana; naiva nispR^iSTa puurvam hi = was not indeed set free previously at any time; R^ikSha raajasaa = by Riksharajas; your father; na = nor; tvayaa = by you; na = nor vaalina api = by Vali eve; tachcha = It; bhakShitam = has been consumed; vaanaraiH = by the monkeys.

"O king! Madhuvana was indeed not set free previously at any time by Riksharajas, your father, or by you, or by even Vali. That Madhuvana has been consumed away by the monkeys."

Verse Locator

ebhiH pradharShitaaH ca eva vaaritaa vana rakShibhiH |
madhuuni acintayitvaa imaan bhakShayanti pibanti ca || 5-63-5

5. vaanaraaH = the monkeys; pradharShitaaH cha eva = when frightened; ebhiH vana rakShibhiH = by these guards of the grove; achintayitvaa = disregarding; imaan = then; bhakShayanti = (they) continue to eat (the fruits); pibanti cha = and drink; madhuuni = the honey.

"When these guards of the grove obstructed the monkeys, they disregarded the guards and continue to eat the fruits and drink the honey too."

Verse Locator

shiShTam atra apavidhyanti bhakShayanti tathaa apare |
nivaaryamaaNaaH te sarve bhruvau vai darshayanti hi || 5-63-6

6. apavidhyanti = some are throwing away; shiShTam = the remnant (after drinking) of the honey; atra = there; tathaa = and; apare = some others; bhakShayanti = are consuming (that remnant); nivaaryamaaNaaH = (when) prevented (by us); te sarve = all of them; darshayanti hi = are indeed showing; bhruvaH = their eye-brows.

"Some are throwing away a remnant of honey, after drinking it there and some others are consuming that remnant. When prevented by us, all of them are indeed exhibiting their eye-brows to us (in anger)."

Verse Locator

ime hi samrabdhataraaH tathaa taiH sampradharShitaaH |
vaarayanto vanaat tasmaat kruddhaiH vaanara pumgavaiH || 5-63-7

7. ime = (when) these guards of the grove; samrabdhataraaH = are more angry; tathaa = and; vaarayantaH = keeping them off; tasmaat vaanaat = from that grove; sampradharShitaaH = they were threatened; taiH kruddhaiH vaanarapuN^gavaiH = by those enraged monkeys.

"When these guards of the grove became angry and tried to keep them off from the grove, those enraged monkeys threatened them."

Verse Locator

tataH taiH bahubhiH viiraiH vaanaraiH vaanara R^iShabhaaH |
samrakta nayanaiH krodhaadt harayaH sampracaalitaaH || 5-63-8

8. vaanara R^iShabhaaH = O chief of monkeys!; taiH viiraiH bahubhiH vaanaraiH = eyes; by those valiant monkeys in large numbers; samrakta nayanaiH = having red-eyes; harayaH = these monkeys; tataH = then; pravichaalitaaH = were driven away; krodhaat = with anger.

"O chief of monkeys! Then, those valiant monkeys in large numbers, having their red eyes in anger, drove away these monkeys."

Verse Locator

paaNibhiH nihataaH kecit kecij jaanubhiH aahataaH |
prakR^iShTaaH ca yathaa kaamam deva maargam ca darshitaaH || 5-63-9

9. kechit = some; nihataaH = were struck down; paaNibhiH = with their hands; kechit = some; aahataaH = were beaten; jaanubhiH = with their knees; prakR^iShTaaH = being dragged; yathaa kaamam = as liked by them; darshitaaH cha = they were tossed into; deva maargam = air.

"Those monkeys struck some of the guards with their hands. They beat some of them with their knees. They dragged some of them and tossed them into air."

Verse Locator

evam ete hataaH shuuraaH tvayi tiShThati bhartari |
kR^itsnam madhu vanam caiva prakaamam taiH prabhakShyate || 5-63-10

10. tvayi tiShThati bhartari = while you are in the position of a king; ete = these; shuuraaH = valiant guards; hataaH = were beaten; taiH = by those monkeys; kR^itsnam = the entire; madhu vanam chaiva = Madhuvana too; prakaamam prabhakSyate = is being eaten completely.

"While you are in the position of a king, those monkeys have beaten these valiant guards and are eating away the entire Maduvana too."

Verse Locator

evam vij~naapyamaanam tu sugriivam vaanara R^iShabham |
apR^icchhat tam mahaapraaj~no lakShmaNaH para viirahaa || 5-63-11

11. tam sugriivam = to that Sugreeva; vaanara R^Shabham = the excellent of monkeys; vijJNaapyamaanam = who was being reported; evam = thus; (by Dadhimukha); lakShmaNaH = Lakshmana; para viirahaa = the killer of hostile heroes; mahaapraajJNaH = and a very wise man; apR^ichchhat = asked (as follows):

Lakshmana, the killer of hostile heroes and a very wise man, asked that Sugreeva, the excellent of monkeys (as follows) while Dadhimukha was thus reporting to him:

Verse Locator

kim ayam vaanaro raajan vanapaH pratyupasthitaH |
kam ca artham abhinirdishya duhkhito vaakyam abraviit || 5-63-12

12. raajam = O king!; kim = why; ayam vaanaraH = has this monkey; vanapaH = the garden-protector; pratyupasthitaH = come (here)?; abhinirdishya = pointing out; kam = what; artham = matter; duHkhitaH = has this monkey in grief; abraviit = spoken; vaakyam = some words (to you)?

"O king! Why has this monkey the garden-protector, come here?' Pointing out what matter has this monkey in grief, spoken these words to you?"

Verse Locator

evam uktaH tu sugriivo lakShmaNena mahaatmanaa |
lakShmaNam pratyuvaaca idam vaakyam vaakya vishaaradaH || 5-63-13

13. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; mahaatmanaa lakShmaNena = by the high souled Lakshmana; sugriivaH vaakyam vishaaradaH = the eloquent Sugreeva; pratyuvaacha = replied; laKShmaNam = to Lakshmana; idam = these; vaakyam = words.

Hearing the words of the high-souled Lakshmana, the eloquent Sugreeva replied to him as follows:

Verse Locator

aarya lakShmaNa sampraaha viiro dadhi mukhaH kapiH |
angada pramukhaiH viiraiH bhakShitam madhu vaanaraiH || 5-63-14
vichitya dakShiNaamaashaamaagatairharipuN^gavaiH |

14. aarya lakShmaNa = O esteemed Lakshmana!; dadhi mukhaH = Dadhimukha; viiraH = the valiant; kapiH = monkey; sampraaha = is informing; hari puN^gavaiH = that by the foremost of monkeys; aagataiH = who returned; vichitya = having searched (for Seetha); dakShiNaam aashaam = from southern direction; aN^gada pramukhaiH viiraiH = accompanied by Angada and other heroes; madhu = honey; bhakSitam = was consumed.

"O esteemed Lakshmana! Dadhimukha, the valiant monkey is informing that the foremost of monkeys, who returned from the southern direction, after searching for Seetha as also Angada and other heroes consumed honey."

Verse Locator

na eShaam akR^ita kR^ityaanaam iidR^ishaH syaat upakramaH || 5-63-15
aagataishcha pramathitam yathaa madhuvanam hi taiH |
dharShitaM cha vanam kR^itsnamupayuktam cha vaanaraiH || 5-63-16

15; 16. yathaa = in which manner; taiH aagataiH = by those returned; vaanaraiH = monkeys; kR^itsnam vanam = the entire grove; pramathitam = was destroyed; dharShitam = overpowered; upayuktam = and used; (tathaa = seeing that manner); eShaam = these monkeys; na syaat = would not have indulged; iidR^ishaH upakramaH = in such an exploit; akR^ita kR^ityaanaam = had they not accomplished my purpose.

"By seeing the manner in which these returned monkeys overpowered, destroyed and behaved towards Madhuvana, we can deduce that the monkeys would not have indulged in such an exploit, had they not accomplished my purpose."

Verse Locator

vanam yathaa abhipannam taiH saadhitam karma vaanaraiH |
dR^iShTaa devii na sa.ndeho na ca anyena hanuumataa || 5-63-17

17. yadaa = when; te = those monkeys; abhipannaaH = have overpowered; anam = Madhuvana; (then); karma = the task; saadhitam = has been accomplished; vaanaraiH = by the monkeys; devii = Seetha; dR^iShTaa = was found; na sandehaH = there is no doubt; na = none; anyena = other; hanumataa = than Hanuma.

"When those monkeys have overpowered Madhuvana, then it means that our task has been accomplished by the monkeys. Seetha was found. There is no doubt. None other than Hanuma must have seen Seetha."

Verse Locator

na hi anyaH saadhane hetuH karmaNo asya hanuumataH |
kaarya siddhiH hanumati matiH ca hari pumgava || 5-63-18
vyavasaayaH ca viiryam ca shrutam ca api pratiShThitam |

18. na hi anyaH = there is indeed none other; hanuumataH = than Hanuma; hetuH = who is the executor; in accomplishing; asya karmaNaH = this work; tasmin vaanarapuN^gave = In that Hanuma; the foremost among the monkeys; kaarya siddhiH = accomplishment of any object; matiH cha iva = intelligence; vyavasaayaaH cha = strenuous effort; viiryam cha = vigour; shrutam cha api = and learning; pratiShThitam = are well established in his life.

"There is none other than, Hanuma who is the executor in accomplishing this work. In that Hanuma, the foremost among the monkeys, capacity to accomplish any object; intelligence; strenuous, vigour effort; and learning are well established in his life."

Verse Locator

jaambavaan yatra netaa syaat angadasya bala iishvaraH |
hanuumaan ca api adhiShThaataa na tasya gatiH anyathaa || 5-63-19

19. yatra = where; jaambavaan = Jambavan; netaa syaat = is a leader; mahaabalaH = the mighty; aN^gadashcha = Angada also (is a leader); hanumaamshcha = and Hanuma; adhiShThaataa = is an administrator; gatiH = the progress; tasya = of that work; na anyathaa = cannot be otherwise.

"Where Jambavan as well as Angada are leaders and Hanuma is an administrator, the progress of that work cannot be as otherwise."

Verse Locator

angada pramukhaiH viiraiH hatam madhu vanam kila || 5-63-20
vaaritaaH sahitaaH paalaaH tathaa jaanubhiH aahataaH |

20. madhuvanam hatam kila = It is so reported that Madhuvana has been destroyed; viiraiH = by the heroes; aN^gada pramukhaiH = with Angada as the chief; vaarayantaH cha = the garden guards who wee preventing it; sahitaaH = together; tadaa = then; aahataaH = were beaten up; jaanubhiH = with knees.

"It is so reported that Madhuvana has been destroyed by the heroes with Angada as the chief and the garden-guards who were together preventing the damage, were beaten up with knees."

Verse Locator

etat artham ayam praapto vaktum madhura vaag iha || 5-63-21
naamnaa dadhi mukho naama hariH prakhyaata vikramaH |

21. vaktum = to tell; etat artham = this matter; madhura vaak = in sweet words; hariH = the monkeys; dadhimukho naama naamnaa = renowned by Dadhimukha by name; prakhyaata vikramaH = with a celebrated prowess; praaptaH = has come; iha = here.

"To tell this matter in sweet words, the monkey renowned by Dadhimukha by name, with his celebrated prowess, has come here."

Verse Locator

dR^iShTaa siitaa mahaabaaho saumitre pashya tattvataH || 5-63-22
abhigamya yathaa sarve pibanti madhu vaanaraaH |

22. mahaabaaho = O the long-armed; saumitre = Lakshmana!; siitaa = Seetha; dR^iShTaa = was found; pashya = perceive; tattvataH = the truth; pashya = see (it); tathaa = and; sarve = all; vaanaraaH = the monkeys; abhigamya = meeting together; pibanti = are drinking; madhu = honey.

"O the long-armed Lakshmana! Perceive the truth that Seetha has been seen and see that all monkeys, getting together, are drinking honey."

Verse Locator

na ca api adR^iShTvaa vaidehiim vishrutaaH puruSha R^iShabha || 5-63-23
vanam daatta varam divyam dharShayeyuH vana okasaH |

23. puruSha R^iShabha = O Lakshmana; the foremost among men!; vishrutaaH = (if) the renowned; vana okasaH = monkeys; adR^iShTvaa = have not seen; vaidehiim = Seetha; na dharShayeyuH = (they) would not have abused; vanam = the grove; datta varam = which was granted as a boon; divyam = and is charming.

"O Lakshmana, the foremost among men! If the renowned monkeys have not seen Seetha, they would not have abused the charming grove; which was granted as a boon."

Verse Locator

tataH prahR^iShTo dharma aatmaa lakShmaNaH saha raaghavaH || 5-63-24
shrutvaa karNa sukhaam vaaNiim sugriiva vadanaac cyutaam |
praahR^iShyata bhR^isham raamo lakShmaNaH ca mahaayashaaH || 5-63-25

24; 25. tataH = then; dharma aatmaa = the righteous; lakShmaNaH = Lakshmana; saha raaghavaH = together with Rama; prahR^iShTaH = felt delighted; shrutvaa = hearing; vaaNiim = the words; chyutaam = coming; sugriiva vadanaat = from the mouth of Sugreeva; karNa sukhaam = pleasant for the ears; raamaH = Rama; praahR^iShyata = was rejoiced; mahaabalaH = the mighty lakSmaNashcha = Lakshmana too; bhR^isham = was very much; praahR^iShyate = rejoiced.

Then, the righteous Lakshmana, together with Rama, felt delighted. Hearing the words coming from the mouth of Sugreeva, which were pleasant for the ears, Rama was rejoiced. The mighty Lakshmana too was very much rejoiced.

Verse Locator

shrutvaa dadhi mukhasya idam sugriivaH tu prahR^iShya ca |
vana paalam punaH vaakyam sugriivaH pratyabhaaShata || 5-63-26

26. shrutvaa = hearing; idam = these words; dadhimukhasya = of Dadhimukha; sugriivaH = Sugreeva with a charming neck; samprahR^iShya = was very much pleased; punaH = and further; pratyabhaaShataH = spoke; vaakyam = the following words; vana paalam = to the guardian of the grove.

Hearing those words of Dadhimukha, Sugreeva with a charming neck, was very much pleased and further spoke to Dadhimukha, the guardian of the grove (as follows):

Verse Locator

priito asmi saumya yat bhuktam vanam taiH kR^ita karmabhiH |
marShitam marShaNiiyam ca ceShTitam kR^ita karmaNaam || 5-63-27

27. saH aham = I; priitaH asmi = am pleased; yat = that; vanam = Madhuvana; bhuktam = has been enjoyed; taiH = by those monkeys; kR^ita karmabhiH = who have accomplished their act; cheShTitam = the act (damage to the grove); kR^ita karmaNaam = done by those monkeys who have accomplished their purpose; marShaNiiyam = is fit to be forgiven; marShitam = and it is pardoned.

"I am happy that Madhuvana has been enjoyed by those monkeys, who have accomplished their act. Since the act (damage to the grove) done by those monkeys, who have accomplished their purpose is fit to be forgiven, I pardon them.

Verse Locator

icchhaami shiighram hanumat pradhaanaan |
shaakhaa mR^igaan taan mR^iga raaja darpaan |
draShTum kR^ita arthaan saha raaghavaabhyaam |
shrotum ca siitaa adhigame prayatnam || 5-63-28

28. raaghavaabhyaam saha = I; along with Rama and Lakshmana; shiighram = soon; ichchhami = desire; draShTum = to see; taan = those; shaakhaa mR^igaan = monkeys; hanumat pradhaanaan = with Hanuma as their chief; mR^iga raaja darpaan = having the pride of a lion; kR^ita arthaan = and who attained their object; shrotum cha = and to hear; prayatnam = about their effort; siitaa adhigame = in finding out Seetha.

"I, together with Rama and Lakshmana, soon desire to see those monkeys, with Hanuma as their chief, who having acquired the pride of a lion and who attained his purpose; and also to hear about their effort in finding out Seetha."

Verse Locator

priitisphiitaakShau samprahR^iShTau kumaarau |
dR^iShTvaa siddhaarthau vaanaraaNaam cha raajaa |
aN^gaiH samhR^iShTaiH karmasiddhim viditvaa |
baahvooraasannaam so.atimaatram nananda || 5-63-29

29. dR^iShTvaa = seeing; kumaarau = these princes; priitisphiitaakShau = with their delighted expansive eyes; samprahR^iShTau = who are thrilled with joy; siddhaarthau = and who accomplished their aim; saH = that; vaanaraaNaam raajaa = king of the monkeys; atimaatram nananda = was very much pleased; viditvaa = knowing; karmasiddhim = that accomplishment of their work; aasannaam = is coming close; baahvoH = to their hands; aN^gaiH = and with his limbs; samhR^iShTaiH = thrilled with joy.

Seeing Rama and Lakshmana with their eyes filled with ecstatic delight, the princes, who were thrilled with joy and who accomplished their aim, Sugreeva that king of the monkeys was very much delighted, knowing that accomplishment of their work is coming close to their hands and his limbs were thrilled with joy.

- - -

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye sundarakaaNDe triShaShTitamaH sargaH

Thus completes 63nd Chapter of Sundara Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

- - - Verse Locator for Book V : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty : Chapter 63

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© December, 2006, K. M. K. Murthy

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